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Seven persons were baptised at the Discipk'S cliurch last Friday. Wm. J. Just hos been admitted to practico at the Washte-naw county bar. Monday nicwning footh members of the firm oí Doty & Feiner were taken down with la grlppe and the stoi'e had to foe closed. The Woman's Home Missionary Society oi the 11. ,E. church will meet cm Friday, at 4 o'clock, at Mrs. 0. M. Martln'e residience, om S. Flfth ave. For ttoe first time since Judge Kinne lias presided in thls circuit has a liew trial oí a cause been granted. This was done Monday in tlie case of Charles II. Cotubs vs. Hiram Dunsmore. Tlic Ann Arbor Courier lias Just 'enter&d upon another New Year of its existence, bi'ignter and iairei1 than ere betare. The Courier ranks way up on the top shelf of Michigan's "weekly papera. - Northville Record. Have ' j'ooi yooir costume and part etudied np for the Dickens Party in Febi'uary ? Tliat evening will be more fun than yoai' have had all winter. Ttuen witli Micawber you will think "tliat eoinething has turned up." The New Orleans Delta, of the 13th inst., contains an aeeount of the expected Michigan oditon-s. They ject to reacli that city to-day, at 4.45 p. ni., aaid will remain until the 23d, takiug in all the sights oí that great southern city. Gapt. J. F. Schuil has au the tupis the orgajiization of a democratie club, liaving $500 capital stock paid in, ite object being to secure the nominatioo of Hill and Cleveland for the presidency. As long as he confines it to the naminatioai there will be no harm Jome. An election is a difíerent thing. People attendiiig the Congregational clxurch (services last Sunday a. m., were gratified in being prirtleged to listen to a solo by Miss Kate E. Jacobs. It was the fiirst time she has attempted singing in public since her treturn from Europe, and the effort is greatly praisod by those fortúnate nnough, to hear it. AVhile coasting on the Madison ut. lüll last Friday evening. Miss Oliie McFarlaTwl, whose home is on Í3. Unlvcrsity ave, met with a serious accident. She was slruck v.'ith a coaster, with. the resul t o.' liaviog the Mt feide of her head and lioay badly braisO6 and her leg brol--en below the unee. Di1. Darling is attendlng and voports that the sufferer is dahi as well as tould be expocted. It was a great disappolntment to ub not to bo ibis to attend the meeting oí the Michigan Press Assoeiation 'at Ann Arbor this week, but when the grip gete ;i hokl o; ;i ïollow liu must give up nll el33 a;U donato hi3 whole time to it. Po'i' more than a wofl;, we have bosae-d npon 0:12 bod of roses - thoro is no 1-0:13 wtthout a thorn, - and .".-.o j;:-it able tr sit up, but we are thankíul for thát, as so many of oar pairóos ara muoh worse o!f than Wo are.- Mancte8ter Enterprise. Sleigb rieles are now all the vage. A moet every nislit there aro numcrous partios the run of sleighlng. Edward I'oilhpmus, oí Pitteburgh, Kansas, a broither oí J. A. Polhemus, of -thi city, died i-cfently, nged 90 yeara. He eettled in .tliis c-oiunty in 1832, whiere he lived until about 18G0 ■vlion he mcvefl west. Ann Arbor Encampment, No. 30, I. O. O. F., Inst-allefl the following oiíicers last evening: C. P., Geo. Scott; 8. "W., J. Ferguson; .1. W., J. Ottley; K., H. Krapf; H. P., Eli 8. Manly; treas., C. Sclilenker. The I.indáes Society of the Prosbyterlaa church, hold their annual meetinjí Thuisday at 3 p. m., to elect officws for the ensuing yfar, and at 6 p. m. will give a, social and tea. Evorybody invited. Martin aa.rk, lit. class o-f '42, of Hamilton Colk'R-e, lias an invitation to attcind thc Óth animal reunión and banquet of the "Western Alumni of Hamilton Oolleg-e," to be held in Chicago, Thursday t'vtming, Feb. llth. The Washtenaw Farmer'8 Association wlíl hold its Becond annual meeting in the coiurt limise in Ann Arbor on Weönesday, Jan. 27th, 1892, at 10 o'clock a. m. W. E. Stocking, oí Lima, is presittont oí this association. It is sail tliat Grov. Winans iavors sendlng a commission down to Chili to settle the difficulty with this country. The commissioai shooild bc coniposeO of nbout 40,000 men and 15 oi20 first class men-of-war. That is Uw only thing that would satisfy the iChilians. "A Festival of Days" will be held in Marris hall the third week in February. Eacih day of the week will be represemted by a boobh in wliich thoro. will be articles for sale appro■priate to that day. Aside from the strictly ueeful articles there will be booth containingsamples of art needie woi-k and another exhibiting flowers to attract tlie purchaser. Novel eiitmtertainmente will be given during the eveiiings of the festival. By the oiverturning and subsequent burning ot a sleeping coach on the Northwestern E. R., near Brainard, Mimi., last Fa-iday a. ia., which contained the Andrews Opera Co., three Ann Arbor people were eufferers. Jay A. Taylor, tenor, was