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Pomological Society

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President J. Austln Scott presid('d ovr tlie February meeting ol the Wasiutnaw Horticultural Society :ml encouiraged the ■■■ wlio were présent ;u the opendng of the meeting, who gemerally nave to bear the bur(lrns, nol tO ?ive up the ship. He could iiot see why in tsuuli an Intelligent bammundty, we could nut get one liundri'd inembers, in ae much BB the fruit interest of this county was feTOwing in importante ïrom year t year. 'He Uso Bpoke of the necesBity of being promptly on time. Quite i ïuimbe.r of the members cante in tui hoor later than al the appointed time. Mr. W. 3T. Bird, in hifi address on The Lessons of 1891," stated that fruit gpower had more enemiee thiin any other being on earth. Tliis lias been an exceptional year in some respecte. Crops for the most part have been good and prices for first class fruit have kept up remarkably v'll. He noted a partdal failure of grapee and strawberries trom spring '.roete. Potatoes suffered moro from '►li.nht 'ihis year than i'rom bu.s. Maiiy other vegetables ïailed froin Beed. The most obvious lessons of the yoar aro: Ist That we must cultívate ouv rees md plante better. 2il 'rt'o iniust food ilit'ni uioi'e. 3d To get the best price we must grow largor and better fruit and put t up in the best etyle. ■Ith Do not put too many eggs in .ho etrawberry basket. ïhree years ut of five they are a ment. 5th Do not believe a word of the seed fruit catalogue, or be decelved by their highly colored plctures. 6th lake fungus diseases and injurious insocts more of a. study and be prompt in applying the remedies fouiid t'ffective. The increase of these eiieuiies is alarming. Prof Rlley tells ■us that 45 absolutely new, and Ueretofore Uaknown kindis of injurious ineects 'nave been recently diseovered, ninong them the bOTing beetle which attacke strawbeiry roots. The uppie maggot is spreading rapidly si■vard. The Jtipunese peach worm. ti velat.ive of the codlin worm, lias lately been tmported. The motu deposite ita eggs on the apex of the fruit likf the eodlin moth. This paper was considerably disCueeed by Messrs. J. A. Seott and .1. (anzhcn-n, who warned against over young trees. In regard to the spread of Lusects, E. Uaur referred to the reeolutions passed by the Wholesale nursery men at tlieir anïiual meeting at Topeka, Jan ", asking the co-operatioo oí all fruit growers in au effort to have stringent Uuarantine and inspetilon laws sea to jwotect agaiust the importation oí dteeased and umrlpe fruits trom California, especially from dlstricts infested Sviih iu.sects, sueh as San José seale, ■oolly and gren aphis, which are iK'ing transmitted on both fruit and packages and uiany insects (mil cundemuing unripe íruit picked nd iuindled by diseased Ohinamen, vhi(ii proceesee combine in Jeopardizing- the health of our people, ospecially prunes dipped in lye. Sueh lïuits picked in au unripe state, are duinped on our mai-kets by extensive California corporations, unfit for use, at eed-uced priet's, which drive our liómeg-rown, ripe and whotesome fruit írom Ule niarket. l'ruii growera are therefore requested to secure rigid quarantine and inspection Lawe ai tlic aext meeting of their respective legislatures. A vi'i-y iuteresting paper on the cultiva-tion of nut bearing trees was veart by Mr. Ganzhorn, both ïor fruit and purposes, Quite a diseussiou sprong up, dn whicli Mesara. E. A. Nordman and 1'. E. Mills made quite au o f fort to show the shades ol thi.s bi-ight nut picture. The worthy president carne to the rescue of Mr. Caiiziioi-n, stating that a ten acre plantation of liiekoi-y trees received tam offer of $10,000. All, however, agreed in encouraging farmers to plant 'walnut trees or other nut trees aiongthe ïlghway or aloóg thelr Unes. The trees would aoon serve as posta ïnr wire fenciug. Thls diecusslon was quite a picnic, as tüe experienced men shucked ■', bu. oí wa.lnuts iuto one boishel cií clear nut.s, took bheni to the Aun Arbor auarket and were vei-y fortúnate to g-et 40 cents. Tliere are howevei-, better markets lor nuts. Mr. Mills conld nol get the boys in shuck ■walnm.s on half share. The prices for walnut tiniber have considerably Cttanged sinec red oak has come to Che íioul. Mr. Mills named a llack walnut tree for which $150 svere re Fused, svMcl) now would uot Iffing $40. Mr. ordman eould not . chunga 20-incli ■.■ilnut boards ,npine lumber. Xui Ih-.-h-í)ijí trees do botter irom 1 lie s 1. jiL.iiHcd uiiere iliey are to süuid. Vi., ni mus as soon as i-ijie; thej wíl iiim ienuinate readíly í ' Lowcd in fli-y. The iiioMou in inaki' the ruad ijuestiou u special topic our Murcb luectiiiiiK was carried. Mr. E. A. Ndrdluaii, df lima, l'rcd Brann, of Ano Arbor town and liou. J. L. Luwden, i Vpsilanti, vt-re requfsted to read papers before the society on this mosi Important qaeetloa of road improveiiK'nt. The time the meeting is the 5tli oí Marcli, sharp at one O'clock, j). in., whicli linie lias appodntecl ror the special benefit of the farmers, who can not attend any late meetdngs. Let the-citizens ot Wanhtenaw rally to this meeting. Brlng your dinner baskets along, h,si yoursell on this qnestlon, i.' make the proper arrantfementii at yonr town ilK'etiims. Mr. A. A. Orozier, the entomologiat of -lie society, wiH give formulas mi ins'i-i cides aud (ungicidea at said íneeting. Every farmer is ihterestcil án the destruction oí aóslous Ini cta nd tn preventina' plant dlseases. A iiiotion, that tlie executive ínittee be instiructed lo investígate the possibility and desirability oi securing the next annual meeting of the State Horticultural Society at Aun A'i'bor, and oxlrnd, ií found practicable, un invitation in bchallf of the society, was carrled. Quite a number oí peach twigs, eut On high and low grounds -vere exhibited by Messrs. AVin. McCreery tmd .1. Ganzhorn. Opon examination till Those luds proveo safe and sound. .T. Austin Scott exliibited fine specimens of apples: the Jonathan, Greenfog, Swar, Spafford Russet, Iadie's Sweettag, Taiman Swect. E. Baur exhdbited Jonathan apple and D'Aremberg pear; ateo pear syrup, used in (place of store syrnps and molasses. This syrup was prepared in the Jelly Factory of tlw Aun Arbor Fruit and Vlnegar Oo. Ir. ('liamborkiin, írom "Webster, v;is weloomed to the meniberehip of the society. We just need sucli young men from all the townships of Waslucnaw.


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Ann Arbor Courier