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A KKMONSTRANCE w; pi' s nted in the senate on the 11 th f rom the woolen manuiacturers of New England against any agitation ol the question ol the duties on wool. A resolution was introduced providing lor an international monetary conference. In executive session the commercial treaty with the Congo states and the African slave trade treaty wereratifled.... [n the house bilis were introduced for a uniform systemof bankruptey; denning "options" and "futuros" and imposing a tax on dealers therein: for the f ree coinago of sil ver; appropriating 1100,000 for the relief of the famine-stricken peopleof Russia; increasing the pensions of per3ons who became totally deaf on account of wounds or exposure while in the line of duty to Ï50 per month, and for the exchange of soiled or mutiiated postal cards for new ones. ON the 12th many petitions in favor of the loan of $5,000,000 to the world's fair on condition of its being kept closed on Sunday were presented in the senate and a bilí was introduced to appropriate $10,000,000 to pro vide for fortification and other seacoast defenses, $10,000,000 to fce available the flrst year and $9,000,000 a yeivr icr ten years In the house bilis were introduced increasing the pension oí those soldiers who have lost the use of eyes or limbs, and for the developrnent and encouragement of sük culture in the United States untier the direction of the secretary of agriculture. A bilí fixing the time for holding terms of the circuit and district courts in the northern district of Iowa was passed. Among bilis introduced in the senate on the 13th were those to prevent the adulteration and misbranding of food and drugs; for an amendment to the constitution to regúlate marriages and divorces in the several states and severa,] public building bilis.... In the house bilis were introduced to repeal the law creating a sinking fund; for the classiflcation of clcrks in ftrst and sccond class post offices; declaring Stockton, Sacramento and Marysville, Cal., ports of delivery. In the senate on the 14th bilis were introduced appropriating 11,000,000 for the improvement of the Mississippi river from its inouth to the mouth of the Ohio; to promote the safety oi employés and travelers on railways by the Tise of automatic couplers and continuous brakes. A bul was passed to aid the state of Colorado to support a school of mines. Adjourned to the 18th....In the house the time was occupied in discussing the resolution of Mr. Holman ag;iinst subsidies. Therewas no session of the senate on the 15th In the house Mr. Holman's anti-subsidy bill was passed after long debate. Bills were introduced to test the method of spelling in the schools and appropriating $100,000 to establish a spelling school at the world's fair; placing salt, lumber, nails, cotton ties, binding twine and agricultural implements on the free list; to prevent gambling in grain, and for the admission of Arizona as a state. Adjourned to the 18th. DOMESTIC. The boiler in a pork packing factory at Bridgeport, Pa. , exploded, and three men were killed and several others injured. The court of claims at Washington stated the account of the Séneca Indians of New York, under the treaty of Buffalo creek, January 15, 1838, in which it was found that $1,971,295 is yet diie these Indians. Judge Botkin, who was said to be largely responsible for the troubles in Seward and Stevens counties, Neb., has resigned. At Pueblo, Col., a hack containing John Stank o and Miss Kobash, just married, was run into by an engine and both bride and groom were fatally hurt. Heshy iiissoN (colored) was lynched by a mob at Mecopany, Fla., for shootiiig W. Jefferson Chitty, a prominent youcg" wliitii man. Thb Power block at Cleveland, O., occupied by several manufacturir.g companies, was burned, eausing a loss of $14 0, 000. At Kansas City, Mo., a six-days' goas-you-please pedestrian race was be gun with twenty-one starters. At Worcester, Mass., the milis oi the Pratt Manufacturing Conipany ■were burned. Loss, 3?100,000. John Waxsii, a commission merchant at New Orleans, made an ment with assets of $138,000 and liabilities