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Ypsllianti glories in 15 grocériea an Chelsea 8, agalnst 35 tor Ann Arbor Dundee'8 new JioteJ, It is expected wdll bo ready for business by April l,st. Chicken thieves are saitl io bo getting iu iluir work - and chickens- at Birkett. One Monroe dealer has shlpped 22, OOOrabbits froni lliat city this Winter, ml season is not ov yet. A í-'aniHT'.s liLstimti' wiïl lx' held &t lielleville on Peb. lOtli and llth. A number of Waettenafw county farmci-s MrtU reuil papers. J. H. KAngstey is canvasing with a ■wtew oi putting in au elfictric light liiilit plant at Manchester. The Y]siianti Commercial has adoptted "ome a anonth" plan. We never have seen the iirst month's product.ion, however. From all accounts the "cheap pict-ure" nwn have relieved the inhabitante of this county of some of their Burplns cash, during the past month or wo. - Herald. Monday, ibiuary 1, 1892, Mr. and Mre. Thonia.s Jewett, who reside BQUth oí "lilis place, eelebrated the fiftietli amlnvereary of their marrlage. - Cheteea Standard. The weather w;is so sprüig-llke in Uundee on "candlemas day," that it was uucoinfortabl-e to wear anything noa-e tiian a two-cent revenue stamp und a "chaw-er tobacker."- Reporter. Joeeph Hopkins, of North Lake, was i)uried at ünadilla on Tuesday, the Und iiist. Mr. Hopkina died Sunday, January 30th, and was one of the pioueers öf the county.- Dexter leader. The Young Meu's Clu-istian Association is preparing a course of practical and intei-estiug lectores to be n in their rooms. These lectures ure for young men, and wfll be free. - Ypsilanti Sentinel. Mm. Luda C. Guerin, wife of Chas. Guerin, au old resident of Lama, but who ha been living with her son W. K. Guerin, in Clielsea, for Bome time, (lied on Wedneeday evenlng Uist of paralysi.s, aged 78 years. Everybody at Gregory aas the grip. Don't kiiow whether it is aUlance or ileinoca'atie or republican- Stockbridge 8un. It te neither. It is strictly prohlbition. It prohiblts a person Drom heving one decent feeling. (j. H. Gay, township treasurer, was in Masan Monday BetHng with the treasurer. He was the tliird to eettle the accounts, having collected iiU ni it:l'S bilt S11.52. The total lax collected was $6,524.62.- Stoektwidge .Sun. Wm, V. Tarranee lias got his penBlOD claim corrected. Tlie claim was iKiilly mixed with a íraudulent one, made ly a man in Bay City, upon Mr. Torrancc's record. The Bay City man has skdpped to (.'anuda.- Milán Leadtr. . I The animal meeting o! lUc StockholdtTs of Cheleea Recreatton Park Asteociation -ill Ik; held at the town hall, in Chelsea, on Saturday, the 27tb, day of February, 1892, tor the pnrpoee oï eleetíng seven directors for the ensuiiiK yeai'. The farmer who lias not put his farm impleinents and machlnery unUeir cover tliis winter wlll wonder tubout 'narveet time why tliey lo not vork better and alteiwai-ds charge the firm they bought of with selling them a poor ai-ticle.- Chelsea Herald. The Variner's Alliauce and ro-oper.iiive association, of Gregory, was Iransferred on Thursday last to the National Union. V. A. (ates wlll l)e in charge of the stock the saine as beforc. They expect to put in $8,000 or $10,000 worth of goods. - Plnckney Dispatch. The Bcio correspondent u' the Dexi(ir TS'ews t?ets oll the (ollowlng: Wcio's bachelors, inisi oi wlioin are of loiis standing, are Onding mattere matrimonial quite warm these days. Althougli they Qave liad no newspa]icr advTtisiiiK. the magnitude of thelr charme lias gone abroad, and with nuch cffcft that ouï olfactory eau well iiigh öetect the odot of oraage blosbome in the Iroety air." l'incluH'y ïieede ure protection very tauch. Ifwould avem au thougb past exjwriemce wauld teach lier citlzena to be wise in timo. A eomparatlvely femall amount Invested in Hre i-xtiuKiiihin}i apparatus will Bave ilioufeandfi of dollars from bciiig detstroyed often times. Aun Arbor's paid l'ire ilepartnicni earned its coet for many ycai-s the íirst year oí its existente by tiavin.ji the Ulgh school building from burning1 up. Tlie Grase Lake Xews: "TUere la B scarcity of gum at Cheleea and nlic gii'ls biave utarted on their oíd rubber síkh-s." ít le best not to belleve that. story. A young gentleman Grom Chelsea, Ixowever, accounts lor the Jagged eare so peculiar to Grasa ILake youqg men. trom the tact that bhe yoong ladiee of t placo get üiriii (the ears; mixed up witli their (the girte') cud a mi keep right on chewIng, and chewlng, and chewing. V-nin-y-u-m : The board oí Detroit titrongly fïTOf uh'Uts and ík Intraducing tiiein us rapidly as poualble, finding That by tlnir use it eau economize iu two dtrectione. ii can place its ratea lower Jkm' thousand gallons, and iiiiini) tnany million gallons less, than when fpeople toe encouraged to throw away all tfhe water they could, by the no meaeuromcnt system. Periiarm metera fn ïpsilantl would save Imyiniï a now ,pumn avci-v few montha


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Ann Arbor Courier