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"M. & H. WRITING TABLET8. The Haudsomest, Most Economical, and BEST nicthod of putting up Wrlting Papers for home aud office use. ' Get tliem f rom your statioiier, or seud direct to the Manufacturera, HASBROUCK & SINCLAIR, .336 & 538 PEARL ST., NEW YORK. N. B.- A Handsome Tablet suitablc for Polite Correspondencc ni.-ülcd for Twenly-Five Cent. GOLD MEDAL, PAEIS, 1073. Ï. Baker & Go.'s Breakfast Gocoa from which the excess oí oil has been removed, is Absolutely Jure anditis Soltible. No Chemicals aro uscd in its preparation. It has nièt-h than thrte times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot oí! Silgar, and ia thereforo far more cconomical, costing let than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily diqested, and admirably adapted for invalids as 't!! as for persons iu health. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. BAKER & C0u Dorchester, Mass. VjflÊGifiiTïFD? K II 58?"Afilia Por twenty-flve years ths ospcrienc? et milliona of Mifferers, old and youne, male and femaie, havo gratefully endorscd the miraoulunfl virtuas oí This Riarmaceniica! raradc: of the Age A vitallalng etimulant witlwmt al cchol, A ñervo sedativo without narcotica. A blood purifler ■without' póiaons. A livsr cleaoser. A ourely yogetafcis tissue-maker, promo tini digestión, nutrition, ssoretioii eí cretion and rspiration. A Ii?3-givinptonie, pure and simple, without the disastrons reaetipng of tïrg caadly cornpounia of ruim and &:oohol 3. ually eoid aa bittere. Was aever faowa before ín tne World. lts discovery ajnorpr tho Ecclicinal fruits, rooi and herbs of California "IVAS A MIRÁCLÉ, and their combination into a phenomenal lifegmng tonio A TRIUMPH of the CHEBHCAX AET. The only chango maiU n the formula durinp tw 'iirv flve yoara has been to present it in two roaibiuations. Ttir oW orit'inril rermi-! n 'cbaBged but beinc Ftrongcr, more laxativo and betti r. i ,ifir fon iuorcaf;;-eeabletolb? tstg and better adapted to e!eliciT,-uninrn mul rhüarm. but cnmprisiug the samo tonic properties, ia now n:adi and fie f r, mm of the uurkl ís chilUnt,'ta to producá tiia equal of this TKCLY & OXLY TEMPERESCE BITTEES KNOWS or to produce apurely vegetable bitters or medicina of any kind. wbose actioñ is at once so eaíe, so certaiii and comprehensive as tha CALIFORNIA VINECÍAR BITTEKS, or any componnd which frnm its varied' action upuu mu vnai iuuctiuns ís eqiial lo tno CURE OF SO MAXY IHSEASES. Their nnme in lecion- Rhr-umatism Neuralgia Caiarrli, Jaundire, Kidney Disease, Sc-rofula Skin Dtxeasea and Boils. Couanmptíon, Pilos aud all disorder arising from fódifrestion, impura biood nerrono prostration, and dilápldated constltntion' froni any canse pivo way to it likn mist before ths sii!. v.l:::oitsBiiif!nlarpiwerov-r TUE DEADLY lIICIiOBE ASD OMKIPEESEXT BACXEB1 V inrliratcs its PTipcriorify in a!l diseases of malaria! origin, and Tendera it the EEST VERMIFfGE KNOWN. No family can afford to do without a bottle of OLD AND NEW STYLE VINEOAB BITTERS in the house, as expressed by thousands of t6t" monials. Sendforbeautifnlbook. Address, B H. McDCNALD DRUG CO.,' New Yari0 Moetgage Sale. WHBREAS, Andrew E. Srhmidt mul Rose Schmidt, of the city of Ano Arbor, Washtenaw County, State of Miehigau, on the twenty fourth day of December, one thousand eight luiiuired uud eightv-cight, made and executed a mortgage to Baker, Gray & Campan; (iucorporated) of Detroit, State oí Michigan, to secure the payment of the suzn of fifteen hundred dollars and interest at eight per cent per annum : the principal sum belng due as follows: $730 in si' montos, and $750 in oue year from date of said mortgage, which mortgage was recorded in the otlice of the Register oï Deeds for said County of Washtenaw. State oi Michigan, on the third day of Januiiry. A. D., 1889, in Líber 73 of m'ortgages on paffe 57. And whereas the sum of four hundred and fortynve dollars of the principal and Interest is claimed to be duo on said mortgage at the date of this notice and defauit having been made in the payment of the same or any part thereof. whereby the power contained in said mortgage to sell the premiaes deecribed therein has beoome operative and no suit or proceedings in law or equity having been instituted to recover any part of the sum due. Xotice is there fore herehy given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said morjgage and pursuant to the statute in such eiise made and provided we shuil on Saturday, tlie twentythird day of Jannary one thousand eight huodred andninety-two at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, sell at public auction to the bighest bidder, at the south door of the court house in the city of Ann Arbor in said coimty (said court house belng the place for holding the circuit eourl In Baia county) tlie premiaes described in said mortgage or as much thereóf as ehall be necessary to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage nnd all costs and aharges