of $100,000. Kekner & Pike, grain dealers at Meredosia, 111., failed for 8125,000. The Hiram Sibley seed store at Rochester was burued, eausing a loss of $150,000. Spirit thermometers registered 49 degrees below zero at Belgrade, Mont. In the Dakotas and Minnesota the mercury ranged from '20 to 36 below. One-half of the business portion of Agency, Ia., was burned. One man was killed and two others fatally injured by an explosión in the Pabst mine at Ironwood, Mich. Emma Bellamy (white), 16 years old, of Cantón, O., eloped with Cal Hackett, a negro 28 years old. The products of Montana ranges and mines for 1891 were said to be worth over $55,000,000. Joseph VY. Mabee, for many years a trusted clerk in the Westohester County savings bank at Tarrytown, N. Y., has been discovered to be a def aulter to the extent of 10,000. Dr. Flavius M. YILDER, one of the best-known physicians in Chicago, was shot and instantly killed by John Redmond, who was supposed to be insane. The Standard Fire Insurance Company of New York will reinsure its risks and retire from business. Thk failure was announced of W. H. Chaffee & Co., cotton factors at New Orleans, with assets of $700,000 and liabilities of L320,000. The prosperous town of Bolton, Miss., was almost total ly destroyed by fire. Recent frosts in southern California have played havoc with the fruit-growing industry, the losses being estimated at $1,000,000. At Philadelphia 2S,168 alien ímmigrants arrived during the year 1891. The earnings of New York railways during 1801 were $109,012,504, against 8163,974,834 in 1890. There were 720 persons killed and 1.7:38 injured last year, against 695 killed and 1,434 injured in 1890. J. B. Bhady & Co. 's carpet house at St. Joseph, Ma, was burned, causing a loss of 8150,000; insured. Hexry Corbix, the colored coachman who so brutally murdered Mrs. Horner, the wealthy widow, at Oxford O., was hanpfed by a mob in the pvibiic square. H. Heezbf.tíg, a merchant at Gadsden. Ala., mada an assignment with liabilities of Slöü,000and assets of S125,000. Fi.oods were doing mueh dauiage in the vicinity oí Wheeling, W. Va. Fire destroyed the Watei-bury (Conn. brass works. Loss, $260,000; insur anee, $187,000. Two childbkn of William Allen, Jr. of Millbrook. Mich.. tipoed a lamo uver auu ere Durnea tó deatli. For the murder oL Mrs. Kines and her tlirec children near Warrenton, Va. , last November, Joseph Dye and a man named Heüin have been sentencsd to be hanged March 18. The city of Jackson, Tena., was visited j an earthquake. No damage was done. It all rests with Chili whether there shall be war or peace. Advices f rom Minister Egan were to the effect that the Montt government was full of professions of friendliness but without definite results. Still the plea was for more time. Senator Plumb's will was filed for probate at Emporia. Kan. It disposes of property amounting to .55,000,000. An engine of a fast train on the Pennsylvania road struck a street car in Chicago, killing one woman and injuringtwenty-threeother persons, some fatally. J. J. Nicholson & Sons, one oí the leading banking houses of Baltimore. iailed for 8300,000; assets, 8250,000. Misa How, the Chinaman who murdered a fellow countryman in Baker City last September, was hanged at Canyon City, Ore. John L. vSut-i-ivan signed the pledge at Tacoma, Wash., and made a speech irom the stage with Francis Murphy, the temperance orator. Andrews' Opera Company was wrecked on the Northern Pacific near irainerd, Minn., and Mrs. Ed Andrews and Jliss Lillie Wallace were burned ,o death. Twenty-three others were njured. John YViixeman, an 18-year-old lad, died at Plaihfield, N. J., from the resul ts of excessive cigarette smoking-. Tjif, annual report of the Michigan bank commissioner shows that at the close of the year 13&1 there were 124 state banks and three trust corapanies n the state, with total assets of $65,191,972. At a revival near Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., William Coulter conEessed that he killed his father about a year ago. He had been tried and acquitted. The exports from the United States during December were iigured at $110,000,000, the