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Resoluted By Rev. Robert J Burdett, Of The Brooklyn Eagle

Resoluted By Rev. Robert J Burdett, Of The Brooklyn Eagle image
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I v"ill weair oasicr efooes tlnui I did kust yëar. II I fintl I have to wear spectacles, I will. I will íiO'b read aiie-lialf tlie advertisemants in tlie Sunday papers. I wiil tliiuk leas about moaiey and reacli ooit aftcr more of it. I wil! mat ojivy the poor their posscssioms. Ií I have time I wlll get up at the riiiging of the rising bell. Under any circümetanoes, I will Etlwaya arise befoa-e breakfast. I will íiot believe anytliing I read in tlie newspapers until I soe it contradicted tlie following day. When I f indi I cannot do as I please, I will do as I liave to. I will (try to) eunswer all my letters. I will give up lying, even though I liave to scll my tromt rod and dog. I will endeavor to take more interest in base ball. I will íollow tlie advice oí sonie emincJit clergyman and' ga to the tlieatre oítener, in order to counteract the evil iníluences oí the prayer meeting. I will not indorse for any one exoept membeps in good standing of ihc Astor and Vandcrbilt families, and l'll evtm thcn be a. little particular ;is lo wMch mt'inlCT and ioi' liow mudi. I will not 1 foolishly timid or retioemi :ibout aaklng otlier people to darse tor me; that is altagetlier quite a difieren t thing entirely. If any man offers bo díseusa civil service reform. Inlaat baplism, or Browning witb. me, and nobody is apound, and the placo is lonely and the late and I tliink T can do t, I will maul liim so tliat he can't think of iuiytliing but court piaster and árnica for thruo weeks. As nnie'li as lieth in, me I will live oeaceable with the choir, the finauce committee, the pew eommittee and .he trustees.


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