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TORTURIN& ECZEMA Editor Iowa Plain Dealer Cured of Insuperable ííehing and Pain by the Cutieura Remedies No Less Than Pive Physieians Consulted. Their Combined Wisdom Followed Without Benefit I mu sixty years oíd. lu August, 1x89, was troubled with that peculiar skin desease to which people of my age are subject, known amon medical mea as eczma. Its (irst appearanee was near the ankles. It rapidly extended over the lower extremities until iny legs were nearly one raw sore; f rom legs the trouble extended across the hips.shoulders and the entire leugth ofthe arms, the legs and arras greatly swollen with an itching, burning pain, without cessation. Although the best medical advlce attainable was empíoyed, no less thau flve physicians of the place being consulted and the prescriptions being the result of their ■ooinbined wisdom, the disease, though apparently checked, would recur in a few days as bad as ever; during this progress, my weight fell away about twenty-flve pouuds. As an experiment I began the use of the COTICUEA, following the simple and plain instructions given with the Remedies, and in four weeks round myself wcll, with skin soft and natural in color, the itching and paiu entirely relieved. W. K. MEAD. Editor Iowa Plnin Dealer. Cresco, la. CUTICURA RESOLVENT. The now Blood and Skin Purifier. and greatest of Humor Remedies, internally (to cleanse the blood of all impuritie-s and poisonous elements and thus remove the cause), and ('iticuha, the the great Skin Cure, aud CUTICUBA Soap, an exnuisite Skin Purifier and Beautifler, externally, (to clear the skin and scalp, and restore the hair), speedily cure cverv humor and disease of the skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of hair, whether itching, unrning scaly, pimply or blotchy, whether simple, scrofulous, hcreditary. or contagious. wnen physciana aud all remedies fail. Sold everywhere. Price, Cüticura, 50c; Soap, 25c; Resolvent, ?1.00. Prepared by the Potter Dkug and Chemical Corporation, Boston. Ï-Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases." niMPLES, black-heads, red, rough, chapped, rllil and oily skin cured by Cüticura Soap. W FREE FROM RHEUMATISM I ML In oni minute the Cüticura Antil ïkpin Piaster relieves rheumatic, ' f f sciatic, hip, kidney, chest, aud muscular palna and weakness ; the flrst only pain-killing piaster. I WANT to sell two brick dwelliugs and vacaut lots on North Main st., Ann Arbor. I am going back to the farm aud will sell very cheap. John .T. Robison. 99 FOR Kent or sale on installment plan, a new modern seven room house on Summit st. Apply to N. J. Kyer. 08 WANT TO EXCHANGE for Ann Arbor property. Slx acres of land n Berlinville, Ene county, O. Fruit of all kinds. Good house of ten rooms, closet, pantry and cellar, cistern, two wells, shop and barn. Two minutes walk to post office; also VACANT LOT in Toledo, O., corner Indiana ave. and Miller st. Sewer, gas, Street cars, and stone sidewalk. Kor further particulars inquire of G. W. Butler, Prairie Depot, Wood Co., O. 58


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