largest ever known. For December, 1890, the exports were S9S,000,000. The Council Bluffs (Ia.) stock yards were burned. A PETiriox was flled in the supreme court of Wisconsin to test the constitutionality of the apportionment of congressional, senate andassembly districts by the last legislature. IN the United -States the business failures the seven days ended on the 15th numbered 330, against 435 the preceding week and 411 for the corresponding week last year. Jesse Bkowjí was hanged at Paducah for the murder of John Larry on J anuary 3, 1891. A coal train of twenty-seven cars was wrecked near Bainridge, 0., and Engineer Cochran and Firernan Ruse were killed. M. V. ïïarbeb was hanged at Poplar Bluff, Mo., for the murder of an old man named Smith on July 4, 18S8. The office of the Pittsburgh (Pa.) Leader was destroyed by fire. James Mace?, national treasurer of the stone masons' union of Columbus, O., was missing, together with 81,100 belonging to the organization. Turc twenty-second annual report of the Ohio soldiers' orphans' home shovs tb at there were 900 children at the institution in Dayton and 205 maintained at the state's expense in twenty-two countv liomp?. PERSONAL AND POLIT1CAL. The Iowa legislature convened at Des Moines and the Ohio legislature assernbled at Columbus. Richard Pratt Marvin, ex-justice of the New York state supreme court and ex-congressman, died at his home in Jamestown at an advanced age. Wili.iam McKinley was inaugurated at Columbus as governor of Ohio. The thirteenth legislature of the territory of Utah convened at Salt Lake City. Mes. Elizabeth Shultz died at her home near New Bellsville, Brown county, Ind., aged 100 years and 3 days. Orrin Bishop Judd, D. D., LL. D., died at his home in Williamsburg, N. Y., aged T6 years. Dr. Judd was a Baptist and founded the New York Chroniele and was its editor for seven years. By separate ballots the Ohio legislature reelected John Sherman as United States senator by a vote of 69 to 30 in the house and 18 to 8 in the senate. Ichabod Tanner, one of the wealthiest citizens of Portage, Wis., diedfrom the effects of a cáncer at the age of 100 years. Anthony B. Allen, for many years editor of the American Agriculturist, died at his home in Plainfield, N. J., in his 90th year. üeorge V. Howk, ex-judge of the Indiana supreme court, died at New Albany, aged 68 years. Frank Brown was inaugurated governor of Maryland at Annapolis in the presence of the general assembly. White, a well-knowninusic publisher and composer of popular songs, died in Boston of pneumonia, aged 62 years. He composed more than 1,600 songs. The Indiana democratie state committee has decided to hold the state convention on the 14th of April at Indianapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Brooks, of North Lockport, 111., died within a few hours of each other with the grip. Charles Martin, medical director of the United States navy, on the retired list, died in New York of pneumonia. The Illinois republicans will meet in state convention at Springfield May 4 to elect delegates to the national convention and nominate state officers. Chief Garry, of the Spokane Indians, died at Spokane, Wash. Gex. James S. Robinson, formerly 6ecretary of state of Ohio and twice a member of eongress, died at Kenton, O. Col. Robekt L. Chester, the oldest mason in the United States and a veteran of the war of 1812, died at Jackson, Tenn., aged 98 years. Wili.iam C. Roqer, chief judge of the court of appeals of New York, died at his home in Syraeusc. The deadJcck iu the. Iowa senate. Ayas brokeh by the electiön of .1. W. t'liff (rep.) as secretary. The ï'est of the officials chosen were democrnts. A cali, was issued for the. meeting of the prohibition national convention in St. Louis on June 29 to nomínate candidates for president and vice president. Waltkk A. Wood died at his home in Hoosick Falls, N. Y., a;?ed Ti years. He was the inventor of the movving machine, and served in the Forty-sixth and Forty-seventh eongresses. Josiiua IS. Wickiiam, 110 years old, died at Ottumwa, Ia. He claimed to hare voted for John Adams for presieent in 1797. Chari.ksH. Aldbich, of Chicago, has been appointed solicitor general by the president to succeed William H. Taft. Adam Forkpaugh's celebrated fat woman, Mrs. Hannah Runnell, died near üronson, Mich. , of the grip. She weig-hed 403 pounds and was 31 years old. Thomas Schofiei.d died of the grip at his home in North Lyme, Conn. , at. the age of 101 yeai-s and 3 months. He made the suit of clothes President Madison was inaug-urated in in 1808. FOREiGN. The Garza revohitionists were said to have captured Casas Grande, Mex., a town south of Ascensión, after a hard fight, in whieh several persons were killed. 