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OUDERS for the Champion Weather Strips maj bë leit or addressed to M. J. turaum, 28 N. State street. They kees om wind, sno, duet und rain. y' OST-on the 3Oth of Dec. 1801, on State st. or North Geddes road, ouc black silkbag eontalnlng$16-S16 in bilis und one silver follar- also oue letter addressed to Mrs. C. M. Johnson, Grand Raplds, Mlch. Please leave at thls office and eet roward. a -fTTANTED-Kive or six wooji-ohoppera W For partieulars Inqulre of the J. l Jacobs Co. Mr. Marshall I'case will resume hi3 classes taVoice Culture ou Mouday, Jatíuary 4th All partieulars may be had at his studio with the A. A. Organ Co. ANTED- Married man to do chores and general farm work. For particulars, adflress T. Blrkett, Birkctt, Mich. UY your wood at the Saw Mili and save money. cord and stov." wood oonstantly on hand. Cor. Hill and Paekard 8t. t. M. Hallock. 10 KUNT- For a term of years, the farm ki.oim aa the Arnold farm. :;■.. miles est of Auu Arbor. For partlculars addïess E.N. Green, 72 Winder st., Detroit, Míen. OK RENT- The property N6.58SO. Univere.7occapfed6y Dr. Fleming Carrow. The house as bith, gas. and every modern conveiiiemv. Rent, $270 pur month. Applj to Dr. Fleming Carrón'. ' AUCTIONEKU- C. Kingsley, ltve stock and J auctloneer. Patronage solicitea. made at thfs office or at my house, ,;s Onlverrity Ave. Beferences given li desired. ■ ML8S GEAOK HENDKK'KSON - -Pupil of PÏofs Luderer md Yum-k 01 Detroit, wilU'ivoiustructionson the violin. I'ar ticufers at realdence, 72 S. State St. m_ ATElt TANK FOB SALE.- Tank, 4 feet Wiare by 4 teel deep, made of 2 inch plne plank, lin.'d witii lu-avy galvanlzed Jron. tnqulre at tliis otBce TORENT.- An office suite over F. & M. Bank cor! Main anrt Hurón Bta. Apply atCouBij Office. FARM FOK S-VLE-The Bullock or V 'eren farm. S miles west oí Salem Statiojij ind 11 miles f rom Ann Arbor. eontalning 1" acres house and barnes, stock, and we" Sater t school aucl clmrch wlthln a place north of the Kuni. :■':: .ules irom Cali on or addross Andrew K. OibBOn, 33 Mayjmrd 8t..Ann Arbor.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier