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WAXTED- Travelingand local salesmcn to sell our Nursery Stock. Wil] pay either salarv with expenses or commission, and pay weekly. Previous experlenee not neoessary, and no dilliculty to sell our stock. Apply at oncegivins ase and stating refereuce. A. LOREFZE, Champaign Nurseries. 38 & 39 Pi.xley lilock. Ft. Wayne, Iud. 99 A NEW MILCH COW FOR SALE- Enquire of Emil Haur, West Huron St. "ÏT'xrERIENCED DRESSM AKER wishes sewVi ing to do at home or by day. Cutting by tailor system. lieferences. Address E.C.W., P.O. Box I40S, City. 98 ORDERS for the Champion Weather Strips inay be left or addressed to M. J. Furnum, 28 N. State street. They keep out wind, snow, dust and rain. !7 I WANT to sell two brick dwellings and vaeiuit lots on Xorth Main st., Ann Arbor. I am goiug back to the farm and will sell very cheap. John' .7. Kobi.sou. 99 FOR Rent ot-sale on installmeut plan, a new modern seven room house ou Summit st. Apply to N. J. Kyer. 98 WANT TO EXCHANGE for Ann Arbor property. Six acres of land in Berlinville, Ene eounty, O. Fruit of all kinds. Good house of ten rooms, closet, pantry aud cellar, clstern, two wells. shop and barn. Two minutes walk to post office; also YACANT LOT in Toledo, O., corner Indiana ave. and Miller st. Sewer, gas, street cars, and stone sidewalk. For further B articulara inquire of G. W. Butler, Prairie epot, WoodCo.,0. 98 WANTED- Five or six wood-ehoppers For partleulars inquire of the J. T Jacobs Co. Mr. Marshall Pease will resume bis ciassea in Voice Culture on Monday, January4th. All particulars may be had at Dia studio with the A. A.Organ Co. WANTED- Married man to do chores and general farm work. Kor particulars, address % Birkctt, Blrkett, Mich. BIV your wood at the Saw Mili and av money. Cord and stove wood constantly on hand.' Cor.' HUI and Tuckard St. F. M. Ballóck. - ,' ; . .. - n ■ . .. riio RENT- For )i term of years, the farm JL known as ttóe Anuijd (arm, :','., milt-s rest of Anu Arbor. Por particulars addtess E. N. Green, Tí Winder st., Detroit, Mich. FOR RENT- The property No.56 So. IniverBlty ave., oocirpfed by Dr. Fleming Carrow. The house has bntli. gas, and evt-iy modoni convenience. Kent. ïM per mouth. Apply to.Dr. Fleming Carrow. 1 UCTIONEER- C Kiugsley, live stock and J_ general uictioneer. Patronage solicited. Dates eau be made at thisoflice or at my house, S. Univerrity Ave. Referenceo glven if desired. MISS GRACE HENDHHKSON - Pupil of Profö. Luderer and Yunck, of Detroit, willgive instructions on the violiu. Particnlars at resideuce, 72 S. State St. 8m WATER TANK FOR SALE.- Tank, 4 feet square by 4 feet deep, made of 2 inch pine plank, lined with heavy galvanlznd irou. Enquire at this ofïice TO RENT.- Au office suite over F. & M. Bank cor. Main and Huron sts. Apply at Col kier Office. FARM FOR SAL-K- The Bullock or ËZ" erett farm, 3 miles west of Salem Stationand 11 miles from Ann Arbor, containiug ly acres; house and barnes, stock, and we" water, timber; school and church within a mile I.and naturally the best and cultivation good; also forty ucre farm for sale, the S H of the E. )i of the 8. E. qr. of sec. S4 of Ann Arbor town, benig part of the Hove-North place northof the County Farm; "3 miles from Mack&Schmid's," IJ.; miles from city limit. First-clas land for peaches. Prices and ternis reasouable. Cali on or address Audrew E. Gibson, 32 Maynard St., Ann Arbor.


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Ann Arbor Courier