1'iitK in the Bénédictine Abbey at Freamp, department of the Seine, France, destroyed the building, the loss beinji 8400,000. Stbict orders have been given by the Italian government for the inspection of all meats irnported frorn America. A Catiiolic academy at Montreal was burned. Threo hundred children and several nuns were in the buildings when the llames broke out. but all escaped. The staamer Namhow foundered off Cuphi Point, China, and 414 persons were drowned. President Díaz in an interview said that the Garza movement was ascheme of speculators and that revolution in Mexico was impossible. Mr. Laurier, leader of the Canadian liberáis, in a speech at Kingston spoke in favor oí unrestricted reciprocity with the United States. Cakdinai. Manxing died in London from an attack of influenza from which he had been suffering1 for a week, aged 84 years. Albert Víctor, the duke of Clarence and Avondale, eldest son of the prince of Wales, and therefore heir-presnmp tive to the throne of England, died in London of congestión oí the lung-s. Fifty array officers were arrested a Sofia for plotting against the life o; Priace Ferdinand, the ruler of of Bul garia. GEN. Kent, who was a noted offioer in the Crimean war, committed suicide at Exeter, Eng-. Cardinai, Giovanni Simeoni died at Rome of influenza, aged 76 years. A fire in the villaje of Cbepugana, Darien, destroyed 130 lionses. Randoi-ph Rogers, the eelebrated American sculptor, died in Rome, aged 66 years. LATER NEWS. AccokdIiN . to Auditor William K. Ackerman's figures the total reeeipts of the World's Colniubiao. expositiori to January 1 were $3,5á3,5i8, aad the expenditiire 83,647, The business part of Rome. Ga , was from 4 to 7 feet ander water, owing to freshets. Bert Wigöins was fatally and six other miners seriously injured in the Yovrag eoal mines at Chatham, 111., by falling 300 feet. Miciiael Fixxerïv, the oldest man in Indiana, died at ïïluü'ton, aged 106 years. The building of Browning, King & Co., clothiers at Kansas City, Mo., was burned, with a loss of $175,000. It was reported that a cave had been discovered near Peterborough, Ont. , the walls of which were almost pure silver. Fire at Fremont, Neb., destroyed the livery stable of E. C. Smith, together with nineteen head of horses. James Cramer, an inmate of the little sisters of the poor home for the aged in Chicago, died at the age of 100 years. W. J. Saur and W. ICuhhnan attempted to cross the river at Carrollton, Ky. , and were drowned. The Palmetto brewery at Charleston, S. C, the largest establishment of its kind in the south, was destroyed by fire, causing a loss of $100,000. John Manley and nis son Peter were frozen to death at Bellaire, O., during a storm. Gov. Fruncís has called an extra session of the Missouri legislature to convene February 17 to redistrict the state. Mrs. Bridget Scui.lek, the oldest woman in Nebraska, died at her home near Wallaee from the grip, aged 119 years. A raiiway ii ! exploded near Eúreka, Ala., iiistantly killing the engineer, Joseph Hunt, and Fireman Bradford. In a fight between cowboys and sheepmen in Apache county, A. T., three of the latter were killed. By the burning of Van Tassell's grain elevator in New York two men lost their lives. The property loss was 8200,000. A fire in the building of the Spanish legation at Santiago eaused a loss of $250,000. Advices froin Mexico say that the Garza troubles had apparently subBided as far as open hostilities were concerned, but there, was stil! widespread distrust all along the border.


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