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Coies, of lowa, wants the democratie nom...

Coies, of lowa, wants the democratie nom... image
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Coies, of lowa, wants the democratie nomination ior president. He is one of the Bolee and ought to have .nvthing he wants. The Statement is made on what is deemed teliable authority tliat Daniel E. Soper "will not be a candidate for re-election as secretary of state On the democratie ticket tliis fall. And still if the people swallow the democratie ticket ap,ain ín this state they will have to Soap 'er. Amontï the speakers to be ])resfnt. at the Michigan Club banquet, at IH'troit, on Feb. 22d, will be Senator Bishop W. Perklnfl, the new Kansas kemator appolnted in place of the late Senatcr Plumb; Senator Spooner, of TVisconsin; J. Sloat Fassett, of New York; James S. Clarkeon, of lowa, 'ehairman of the national republican ommittee; and Governor ïïm. McKinU'.v. oi Ohio, if it is possible. Hou. .1. Í'. Burroughs and General Alger will ulso Ik' présent, besidee others who iiavc promised to attend if circumfefcaneea will permit. The crime of kidnaping children and Holding tliem for ransom, accompanied Witb a tlircat of deatli for the, child 3 the dfinand is not complied with, "which iá so common in this country, 'and whdch luis been Buccessful in sevIns mees, is mie of the most deicst.ilili' in the calendar of crimes. virus attempi In New York state lian resul ted tn the arrrsl o( the vilQane, and thelr punishment should te surc and swiii. A tew examples ji frwin urn .su-rii jusnce vonia navo n temdency to make these rarnel crimes ïower. It is gtated that the Poles in Detroit have passed rcKolutions of tluuiks to Con.aTcssinan Chipman Sor iiihiiin.-in conduct and unfeeling ede in cougress recently, -vhen a 'íp-opowition -was tap to pay ox"Í the gift to the starving SUesiaas, made by the millers .-uní pt'opLc of the northweet. Suppose this was in Poland? What tiction would these' unthinking peoplc take then ? The Inhabitants of ia greal secticm ' Bussia are starvns. They have no food nor meana witli "which to purchase food. And . the man -who would by yoice or vote place the irnsl impediment in the way 'of their obtaining food. Is a brute who oiiülit lo be s!iu out o; i-ivilized society. Cardinal Manning diéd a poor man, woirth only $500. Hto salary went fco cbarlty, and he had the pleasure of seeing hte mooey l" good while Jic livrd. Anoílicr conviet escaped from JackBon prison last weck, taaking nine escapes ïor the year. Warden Da vis is rvidvntly better ai fixing úp Soper bargine i lian lie i In taking charge í the state príson. Between Harrtoon and HUÍ it would be a matter of serious coneideration it would not he better to take straight reputóUcanism rather than spuirious democracy.- Philadeliiii;i Record, The silgar consumera of this country are an.ious tor congreea to place the ttuty back upon sugar and do ay -vitli the present cheap BUgar systcm. j)on't: you believe it ? Well, xhat's singular, too. The wool growers of this country re anxiously waiting tor congrese to take the duty oH of wool 80 that they can comi)ete with Australia, South America, rtc. Don't you belicvi- it ? Well, that'S singular. ■J'ln' supreme court of the United ■St-atos has thrown aside partisanBhlp and given Jlr. Boyd, a deinon-rat, the governorship oï Nebraska. Tlie supreme court of New York ought to blueh at tlie Bhame of their partlBaofihip. Under the new reeiprocity treaty with Cuba, the United States sen1 57,4-TM barrels of flour to that counfcry during January last, against 2,720 barrels for the correspondlng month of 1890. Iteciprocity is a humbuK, is it ? Dnrlag the past year there has been an incroase in the clrculatlng medium of tlie country, of $78,098,087. The amount per capita of the money jiow in cireulation in tlie United States te $24.52. Wliat country has a greáteir volume of currency. If the democratie party is truc to its principies and its protestations, and nis the courage tliat loyalty requlres, it will accept the issue forced by the New York ring of poüticians tuid meet it. boltUy.- Kansas City Star, (Dein.) Althotigh the democratie party has an ■ovcrwhi'lininsi 'aiajority in the preseút cangrees, tliat body dare not enact any 7av, 'itiirr upon the silvcr queetion, upon the tariif or upon any mlHT great question before the pooplo. Stick a pin there. Grover Cleveland vill deliver the annna] addrese before the huv studente of the University of Michigan n Ann Arlior, on Washingtoii's birtliLiy, and r will probably get more benefit out of it than will Dave Hill frora hls snap convention called for the same day. - Boston Herald. Thoee who support Hill find absolutcl.v ,, ) argument in his favor ex■ pi the fact ]y virtue of the pow■i- of Tammnny Hall lie controla the party machlnery in New ïprk, and that tuis same délectable institution Iknife the party if it cannot eon,"■ ■ rare imbritan, (Dem.)n-astdng over two ïnonfhi in idlenese the present democratie house ias at last adöpted a code of rules. And these rules ivill allow a handlull of obsiTiic-tionist.s to Blllbuster and prevent all legisla t ion. The 52d conï;res. Avitii its g'reat democratie malörlty, Avill accomplish nothing. Hark the prediction. Chicago bankere havo come to the nid of the World's Fair directory, and comgress will not be asked for a cent. Poor St. Louis ! What will she do ïow somethisng to scold about ? -Vnd foolish, jeaious, ild New York, ïow she -will hang' her head in disKiii-. Snch public spirit as that is t thing unknown among the business men of those cities. Hon. Chas. 11. AVhitman, commisionev oí railroads, has g-iven out the ollowing statistics: ïiarijings for KoenilKT. 