of such sale as follows: All those certïiin piecea or pareéis of tand situaK1 in tlie E Ann Arbor, in the County of SVashtenaw, State of Michigan and described as follows to-wit: Those parts of lots nuntber one and eight in block four (-1) north of Huron treet,range sixeast, commencing at the intersection of the north line of North ■■ v.'ith the easterly line of Detroit street and ■ innning thence northwesti rly along Detroit hundred and ñfty-four feet, thence ! to Detroit ifty feet, thence south . west adredaod tbreeand i" west one hundred and the ■ lace of beginni ting the right "f William i : he v. ell o1: -es by [ayrepairs theT Dated.Octol) BVJKER, (HL lY & CO., !. Q. A. SESSIONS, Mort' Attorney for Mortgngces. Jkrgcfs' Shges mm for the n remtly W% "Box Tip" School Shoes ï Sv for Boys and Gids. jt -(.e Heeled or Wedge Heel. SviHN Sizes-8tolOH S1.85 lfifeiQ TÍSP Ito3 1.75 Pfí FARCO'S ïHi $2.50 CaEf Shoe frd%v for Gentlemen, fc4l iS---y --,.xl Uneqiialed by any shoo lfeafca r fcijïC f "An America aï tho samo "JL' iftSi" ton anii Lace. 31en'siiiil Boy"; m [$2.50 LABIES' BOOT f KÜ Dongola or Goaf, Button, : üe Opera, or Common Senoe. ;3Eft vía . Tackles3 and Tlexlble. ftCirLASr&SSs V.-arraiitt-d thi most OUR HAME IS ON THE 30TTC OF EVESY SUDE. k.V-n ÍSÜÜ iriü,0l'for F5-='8 ï' If lie doos nat C. H. FARGO & CO., Chicago, HL DOÏY & FËINER, AGEN'IS, - AXN ABBOB Hutzel's Water hï ! A very important inventiun which will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experience we have sueceeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubies of extracting lime and other sedimente which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great man y instances becoraing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is rertuced ta dimes. No household using a rage can affbrd to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with ou] improveraent. Everybíxfi rail and examine this USefb) jiii'-. r-.;r HUTZEL & OO., ' i - MMH 8oo3's Cot;-.-i .. "Koot ■ fl COMPOUMJ ÏP -r Lomcosed "f Cotton Uo i. Tansy and y y "nnyroyal - a rocuii; i. -.-.. y .-, ry by an Bealed. Ladies, ask yocr diu_:t f.:r'Cook'í Cotton Root Compound ami tak. : t. -übstitute or inolose 2 stamp3 for sealed parti.n'ars AddreS8 PO.M) I.ILY COiVIPANV. Xa. 3 Fisher Block, 131 Woodward aT., Detroit. Mioh. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T A"ntT?Q TRY DR. LEDUC'S " PEJLjJXlJXJltE) KIODICAL" PILLS from París, Frunce. Estalilished in Europe 1893, Ganada in 1878. For Buppressions, Irregularities, and Monthly Derangements. A reliabls monthly medicine. They ahvays relieve. Anr druggist, $2. American Pili Co., Proprietors", Spencer, Iowa. Robert Siephenson & Co , Wholesale agents, and all other druggists in Aun Arbor. These pills are warranted to briugon the"ehange. CET THE BEST FIRE IISURANCI $29,0OO,00O. Security held for.the proteetion of the policy holders. Christian Mack. Representa the followiiig first-class compames, of which one, the Etna, has aloue paid $65,000, 000 fire lossea in sixty-flve years: .Etna, of Hartford $9,192,644 FranJdin of Philadelphia 3,ll8,71S Gemianía, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán, American, N. Y .... 4,065,968 London Assurance, London 1,416,786 Michigan F. fc M., Detroit 287,608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y '2,596,676 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phoenix, Brooklyn 3,759,086 Loases liberally'adjusted and promptly paid. Poüciea iasued at the lowest ratesof premium 1191tf IIC Misseü hls Opportunity ! DOVT MIm C Tours Reader. Themajority neglect their opportnnities, and tram that canse livo in povorty aud die in obsenriu Harrowing desnair is tlie loi of niany, as they look back on lust, foreverlost, opportunity. I. i le is passluizl Reach out. Be np aud doing. Iinproveyonr opportunity. imlsiicuropiosperity, proniinence.peaco. Itwassaid by a pliilosophtír, that "the lïoddess of Fortune offéra n Gfolticii oppdrtiniity to eiich person at som e perioil of life; ein bruce t be chance, and Bhe poura ont lier richea; f! todo so und she departa, rasar to return." I luw shall you fmd the goldk.v opportunity? Investíante every chance that appears worthy, and of f'.iir promise; that is what all sacce-sfu nien do. Mere is un opportanity, sacb ns is notoftea within tho reHch cit laboring pauple. Impraved, it will give, ot leust. a pand Btart in life. Tlio bOLDi s ppportunUy for nmoy is bem Alouey to be nimle rapidly and honurably a of eitlier sex. 11 aga. Yon can ' horae, wherevorvon are. Even heginners are eity euro ing From # to SSlO per day. Yoa caii (io b ; , but indastri'stí yoor ín-.ii. Yoa ran rívo i y, orall yoiir time to lita work. F.asy ; ".Ve Mari you. All 3 comj'iiratively now I !. IV a ínatrnot and show .vou liow, ti'ee, t'";iilre nnknown nmong onr workers. No room : ■ Writo nnd lojirn all fiee by retnrr ulJress atonce. II. Uultett & Cu., H-'-í üött, Purllaud, Mulne,


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Ann Arbor Courier