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Council Proceedings

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(OFFICIAL. ) Councii. Chambkr, I Ann Arbor, Jan. 25, 1892. ( Adjourned meeting. ('ailcil to order by Deputy-Clerk Bacil. Roll CaÜ. Preseni - Aid. Mann, Wines, A 11mendinger, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Hall.- 7. Aid Hall moved tliat Aid. O'Hearn be chosen as Chalrman jn-o tem. for the e veiling. Carried. Aid. 0 Hearn decllned the lionors and moved tliat Aid. Taylor be chosen as Chalrman pro tdm. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS. Aun Arbor, Mich., Jan. 25, 1898. To the Common Couneil: . It seeme to be impossible to get the taxes Ín during the month of January tind I am coinpellcd to ask you for an extensión of time for the eolleetiou oí taxes until the last day of February, as secms to have teen custouiary in the past. Tours truly, S. W. BEAKBS, City Treasurer. Received and placed on file. Altl. Wines moved that the request of S. W. Beakes, City Treasurer, be granted and that the time of collecting of taxes be extended up to and including Feb. 29th, 1892. Ycas. - Aid. Mann, Wines, Allmendinger, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Hall.- 7. To the Comnion Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Gentlemen:- In complianee witb the ■esolutions and reporta referred to :his Board in regard to a main aewer ve herewith submit the following: These estimates to include thirtyeight or forty man-holes and the use of iron pipes at all railroad crossings and under the Pontiac atreet embankment. The sewer pipes to be strictly first-olass glazed pipes with hemp and cement joints laid true to line and grade thoroughly embedded aud f)l)p(1 below and at wides and the trenches Avell rammed and settled. The manholes to have walls eight inches thick of hard burncd brick, laid in cement and to be of suitable size for access. Provides junetion pipes for future lateral sexers and have the usual cast iron covers and accessories. Krom K. K. Bridge to corner of Main and Summit 8ts. 6500 ft. of 24 inch sewerpipe luid til 259 00 From corner of Main and Summit Sts to KUer Ave. 2BO0 ft. of 20 inch sewer pipe Jaid 4 44 00 From Miller Ave. to Williams Street (partly throuftb private property) 2100 ft. of 18 inch sewer pipe Iaid.... 2.382.00 From Williams st. to Hill st. and the creek !)500 ft. of 15 inch sewer pipe teid 2,692.00 _ . 120,756.00 Engineering and Contingencies 10 per. cent 2,075.00 Ï22.830.00 Uniese the right of way aeross private property can be secured at normal oost, we -vould recommend that the gewer be Iaid in -the street and if the outlet be carried below the II. R. bridse, add $350 for iron pipe and increase ol length. Respectfully submitted, BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, Jas. !'.. Baeh Depty. C3erk. -Vid. Wines moved that the report be referred back to the Board of Public Works, io be acted upon at next meeting. Carrièd. ORDINAXCES. Firsl readlng by title of an ordinance éntitled an ordinance relatlve to Street Railways. Aid. Wines moved that when we adjourn we adjourn to meet Thursday eveniag, Jan'y 28th, at 7:30 p. m. Caprled. Council then adjourned.


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Ann Arbor Courier