1891, $8,406,188.05; corresponding inonth, 1890, $7,882,745.25; □orease for 1891, 523,442.80; toal earninge from Jan. 1, to Dec. 1, .891, $87,008,035.77; same period n 1890, $85,323,039.56; lncrease Eor 1891, $2,345,590.21. A labor organlzation in New York hes endoreed a bilí ivhich grants to 11 self-supportlng wónien the right of franchise. Wonder if the women wrho remaln home and bring up the family and attend to the work that n.iki'K a manís life endura bie or enjoyable are considered sell supporting? And thon, too, how alxmt the womaa thal supports a lazy hiisband betádes by taJsing in washing or other "work '! ís she countxnl in ? Bx-Pj-esident Cleveland has an enageoneni on Washington's liirthday. Fcliriiüv 22d, to deliver an oration at thr Uuiversity ot Michigan at Aun ArliDi-. Benator Hill has an engagement on that day to capture all the Mogates to tiie National Democratie "onvention frora tliis state. Mr. ('leveand is evidently still pureulng the o called "educational campalgn" oí 1888. Hill na pursuing tho grab evrything same of no called "practical" politics. ít will -vvin in the democratie party.- X. Y. Press. The present senate of New York, both in the mauner in which it was constituted and in much of its proceedings, is thus lar a public scandal or which the democratie party is reponelble. It Justiiies the leellng -n-ith viiicii democratie succees in the state regarded. Such familiar results of that snecees in the York legisature and in congress show why it is hal .1 large lody of discontented remblicans yei preier the great tradliona oí their party to such leadernip and conduct oí the democratie u-ty.- Harper's Weekly. The Chüliaa authorittes have at last taken actíon and have sentenced the men who assaited the Baltimore sailors ia a measure commensurate with Tin ir crime. David B. Hill lias gotten the Ne-w York democracy lnto a pretty mess. Such conduct will nol win for hiiu the support of demócrata who believe in and honorable ujethods.- Atlanta Journal. (Dem).. Perhaps the republdcan state centtal commiitri' can a ford to ignore the country republdcan prese, and help assist metropoldtan journals in rooting out and underminlng thêm. And ilicn Bgain perhaps 3t can not. The Montana mines produced $."50,"000,000 in gold year. But it ■wlll be uselews for anyone to rush fhere. The tree Bilver bill this congsrees Is pledged to give the people,. will knock out rïold, you know. The Adrián Prees has the gall, the eheek and the oifrontery to aseert that in "New York the demócrata have Becored legal victory for justlee and right, as againsi atteinpted fraud and t.heft." Great t;ins ! What au idea nf justic-e I Niágara county, New York, senda i Cleveland delegation to Hill's conrention in that Btato on the 22d inst. A county in Kentucky has srnt ti solid Hill delegation to what ought to 1k Cleveland's convention in that s;,-iti'. That'e the way thlng's get mixed. It i.s estimatod that 700,000 Immigrante will Ik' landed in tbils country duriiiir 1892. How nmny of tUem wïll ' become safe and self-supporting citizens oí the Gire&t Kepublic ? If Uncle Sam doos not have severe indigestión in trying to a.ssiinilate such a Large mass oí foreign stuff, it wlll Ir' stranirc- Farm Journal. It has often beeu sald that dishoneety and ïriekery will meet with a hit reward m the end, but sometiimee ít ie a long wait for tlie dosircd consiumnation. ín the tase of Mr. HïU, oí New York, however, the 'iid eeeme to be coming quick. He has cvidently ovi'rste]ped himsclf. Those -vlio looked on with approvIng glances at lii.s chlcanery are now the chicaner. The metropolitan paper of the day that contains the newe gïven in a condensed but at the same time clear !ind vinders tanda ble inanner is the one doet swight ior, and in this respect, ïik "vvell as in every other, tlie New York Prese filis the bilí. It is one of the best newspapers published in ny country of the world. Always bri.uht, always clean in tone, always reliable in everything, it stands out bold and clear as tin' people's paper. 'o other New York joiu-nal is so eagerly sought in this gcction. Its Cartoons are a pleastng feature, and tvery One of tliem sliarp and clear. Evory veteran -who expects to visit the juitioiial encahipnient at Washington, next ycaí', i earnestly requeeted to send a card oontaining his líame, address, regiment, brigade and fiorps to John McElroy, chaixjas COmmittee on lennions, 'asHinsfíón, '■■ '■'■ ■; ii man whö sees Uiis notice hould iiot only net on it at once, but Bpeak to all his vetaran acquaintancee ia regard to it, and advise them to do the same. The poeeession oí these oai-ds will fireatly help this eommittee on 5-eunions in itn effort to bring eyery man where he can meel


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