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rOR SALE- Lamber and Wood business JC Stock, team, wagons, office and sheds lironnds can be rented for a term oí years a reasouable rates. As I iutend changing m business the above is offered íor sale at once ñUo House and Lots for sak' in the city. Stil Agent for Champion Harvesting Machinery. II. RICHARDS, 9 Detroit Rtreet, 0 Ann Arbor. Mich FOR SALE OR REXT- Ni'v House on For est ave., oontalniDg 10 rooms and all mod ern convéniences. Apply to Henry Richard i rolt street. Ann Arbor, Mich. 0 f-0R SAI.K (Ui: AP- A flne colleotion con sisting of about 40 American birds hand tomelv mouuted In agíais case. Apply at th Ann Ariior Organ Co., 51 South Mam si. 0 FOUND- A lady's gold watch. Owner can have same bycalHngat thls office, provin; property and giving the Bndera small reward "ITT'ANTED- Travelingand local salesmen to V sell our Xursery Stock. Wtllpayelthe aalarv with expenses or commission. and pay weekly. Previons experience not necessary, nd nb diffioulty to sell our stock. Apply at once giving age and stating "rChampuign Nurseries. 38 & 39 Pixley Kloek. Ft. Wayne, Ind. 99 J7XPERIENCEDDRESSMAKER wishes sewli ing todo at home or by day. Cutung by tallor system. References. Address E. C. w.. P. O. Box ]403, City. 98 IAVNTtosell two hrick dwelllngs and vacant lots on Xorth Main st., Ann Arbor. I smgoiug back to the farm and wlll sell very sheftp. John .1. Robisou. 99 FOR Rent or sale on iustallment plan, a new modern seven room house on Summit st. Apply to N. .1. Kyer. 98 WANT TO EXCHANGE for Ann Arboi property. Six acres of land iu Berlín rille, E ríe cbunty, O. Fruit of all kinds dood house of teu rooms, closet, pantry anc sellar, cistcrn, two wells, shop and barn. Two jnfnntes walk to post office; also YACANT LOT in Toledo, O., corner Indiana ave. and Miller st. Sewer, eas street cars, and stone sidewalk. For furtnei particulars inquire of G. W. Butler, Traint Depot, Wood Co., O. 9 -TT7"ANTED- Flve or six wood-choppere TT For partieulars inquire of the J. 1 Jacobs Co. Mr Marshall Pease will reaome his olassei in Voice Culture on Moii(l!iy,.lauuarv4th. All purticulars may be had at his studio with the A. A. Organ Co. ■ _ WXTED- Married man to do chores and general farm work. For particulars, address T. Birkett, Blrfeett, Micli. BUY your nood at the Saw Mili and save raoney. Cord and stove woód constantly en hand.' Cor. Hill and Packafd St. F. M. Hallock. nio RENT- For a term of years, the farm L known is the Arnold farm.3'. miles wesl of Anu Arlior. Kor partlculars addreas E.N. Green, 72 Winder st., Detroit. Mieh. FOR REST- The property Xo. 56 So. üniversitv ave ,'occupied by Dr. Fleming Carrow The hónse has bath, gas, and every modern rnicnce. Rent, $27.50 per month. Applj So Dr. Fleming CarrOw. l ÜCTIONEER- C. Klngsley, live stock and A_ Keneral anctloneer. Patronage BOlicited oau be made at thls office or at my honse S Univerrity Ave. References given 11 desirecl. MCSS GEACE HBNDRICKSON -Pupil of Proís. Luderer and Yunck, oí Detroit will "ive instruetions on the violin. PartlcuIars at residence, 72 S. State St. 3in WATER TANK FOR SALE.-Tank . 4 f eet square by 4 feet deep, made ot 2 Inch plm plank, lined witli heavy galvanizud irou. Enquire atthis office T:T.- Au office suite over F. & M. Bank aainand Iluron sts. Apply atCoDBiBS OFI'ICE. nd 11 miles {rom Aun Avl.or. containing 1 house and barnes, slpck, and weU water', timber; schooi and otaron within a mile Land naturally the best and oultlvatlon wod; also forty acre farm for sale, thi of the E. y, of the S. E. qr. of sec. 84 of Ann Arbor towñ. belng part of the Howe-North place north of the County Farm ; "3 miles from Mack ArSelmiidV." 1. miles from city iiinits. l'irst-class land for peaches. Prices and terins reasonable. Cali on or address Andiew E. (Jlb■on, 32 Mayiuird St., Ann Arbor.


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Ann Arbor Courier