cut and bruised; Howard Allen and Fred Allen, chorus, were each badly bruised and burned. The thermometer marked 40 degrees below zero at the time of the accident. A brokeai rail caused the trouble. In tSie Unity Club on Monday evening mext, l'rof I)ewoy wül read a paper ou psychology and history and Mr. Bugene G. Fassett will give a balk on ïencing, withi illustrations. Music wfll be fumished by Mlsses Kate Jacobs and Lucy Gole. The club also wishes to t-all atUintion to the iact tihat on Feb. lst, two weeks from ïi?xt Mondiay evening, Mr. E. N. Bilbie will give a cancert, assistcd by Mr. Seylér, Mrs. W. F. Bdwards aiid Mr. ftmlth. An especlaily fine programme lis been preparad and it is expected tliat thhs concert will be one of the best of the eeason. Further particulai's regarding this meeting oí the club will bc announced next week. The Free Piess crystalizes the Michigan Pness iruit in this way: "The Othcr da.y at Ann Arbor a lot oí liustling, tip-top, brainy men asscmbled to look after the affairs of the Michigaji State Press Associatioai. A few daily papers were represeuted, but a ma jority of the meai were editors oí weekly papers and I would like to eee any oaiganization in any line thiat could raake a better showing. Tlie clay has gooie by when tlie try editor ís alsocoroner, county clerk, poetmaster and justice of the peace, witik a four-acre cabbage garden to look after besides. He's on deck, is at home in any city in the land, takes back talk frorn county supervisors and docsn't hesitate to. give pointers tó the governor oí .the state whenever he feels like it." Wm. Carroll diod at tfhe home öf his párente in the 4th ward, Sunday evening, iat abo-ut 11 o'clock, aged 2G yeare. Will liad been west to Colorado and New M'xico in the hope oí recovei-ing from a disease of Tlio lungs, but returned homie a eoviple o: -weeks ago to pass liis last days at his home. He was a yomig man wtio had hoets of iriends. He was generally a favorite among his companioiLs. always .standing ready to. lend a helping Jiand, and to perfqa'm ble duty Avherever that duty lay. He was a membcr of the lire department lor two years, when the paid department was first sta.rted, being the drivOr oí hose caa't'No. 1. He was prompt, brave and capable, and one who never Öhdrked. Funeral services were held this a. m. at 9 o'cloo.k, from St. Thomas ehiirch. Ra.ndolpJi Rogvrs, the sculptor, died at liis home in Rome, Italy, last Friday at tibie adva-nced age of 07 years. Mr. Köft-ors was formerly a resident o.' Ann Arbor, a brafcher of the late Meses Rogers, and also oí the late D:-. Bobera, who made hls home in fchie city to Borne extent in liis later day.s. Mr. Hogers is the sculptor o.' i' generally acceptcd masterpiece of the eculptar's chisel, "Nydia, the blind girl of Pompeli," the original ín niÊirble, of wfhioh is in the art room t tfae university. It was Mr. li.i'-vci'S who gave to the imiversiiy all bhe modele in liis studio at Eome, and he' gave liis personal attention to the packing and shipincnt o( a largo "poa-tioii oi them. There were others that he desired to keep as long as he livcd, tliat will probably now be forwarded, amomg them being the models for the bi-Oiiixe doors at the capítol a.t Washington, 1). C, whieh was probably liis moet fivmcras worl;. He leaves a son and two daugliters. The som is a gradúate oí ihe U. of M. J. II. Bach. lias been appointed dcputy city clerk until Feb. lst. Jack Frost is getting reckless in his attempt to get down to the bottom oí the glas. The house of Oapt. Chas. H. Manly, in the 5th ward, was damaged $100 01 "more by fire this iinorning. Frank Minute has received lettert, patent ior Ms new invention, callet the Minnis' Fillcd razot strap. The K. T's gave a social party Friday evening last at their rooms. Th ose preeent report a pleaeant time. Klwooil Ilogers is planning to build Several fine hooises in Ann Arbor the (coming suminer.- Saline Observer. Josepli Frederick Buechler and Phil ip Fellenberger were admitted tO' citizenship in the circuit court Monday. Invitations have been issued far a Uterary entertainment at the Ladies' Library building to-morrow evenlng. A party of about twenty couple of Ann Arboirites expect to sleightride Dut to the home oí Nathaai Sutton and family in Northiield, this evening. If any one has a bilí' against the Ann Arbor Press Club thcy will conl'er a favoa' upon üisniselves by preseaiting the same at once at the Courier offict! for ]ayinent. Mrs. Wm. P. Groves, of Northfield, died at her home last Monday moraing, aged 62 ycars. Funeral services will bc held tomoa'row at 11 o'clock from the family residence. Marshall Pease has been. secured as organist and c'hoir master for the Vested choir of St. Andrew's church This will be a piece of news the congregatioai will be delighted to hear


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Ann Arbor Courier