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Qundee is to have a new horH it is reparted. The Stoekbridgie Q. . R'a Jiolil a camp iirc to-niuln. Mj-.s. Win, Wheley is president of the Milan W. E. C. From all wctions of tho county coiiH-s the report that lagrlppe is klng. Ice oí excellent quality is being harVieeted and shdpped from Whitmore Lake. Every place In the conmty has liad its iw liarvcst infull blast a week or so past. George Blliot, a prominent resident of Ypeilanti townshij) died Monday hffed 00 years. The Kchool house at Worden has a aew slovi', chaire, and mnny other needed improvemente. Henry Wihipple haa captored seven foxcs tuis winter, two tuis "veek, near Sotitli Lyon. - Plymouth Mail. Ir. J. V. McMartin, a vetinary eur{yooin of Ypsilanti, died 011 Monday, aged 40 years, oí consumption. Míbb Alice Gorman, of Ohelsea, lias güiK' tü' New ïork to attend the art dep'artment at Oooper Institute. ■ Hillsdalo ootmty people wlll vote apon prohibition, under th& local option law, ou thc lat oí February. Norman Redner, of Ypilant. has filed liis accepta-nce oí the office of game and fisli warden íor this county. Jas. J. Hlayton, aged 52, an oíd soldica" living north of Dundtt', died recently. He belonged to tlic 18tli Mioh. Infantry. If any one can find and bring back S. H. Wilhelm, the missing cashier of tihe defanct Milfoi-d bank, it will be %voi-i $500 to him. i Tlie next meeting of the Southern Washtemaw Faoner's dub will be held at the home oí Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burtless, om Friday, Feb. 5th. The improved appearance of the Mllaii Leader the past week, was due to the absence oí the editor, so we are told, who has gone south on an editorial excursión. The animal report of the Stockbridgc Pair Association shows $578. Oi on hand in their treasury. Most iair associations would be pleased to havo even the .04 on hand. H. T. riatt's loss of the state oil inepectorship, through democratie ascadency s partially compensated for by Olie new dignity a'ecently conferred upan liim - that of O. D., ergo, "granddad." - Adrián Prees. The Dundee Reporter hays that one of tlH'ir phyeiciane and hls assistant in tbat place have visite-d from 20 to 25 families daily prescrlWng for from Dine to six in eaoh family, and driven bver 600 miles wlthln twö weeks. And nov tel".iii-;ims froan . Enrope annoiinoe that the limperor (if Gerla.-uiy will soon visit thls country, li' lic will take in Dundee perhape we eau eonviuce his royal highnees that lie better move to this country. - Reporter. The Cheléea Herald says that thé "Maccabeevs, of Ann Arboi-, are talking of ereeting a fihe business blork to cOMt lii'twcen $10-.00 ,and $20.00." It wili be a daisy, certaiu. Wonder what au ordinary building coets out tliat way !- Plymouth Mail. The Steven'e house at AVhitmore Lake has been undergodng improvementa dmring Uw last month w ko. When they shall le completed the hotel will le in better shape than befare. Th coming eeasom at tlie Lakc will be a prosperous one, it is 'anticipa ted. Joilim 8. McDawell, of Pittsiield, who ivas for a dozen years more, an excellent superintendent oí the Washtenaw comnty poor (arm, died last Wednesday, of lagrippe, aged G-Í ycars. Jlr. JlcDowoll was -ome of the 1xst kmown farmers in the caunty, and always an honorable, upright man. Food inspection ouig-lit to be follow! by the arrest and punishment of the jucn inuiirï engaged in selling impiu-r ïooil. The deetruction of the wörtMess material is not enough The Oealer iis likely to repeat the oïfenee find take the chances oi' the desTruction of the impuro food. But iï he were persomally punlshed he would be mare likely to be careful therealtw.- Ex. A Ietroit paper States that the civil engineere of the Iv;ike Shore R'y are BurveyiBg a line fronn Jerome to Jonu'sville. Glance at the map and yoii will sec that if a line is built befrroeen the two places the Lake Shore Vill have au air line front Ypsilanti to Jonesville. Now if the company K't a route into Detroit they will have tlie Bhortest line between Detroit aiwl Chicago by several miles. Tlie trafile oí the air line división and TAti road is Buch that it cannot be inoreased without doublé trackinc; the west wid and the irtilizatlon of all tho available branches on the east fead. The company aleo has it index finger very near ,to the T. & A. and F. & r. M., both oí which must have a wnstern connection wlth the world'fl fair city. Anoither thiug not at all improbable is the trade talked of betwtcai the Shcwe and Michigan Oentral, whej-eby the farmer road wlll come into possession of , the Grand Kapiils división oí thie latter. WTien it is fremembered that the distance Iróm lackson to Ypsilanti via. .Manchester ie a few miles shorter than by the Central, it is not at all improbable tlint the Lake Shoire is growing a very rich plunib a,nd .that llanchester "wlll at last be placed on a grand trunk line.- Jlancliestor Enterprise. It takes Lgncxrant cooks to ruin in the preparation for the itable, a buncli of the best celery and a head oí the fiiicst lettucc. A dilslx of cold baked beans and a volume of Browning is an inoonsletency to be noted exclusively in Boston.


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Ann Arbor Courier