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Choral Union Series

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The npxt concert in the series wil! provo a yery lnteresting one -without doubt. The proíframme to be presented is an excellent one and the singers who uill take part have won for theaselves excelleni reputations Mr. Mockrldge hae Jast been engag I i eeason in succession) for the Worcester Musical Festival. "The Wdree. i ■ Spy" say relativo to tliis engagement "No more judicious selection can 6e made, and no more charaing treat could he affordeü the íestival audience than that aflorded by the ginging by Mr. Mockridge last evenlng." It says "Miss Belle Warnfir Botsiord, the vlollnlst, won tumults of npplausc by hor sklllful and fauljlese execution." Of the whole concert it says "Tast night's entertainmem, a concert by the Whitney Mockridgj Concert Conipany, was clearly oesï musical entertainment held iu the hall siuce the close of the festival." Mr. Beresford won hosts of friends by nis singing in the "Kedemptioii" last year. A special prograinnie haa been arranged for this concert. Mr. Mockrldge -vvill ing Walter'H Prelslled, from Wagner's "Meistersinger," and u group of Schnbert songs. The fact that Paderewskl is to play in Ann Arbor has directed the attention of musical enthusiasts iu this diwction. Tlie N. Y. Musical Courer of this week saya, rcferrimr to the concerté given here, "that no city in the United States, of the size of Ann Arbor, approaches it in the line of muele," and quot-es the present beries as proof. Ib is to be hoped that the hall will be packed to do honor to such a great genius, as well (is to contribute to the worthy object, "the woman's annex to Waterman gym." Holders of Associate Membership Tickets to the Choral Union Series can secure tickets for this recital lor 50 cents. The price to nll other will be 75 cente. Contrast these prices wlth thosc provailing in kirger cities, viz. from $1.00 to $2.50. The Choral Union 8eries offers, Feb. 12, Choral Union (240 voices), prchestra (40 men), Mrs. üishop, Chicago, Soprano, Max Heinrich, Iondon, Eng., baritone, and Mr. Marshall Pease, itenor. May 9, Boston Symphony Orchestra, 70 men, Mr. Arthur Nikisch, conductor. May 28, Damnation of Faust, Berlioz, Choral ion, orchestra of GO men, first class BOloists as announced on circulara. It wil} be seen tliat the person who purchases a ticket for the series before January 30, can get Pour Choral Ünion concert and Paderewski for $2.50. By any other arrangement it would cost at least $4.00 Th edate of the Mockride coneeri is January 30th. Young Alexander Salvini appeared herc örst under the management of Mr. Hill. as leadin man to Margar et Miathor. It was at the time the three wei-r taking their first tour together that 1 met Mr. ÍI1! in the lobby of the Acadafliy one ni&tit after a perlanee of "Konieo and Juliet." do you like Miss Mather ?" he esclaimed enthueiastïeally, "Issüeaiot a porfeet 'Juliet?'" "She ia indeed." I replied. "But where did you get that young 'Romeo?' Ho is superb." ■Salvini !" Mr. Hill said, indifferêntly. "Oh, yes ! certainly; a son oí the Italian tragedian, Tomisso Salvini. A fair player," and he Ktroked his flowing beard complacently for a moment and agaln launched into pralses oí his tar. Shortly afterward Tomaseo Salvini witnessed his son's rendltion of "Romeo," and when the play was over he -vvent beliind ïho scones and aid to him: "My boy, return to Italy; you wlll ncver make an actor." To me it secmed incredibk' that no one could precieve the dormnnt genius in this youth of Bcarcély twenty years, whose temperament had the warmth and ardor of his own native land. Hín physique was supcrb, his niovements graeeiul, hts face darkly handsome and ])icturesque, and lus head, perfectLv slianed covered vritti black, erisp curls. Surely, it eeemed to me. Miss Mather's success was being, at least, partly, achieved through assoclatlon wlth thi.s gifted young player. Young Salvini, dcspite his father's suggesflon, Btudied and worfeed, improvins wlth fach passing year, cruating and playïng most briUiaatly many important roles, until not only the American ■public and critica acknowledged the preaence of a glorious young traeeha,n, but the eider Salvini also bow■(! to lus bqb'b superior ahilitv mul power. -


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