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IT WILL DO Y011 GOOD! THERE IS NOTHING BETTER TO HAVE IN THE HOUSE THAN A FIRST CIASS FAMILY NEWSPAPER. The Weekly Mail and Express ia a live, independent, fearless, progressie journal, with an individuality and a being of its own. It is good for you, for your wife, for your children, and for your neighbors; and is the best, most varied, most reliable, most patriotic, and thoroughly all round good family newspaper. If you desire documentary evidence, The Weekly Mail and Express SPEAKSJFOR ITSELF."""-" IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS it is fearless, Jast, lionest, and altogether AMERICAN AND IIEPUBLICAN. You will find that it embraces more distinct features than any other family newspaper, and gives you MORE POR YOUR MONEY than any two others, besides being refined in tone and pure in its influence. It presente every week not merely "a world of news" but WORLDS OF NEWS, for it embraces an cxtraonlinary scope, including the AGRICULTURA L 1 LEGAL FINANCIAL COLLEGE RELIQIOUS SOCIAL } WUKLJJo. POLITICAL COMM.EHCIAL ATHLETIC FOREIGN AND OTHER ) The Weekly Mail and Express gives tlie best oï everything in the best shape, and has more celebrated masters of the pen represented in its columns thim any other family newspaper. Subscription Rates : One copy, one year, - - - $ 00 One copy, six nionths, - - - 1 00 One copy, three months, - - 50 Ten copies, one year, - - 15.00 And a free copy to the person send_ ., Ing the club. Daily, per year, - ... $-.00 Remittances should be made by Express Money Order, Post-office Order able to the order of The Mail and Express. AVhen thus made they will be at our risk. Agents wanted. We want an agent Btate7ry Post"ofiice in the United Iliberal cash cornmissions triven to agente ior making clubs. Special circulara to agents stating commission nt on apphcation. Specimen copies Address all letters to The Weekly MAIL AND EXPRESS NEW YORK. FLORIDA AND THE SOUTH BCST REACHED BY THE OLD RELIABLE 1 _- -" DOUBLÉ DAILY Trains ■rcith Pullman Buffet Sleeping Car Service from CINCINNATI TO Nashville, Memphis, Birmingham, Montgomery, Pcnsacola, Mobile, New Orleans, Thomasville, Jacksonville and Tampa. THIS LINE IS UNRIVALED IN SPEED, CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT. Information as to Rates, Time, etc, cheerfully furnished by C. L. sprague, T. P. A., Detroit, mich. S. F. B. MORSE, D. P. A., CINCINNATI, O. C. P. ATMORE, O. P. A., LOUISVILLE, KY. E. N". BILBIE, TEACHER OF VlOL N. Pupil of Emil Sauret, Berlin Germany. Rooms in the A. A. Organ Co. Building. 160 THE CIRCUIT ( OUKT ior the County of Washteuaw. In the matter of the petition oí Charlee E ComnanT dlssolTe the -"" Arbor Tanning tJtl satsfactorilv appearlng that Robert HoffBtetter Henry V Barnard Regina Shults, GottK r„ !" r sf'i, Vanderwerker. Valentine Krause. E. 8heldon,8. P. Fostor, j. p Nlchols HansonSe86lon'S,8tobkliolder8ÍnaldAnñ Arbor ranalng Company, camiot be fouud In the County oi Washtenaw aforesald, and d? not reside thereln; on motion of .1 F LawX-M-Ï attoi-,u:y tor Bald is ordered that the above named persons enter thelr appearanoe in thla propeedlng wlthin twentv ays from the tb day of Febn.arv. iW. A ! f"-tlier ordered that a notice of this order be pubhshed once in eacli week ior fonr weeks in succession, i„ the Ann Ahboii CoukieV , Coun?vPl?íI.nflea "ml Pu.bllshed in 'ú, County, and the first publlcation in -üd newa paper be on the Wtt day of JanuaryAgM Dated Jannary 25, 1892. ]■ . d. k'i n i ' Circuit Judge. GRAND OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY Thursday, Jan. 28 SPECIAL ENGAGEMFNT OF ALEXANDER SALVINI The llero of the Romantic Drama in Dnmas' ( elebrated Masterpiece, "üHE FOR ALL AND ALL FOB ONE." Salvini is the youngest of Great Actors, and the Orcatest of youug actors, and he h ill be supported in this engagement by Miss Selena Fetter, aUÜ hiïectfoToPfTJO.nSso'nnder the SSaStóS P0St ffiCe ÑewsSdS Alwaye lias to be domo brown- Boost turkey. , Given the shake-The right hand. A red-hot article- Cayenne pepper. Does not require amy watering- The clectric plant.


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Ann Arbor Courier