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Death Of Edward J. Morton

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OCR Text J. Morton (lied at Pontiac last Saturday, aged 36 years. ïhe rieceaeed wae ior many years au employé öi the Courier office, learned nis trade here and alterwarde becarae foreman; then for a time was in the government printing office at Washington, D. C. Later he returned to Ann Arbor and entered into partneirsliip with Mr. Beakes in publlshing the Airgus, where he remained untdl 'nis health failed hini. He then took a trip throu&h the Pacific statos, but fadle dto be materially benefited. Mr. Morton was a young man of excellent eharacter, and one who was igenerally Mked. He was a member of Fraterndty ïxidge F. & A. M., of thds City, also a member of Washtetiaw Ohapter 'it. A. 11., and of Ann Arbor Oommandery K. T., in all of which he took an active interest. He was Worshipful M aster of Fratcrnity Lodige for two or more terms. Funeral services were held .Monday afternoon, at 2 1-2 o'clock, froin the family reeidence on Packard st., condiacted by ïtev. J. W. Bradshaw. . There were severa] fine floral offi rin.ns iriim the .Masonic Fratevnity. Bram the Odd PellOTva, and ïrom the TypogiraphicaJ Ünioa. The lattér av.-i.s ■spccially hondeóme, a pillow ol white roeee and carnations, in the center ol whicii was worked a repreurntaijdii of a printer's composing stick, taaking it haiwjeome and apjropriate, as Mr. Morton wa.s the Ha-st delégate that eVer represented the Ann Arbor union ;it. an international convention, going to Chicago in 1880. Ine foLlowing resol titions have been adopted ly the Ann Arbor TypographIcaü Union: Whereaa, Ann Arbor Typographical Uniou, IS'o. 154, has been inloiiued of the death of EMwani J. Morton, ■ n the eveniig uf Fliday, Ftbruaiy 5; unit Wheicns, Mr. Morton ws not only a cliarter luember of tliis uuioii at ita reoritanization in 1884. hut has hpeti a CotiHiHteut ad neren t to union princi pies during his euüre úotiucÜOD with the priuiiüg business in Ann Arbor and elsewhere, and enjuyed the re speet and liigh esteeoi of our entin body; and Whtsrea, He most faHhfully and efficiënt ly represented the union xi leleíate U the tweniy nighth senwion ot ine Imei natioual Typographical Union, in Chicago, ju 188(1. laking a proiniueiii part iu all thedeliberations of that grtat, body of iutelllgetit menand Whereas. He has alvvays been ready and willing to do all in hi power, both ir. a private member of this uniou and aflerwards as a proprietor, to enhauoe It general iutereata and to benefit its uuembers individually when the occasion presenttd itself fot so doing; tlierefore Resolved, That we nionrn bis los- as few can, outsfde the ctrele f hix iimuediate relat i ves, and rhar hin rueuioiy wlll bu green Ui uur hf-n; ts ualil we air.o .as iu "ült bouroe Iiuiu Wllicb no iravelei lelam." Resolved, Tbatin t(.k;ii ui uui dreaii afflietiun by reason of Iiíh deatii [,, iiip prime of i noble ruauuood, oui eliarter will be draped i:i inouruing fur 8U dys. Kesolved, Tbat we tender to his be reaved uiotlier and biotlieis [be tenderest txpression of uur sytnpaiby and coudülerice at this trying hour, and a-ssure theui that it is i:i!eud no mere forui of euipty woids. Resolved, That a eopy of ihc-e pr-amblns and resnlutloUH be njn,i-,,ici to eack of ihe city papers and albu ;, tli' Euteruatiuual Typograpiíicai Journal íbr publication, and tbat tiiey lie r-pread lu iull upon the records of' tbe uniou. it 8 Shan.von, J O Jenkins, ti i' Staüch, Committee. The "boys in blue" who meet i)(rc. In April their annual ■ï-ciiiiiou. ought in toe recedved xrith the same enthuslasm that they were when thy carne marching ïiome in 1885. Beglster of Deeils Seerey was taken sniuusiy in wiiiie attendlng to bis (ïutiee last Thursday, and had to be ■be taki'n nome where he has remained fcince. The prospecta are that he will be about attending to his duties soon Qgain, Ivo we ver. One of BobteOD & Howletfs hacks, beiii driven by Jlr. Baxter, while coming up Detroit uu-eet this morning-, teame In contact with a Btreet car KOlng norlli. The team was evidently qnit' frightened and managed to swing aboul so that the tongue of the hack waeetruck by the car, the vehicle tlpped over and quite badiy damaged. Mr. Baxter was thrown oH and sustained quite painfu] injuries.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier