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MASOXIC DIRECTORY. Ann Abkor Commaniifry, Xo. 18, im-cts (irst Tuesday of each moutU, B. F. Watts, E.C.; .lolin Jl. Minor, Recorder. Chaptkr. NToi I - lletas örst Kfonday i'.-tcli month. L. '. Goodrich. H. F.; N. D. Gates. 8ecretary. BUSINESS CARDS. MODISTE, Makes fine Costumes, Tallor Suits. also -Misses' and Children's' Suit.. Ladies' Wraps a Specialty. U4 NORTH FIFTH STREET, ANN ARBOR. 82 Chas. W. Vogel, Dealer in all kinds of Fresh and. Salt Meats. Poultry, Lard, etc. EVERYTHING NEAT a.vd CLEAN No. 9 E. Ann St., Ann Arbor. W. W, NIGHOLS, DEWTIST. Rooms over Aun Arbor Savings Banks, Opp Court House Square. VIT ALT ZET) AIR. Administered. It is agreeable and easy to take. and no prnstratiug effects follow, while teeth ure extracted without pain. THE CIRCUIT COCRT for the County of I Washtenaw. In the matter of the petition of Charles E (Jreene to dissolve the Aun Arbor Tannine %'ompany. It satisfactorily appearing that Robert Hoffstetter, Heury P. Marnard, Regina Shults, GottJeb Layer, Sarah A. Vanderwerker, Valentino Krause. E. Sheldon, S. r. Foster.J. P. Xiehols and Iliinson Sessions.Stockholdt'rs in said Ann Arbor Tan iins Company, canuot be íound in the County of Washtenaw aforesaid, and do not reside therein; on inotion of .1. F. for said is ordered that the above named persous enter tlmir appearance in tln's prooeedfng witliin tivêntv days from the 2)th day of February, 1892. And it is fnrthcr ordered that a notice óf this order be pnblished once in each week forfour weeks ! in succession. in ihe Ann Aebor Couribk a newspaper printed and published in sd County, and the tirst publicatiou in said newspaper be on the 27th day of .lauuarv 1892 Dated .luiiuury 85, 1892. K. D. K'lNNli 1(il)1 Cfrcult Judge. The Estáte ok Francis Woodbeidüe. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countv of Washtenaw, ss. Ata session of the Probate Court for the rouuty of Washtenaw, holden at the ['róbate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Mondar, the 28th day of December, tn the year one thouand ciRht huudred and ninety one. Present, .[. Willnrd Babbltt. Judge of Probate. In the matter of thé estáte of Francis Woodbndge, decensed. Alice Woodbridge, the administratrix of said estáte, comes into court and representa, that she is now prepared to render her final uceouut as such administratrix. Thereupon it is ordered, that Fnlday. tlie -22d day of January next. at ten o'clock in tbeforenoon, be assigned for examining and allowmif ueh account, and that the heirs at law of said (leceased, and all other persons iuterested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session ofsaid Court, then to be holden at the Probate ■Milito xu me ny or Aun Al-Oor, in said ounty, and show cause, if any therc be, whv the said account should not l)"e allowed : And lt 18 further ordered, that said Administratrix giye notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendeney of said account; and the hearing thereof , by oauslng a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Courer anewspaper printed and cireulating in said f onnty, three successire weeks pre vio in to said day of hearing. .. . J.'WFLLARD B.VBBITT, VJ. gÍ'doTT?7'3 JlUlge ' PrObate' Probate Register. A man of letters- Mr. Van Cott. SomeDiinir on foot in Franco- 8abots. FOR TEN DAYS Oommencing Saturday, Peb. 20 and lasting till March Ist Foster's Kid G-loves During tliis Sale .Miss Poole, of New Vork, will be witli iis to personally conducl the Sale. Every pir of gloves fitted f desired. pOSTER'S ID QLoVES Ai-c mnv known thróughout the trorld as tli ost gMfect glove made. Bvèry piiir w.'UTiintcd. Xo better time togef vvhatvQU want in Style, Color, ':m.l Qualit.y. Durintr tli(' tpn Aava of the Sale, for the' purptise of better introducing these goods'tothetradewe will giyg toevery t(n dollár purchaser n any Department a A PAIR OF FOSTER'S KID GLOVES FREE OF CHARGE OUR SPRING DRESS GOODS Are n. Seled your pattern for Spring wear, and get a pair of gloves to match your dress to a shade free with every ten dollar purchase. OFHCBJPIT! A flne suite of offices over the Farm ers & Mechanic's Bank. Main st , nn Arbor. Enquire at Coürier office.


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