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tíheiiif, of Howell, was in the cáty .Saturday. Mrs. liary Welle, oí Detroit, is tlie gucst ui Mrs. Abbi Flatfg. -J:s. i . 'E. ■'' Ui Ui , „ 0 Mil's. 1 U-- day. " , Eddie Seyler epent öunday ut the homu ot Ute sister, Mrs. FowLer, in Detroit. Mire. l-'ri'd. C. Brown has been quite eeriously ill during the past week, the result oí Ia grippe. Wm. A. Hatch, oí Detroit, who is wow a traVeüng salesinan, was in the city last Friilay. W'allace 'Y. Bliss and wU'e went to tlackson Saturday to -isit their son George over Hunday. iJr.s. .J. .ƒ. Goodyear gave a bíx o'clock u-a to a íew oí her juiing lady (Mende Tuesday evening. Mn-s. IS. P. Knight, oí California, bas been vdeiting her sister .Miss Emlua ïlnrtshorn, of this city. Mrs. '.Malx-l 'Pond wem to Dexter Saturday to remaln over Sunday wlth ï'clatiws, returning liouday. Mía. Eaglee, of Albany, N. V., has j been visums her brother Chas. H. hliii-lnuoiul, during the week. .Mis. il. j. Brown luis been conïined to her room for severa! days the past weck witli the grippe. Thfere are several young gentlemen of acquaintanee anxionsly awaiting au iavitatiou í(- a lean vear party. Mira. IS. 8. Walker ïlee .Ylury Cüapin, of üt. Johns, luis been risiting Airs. C. A. Chaplu, on Lawrenee ut., tor ;i few uays. Mayor Doty has been eodeavoring ui keep üp the iaehion during the week, aini o had the grlppe. He is Eubout once more. Guy Boudinot, formeriy ol tMa eity, i tv lx.' ïnaa-i-ird in Cleveland sumí, tu Miss rouklin, a atece oí the late Sfiiu.tor Oonklin, oí X. Y. .Mr. and 'Airs. Schairer entertained jn aumber of their ïriends last lluy everning, iu meel their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Guuut, of Chicago. Mis. E. E. BeaJ retujned Saiurdaj; ïruni a week's stay at her old home in DextOr, attending the sich U.-d o, litr sister. '.Miss ILattic Keith. .Mis. Harry Y. Hawley, oí Denver, Colo., ïs visdtlng Iht parentB Mr. :md Mrs. ( luistian Mack. Mr. Hawley ■who came vitii his wlfe, has returu?U home. Mis. -l-'i-vd. A. llowli'ti as ealled to the iioini' of her paren ts in Clielsm lust week b.v tlie serioiis lllnoss ol iwith li "v father and niother. Slle ! tiiracd l'riday liilit. huw.u'd Dutfy returneü froni a meeting of the prlson board, at Marquette Monday evená-ng. Altliouh the was not vi-i-y (.'olil up thwe lic got .ui addltion to his1 grippe. FVed. Schmid lias gone to Pontiae bo-day to attend a tneeting of the tusylum board. TIn' Wfslryan Guild Lectore course for tliis season wlll opened oexi Sunday evening, at the M. E. church, by Rev. J. P. I). John, pirsiilcm j? thi' De ï'auw l'iiivcrsity.


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Ann Arbor Courier