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The Dexter News etates that Mrs. llaoob Jedele o! üiat place died Jan. 21, of lagrlppe leavtóg ji child about öne week old. Mrs. ('. Hemry, oí Dexter, (lied Jan. 14. laiged 68 years. Deceaeed had been sick tor a knjg time; eüie was an old ívsí(it. oí t [,.i i villáge. ■ Shiades oí the rujming rlver, e1 .. think of th at ! The seoretary od Hillsdalo f'ounly Fair Áeeociation has boen votetl a salai-y oí $(00 per annnm M We are not in i, ,-h. Jim ? Lansing ia booming away off to the norIi--,st orner oí Ingham eounto and Stockbridge is booming to the south-eaet corner.-i-gtockbridge Sun. They wil] probably touch fingere soou. It may be dull times wlth merchants in nelffWwring vlUages Jnsi now, but our mca-cliants are doing a wonUerful business, (lood g-oods and loiv prices i -wliat calis .tradc here.- ChelBoa Hcrald. Severa] of the young Iadles are to give a leap year party next Saturday evening. They expect to take the boys up to Ann Arbor for a sleigh nw; a uu wiu (loulrtless take good care of thetn.- Ypsilanti Commercial. The entch-basin water-hole ice along the Rouge is being harvested and etored for next summer's rnarket here in town. You pay your money and take your choice of frog-spittle, sewtge, oyster caiiK, etc. etc- Wayne Review. The editor of the Belleville Enterprise has on exliibition three copper pailg and severa 1 other impleiuents that we dug up after having lain in the ground nearly a century, or slnce the French and Iridian war in that section. A Rochester boy has been sent to tm insano asylum becausc he labors under the dvlusion he can ing. If the Rochester gtancbrd is adopted here it wíll drive jnto retirement a Jarge proportion of our leadiog young society men.- Adrián Times. The school committee of Dover, N". H., is con-sidoriiiK a proposition to purchase Mcyclos íor the use of scholnrs in ontlaylng distj-icta Jn view oí lic large outlay for transportaron ■w-hich is requlped onder the new law. Wía twnture to e;iy that ehould the raneme ue auopted a remarknble punciuality would be noticed on the Tart of Bcholars.- Pinckno.v Dispatcli. A Buffalo concern haw gubmitted to the postmaster-general a slot machine for the sale .of postage stampa, so designed that a one cent or two cent stamp can be secured by dropping the uecessary colns In tiu slot. The beauty of the device lies in the fact that when it has no more stampa to sell it locks itself and refusea to take more Money I'ost naster-general Wanamaker will entertain a provisión for the adoption of the machine by the govermnent. A telegram Tuesday from Petoskey announced the deatb trom pneumonía of Hon. Waíeon Snyder, long a resISent of thls city, and for two yeara it.s mayor. Mr. Snyder carne to Yp Bilanti from Ne'wark, N. J., in 18(ü, and remained tili aboat four years ago v.-iion he moved to Petoskey and became actively Interested in the building up ol Iïay View as a summer resort. He was oí Ypsilanti during l.sT-"-7i, was an cílicicni member for several years of the Board of Education of this city, and was au active member of the Methodist churcli, servIng as superintendent of the Sabbath school, for a period of several years. - Ypsilanti Commercial. The state departmcnt gives out the evorage price of farm animalis from their correspondente in thte county Hs folkra-s: Horsee, undar I j-ear old - - - - $30 00 letveen 1 and 2 ■ - - . 45 7- bet-vrcen 2 and 8 - - - - (4 7a 3 ajid over 98.42 Milch. cows 29.88 Oattte other tlian niilch cows, Under 1 year $9.41 Betwaen. 1 and 2 - - - - 16. 39 lïciween 2 and 3 26.11 ïhree and over - 33.33 Sneep, Under 1 yeair 2.22 1 year and over - ... 2.89 Ilogs, Dader mw year, - ... 3.G4 1 yotir aniel over, : - - - 6.57 FHteen mili and elevabor correBpondenta in tliis county report 74,839 buataele af wheat markcted tw past immtli, and 269,895 bushels iimrk'il Bince let oï last August. The last circular oí the agricultura] experiment station, at Langing, gives the following, that will interest orniL1 oí our g&rdnere: In order to test the claims made for for this mt'tlKHl of growing onions feeeds of seven varicties sown in n. hot-bed April 10, nul on the 16th of May ili.-y were fransplanted to the field, and seeöa of .the same sorts vmwé. om the sa mr .da.v, sown in a parallel plat for comparlon. riii' truansplanted onion.s were plac;d in rows Hfteen [nctoeö apart and at intervals of four incluw in the rows soul was a .rich sandy loam and teceived tu? same care as was elven th adjoining tract containtog a field croj) o: ondone. The ï-.'snit in every oase was in favor 'i the ir.-nisplantcd onions: the tcsnlts. in buebele per acre, trom the tinree beet kinds being as follows: Tiraneplanted: Prlzetaker ----.. 543 SkmthpoTt 296 ■' 566 Xot traueplanted: Prizetaker - o-q South'port 2 Rocca ) The fOTïr week f ollowia the sowing sed In the open ground wei? quite dry, and the plaat mad -■ starl. The tran ones ived a copióos watering when crat and did nor suffer ' The re k!lli rtalnly in favor oí'trnnsalthough ít -will probably pay tor home use and for truckers - doubtful if it wcrald for ] Tn tlie Koutii the method wauld le more desir&tole.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier