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The Closing Ceremonies

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The editora closed their moeting last Thursday evening, being given a grand banquet in Armory hall, by the I,oenl Press Club and ei tizara. There were covers laid for 250 guests. The armtwy never looked handsoruer than it did that evening, and the ïour tables were net only handsome to look upon ■wlth their wealth of beautiful ilants, a.nd overflcKwing dishes of rich viands, I but very tempting indeed. The ea'ti'i-cr, Mr. Prettyman, deserves moré ■praise than can be given him for the tip-top maniK'r in which he served the baaiquet. There was nu rushing crasliing of dishes by thoee dóing tliu serving, but everything went off as calmly and smoothly as at a private house. Everything was nice, and overyone was well served. 1 1 was ;i success tliat ,Mi Prettyi tnay well ieel prouid of. The Jloiwers and plant.-; from ('ousins & Hall added mucli to the-pleasiu tiiv L' veiling'. President Angelí presided master, a post that hc aluays fillw to pcrfectiou on the very rare . sioais that he permite himsclf to fill it, Amcmg tbc responses it is difiicult to say AVlio carried oii the lionors. Tlu-y were all excellent. Regent Whitman responded "Our Gueets," in ii charming way, and it would lx; a fine tliinji Ann Arbor iï all the people oí the state coukl have been present and hoard IJon. l'ci-i-y '. T'ow■!.-■. (i,' raiüil.u-, iTs]nyuil to ■ 'vim Arbov - ilicliigan's Athens." J. J;. Simpsoai, of Bessemer, told of "Tlie Yelloiwsrtone Iïaid," relating inCidents oí the excursión oí the editorial party a year and i half ago. W. C. Sprague, of Detroit, kept the n.utlience thi-illed wtfch delight and bursting wlth laughter by his dry and dröll descriptions oí his .pyrotechnic career as a journalist and newspaper man. "Early Days" -vvere told about by by E. B. Poaid, who ï-elated some of Incidente of early journalistic enterlii-isi- tliat were quite pleasing'. 'The Peripatetic Editor" was fully explainod by H. IÍ. Pattengill, of Lansing, in a way tliat pleased the audince. ïhe merry party broke p at 'aTout 12 o'clock and tlie editors went to tht'ir homes to snatch a few hours oï sleep before starting on taeir jourey to the Mnmmoth ('ave. and further On doiTü south, at about 5 o'clock the next mornlng. The ïollowing geries of resolutions wepe passed by the M. P. A. prcvious to their final adjournment: Whereas, Tlie Michigan State Press Association has during the past three daya been the suest of the citizens of Ann Arbor, nnd has been most generoiisly and enjoyably entertained, it ia the wish of all its menibers to give Same expression to the gratitude and appreciatiooa wdüeh is abundantly deeerved. We are und#r especial obligations to our generous era because oí the íact that the time Oí our meeting in Ann Arlxw was fixed for a date that would not have been elected liad our hosts been eonsulted, because of the íact that it was a time when the almost unrivaled .beauty nif Ann Arbor is in eclipse by reason of the snowy eloak of winter and its wind and frosts. Notwithstandlng the fact, however, tliat we have been denied the pleasure of enjoyáis lts summer beauty, so cordial, and kind and warm has been the hospitality which greeted us, and which lias continucd wlth us during every lioui oí the enjoyalble days of aur sojourn here, that we lave boon pexmitted realize no' ailxsont pleaeure, not to iecl a. lack in any way woiiUl havo lcii addetl tO' the pleasure o! our twenty-ïourth animal meeting; tliorofoj-o le it Resolved, Tliíit to tho eitizene and busines men of Ann Arbor, and to the moniibors cá the univorsity t'acnlty, we ave iiHlt'Jjted majiy agreeable and pleasajit hours spent during our sossions in Ann Arbor. Resolved, That the closer introduction to the inside worklngs of the Krent institution, which is at once the pride and glory not only o( Michigan hut the wliole 'country, made tender the load of Ita beloved and i-evered president, Dr. Angelí, and Otüier members of the university ïaculty, which luis contributed eo nmch to tlui interest and enjoyment of the ocoaeion, te Blere recognized, 'and tliai ■we can do iiothing ilesa than urge upon tin' youlli of the state, throih respective pnblications, the I perior advantages to be gained at this great institutiom of learning, and that we also use mir efforts to edúcate oot i-eaders to a f ulier realization f the financia-I neede, which so scriously the great and growing poBBibilItles of Michigan University. , Kesottved, That to the Prosa Club of Ann we Uave been placed uiider the deepest obligations for the most perfect arrangement of every detail ïor omr i-ntertainmont and ure uring tlie three days of our stay in. their pleaaant and iiospitable city, ;nd that -spctially ivc are indcbted 1" Mise Emilia Bowier, and Messrs. J. B. Beai, S. W. Beakes, 8. A. Moran and I. (;. Suefcey, the chairmen ui the fieveral co-mmittees, the courtesies and kindnesses referred to. Resolved, That tlie cordial and Iirai-ty tliank.s of the Association be hereby expreased to Mr. and Mrs. .lunius E. J!cal tOiie splendld hospisxlity uid royal welcame cvtciulori +ho gflsociatiom in the delightful and elegant reception given at frheir beautifiU home. II ju.-i.v be neweito the M. p. a. tliaT in yeair 1858 the Michigan Eiliterlal Association held ;i meeting al Aun Arboa-. But Bucto i.s a fact. The fctire procceding-s of tliis meeting are in the hands oí E. B. Pond, of this city, avIiü Jm.s had them, together feith others, lionnd ffr preservation. At that meeting a big banquet was giv-n the (Mlitoi-s at the old Franklin ■. then the fincst hotel in this Barí rJ Michigan.


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