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In Apple Time

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It 'luis been iny deldght years tó gatliei' ip any novel formula for ustng apples and experiment n its cone.oction. For the tenefit of otlier houfiekeepera who like to try various lïeldcacleB. X venture to oífer a few delicious ways of p.repurinK apples, wliieh, -while not orisinal, have all Deen proveü successfully, and are not copied ïrorn current cook-looks. "Uut if when you read, They ehouU V:il to restore you FareweU and God speed- Tlie vorld Is before you."' APPLE SNOWBALLjS.- Bodl one cup of rice loteen imliiuteé, ow steain iintdl tender, wrinc ruit. nf lin+ Binall pudding cloths ;i third of a yard square and lay over amall halfpint bowls. Spread the rice one-tliird of in iiK-h thick over the cloth. Put a r iffet peeled apple in the center oí eaeh. Draw the eloth around the apple till eovered amoothly with the Woe. tishtly and .stcara twenty rainuti's. Eemove the cloth carefully and turn the baila out on a platter, sirváis With apricot or leinon sauce. One cup of should anake four or five balls, accarding to the size of the apples. .W'I'LE TREAT.- Ome pouud of apples, ouc qnairter of a pound of bread trumlw, the riud of one lemon, three egg-s, to taste; line dish with paste and bake. Prepare applee as ïo-r apple sauce üi altérnate lavera witli cold i-ice pudding eut thin. A little butter, and almond ïrosting. Tliin bread and butter may be tised in place oí rice pudding, wit a little eold custard poured over. Bake ■vith 'Iw-fad crumbs on top. APPLE GINOEB.- Dessert dish. Two pounds of any kiind of hard appies, two pounds of loaf sugar; one and one-liali püits oí water, one ounce uuuKture o: gMiger. Jioil the sugar ■and water nntü they form a rich syrup, adding the ginger when it boils up. Pare, core and cut the apples into pieoes; dip them into eold water to prevent turndng black, tlien boü in the syrup till tliey are braas1)arcnt; stomer so Rently that they ■wül nat break. Remove the apples into jais, pour over them the syrup and carefully exclude the air bv ing wil. ïf kept in a dry place wil] keep luitil caten is my experienee. APPLE SANDWICH.- Mix one-half cup of eugair and one-halí a snitspoonTul of cinnainon the grated rind of lialf a .lemon, takiiig care tliat none of the bitter white rind gets in; molt one-half eup of butter and stdr into .t une pin,, ui kuil iM-0-íHi crumbs; prepare three pinte of sliced apples; butter a pudding ajah; put In a jayer of crumbe then sliecd applea sprinkled witii sugar. Repeat layers of crumbs apples and sugar untdl yoiir material ia nsed. [i the apples are not juley acid lialf a eup of cold water ;uid if not tart enough add the juice of half a lemon. Cover witli a thlck layer of bread crumbx. and to prevent burnÍBC PS'OU'Ct AVitl) .1 tin f... „ í lötoutes uut il it beglns to bate. n hour's baklng will sulïice. Serve with cream. Oracked wheat mush wiU be used ia pLaee of bread criimbs if deeired. FEIEB APPLES.-Pare sound apples, core amd cut into hali-inch slices. Pry ui hot butler until tender, a m xman sMces of toast with pówdered fwg&r and cream. Anotüer way preterred -ynh beefsteak i.s to eut circular slicos ii-om unpeeled apples, from which t.he con. is carefully removed. The Dilles siioul.1 be sour and when fried laad around the steak as o garnlsh i ing. Very appetiziii"-. Rminmm i„i - es ■ r-jwun iijuLn il 1ed wdth thin slk-cs af young onions to serve -vrith steak. APPLE TOAST.-Toast thin ellees state bread and spread with buttèr Tako as many appLes as you desire to quantity, eut in thin sMces and stfw ín eaucepan as quiekly as poesibte. Sweeten, mash fine and Havor with nutmeg. WhUe toast and sauce .' uw Bpreaa tüe sauce on the toast and Berve. APPI.E CREAM.-Stew and straiu x lange applee. Add six eggs, beaten vci-y Ught and five tablespoonfulg of white su.-ar. whlsk together until trMf. Heap in a glasé dlsh aad serve wlth cream. Dielielous. APPIJE COMPOTE.-Bodl o,u. ,.,,„ „f ugar and two cups of water flve minutes. Simnier one dozen eored and pared applea slowly in thls syrup untö tender, brain, sprinkle witii sugar nul bake fn a bot Yven „„til brown. Boíl the eyamp down to three-quai-ters of a cup and over the apples i" a deep diéh. Serve with cream or u tliin ciiwi jii'ii Lemou is so eseemiul to geason apples whfch just miss a spicy tartness tlKit I would sugg-est that the yellow i-iiul, carefuJly avoiding the white soake.l in pm-e alcohol gives the most' ÖeMcloue lemon flavoring. Poured from onelot of parlngs to fresh one Bdde to the st.,-ens-tli. Excellent anc económica!. FROZENAPPLES.-Makea riclx ap Pie sauce, soafcing the sugar and wate together beíore Jputttag in your fruit Wiu'ii perfeetly Boft, beat very smooth TiKMi put toto your hreezer and treeze Serve plain or wlth cold custard ae you prefer. APPLE CHERRY.-Peel ,1:„l with O. scoop, remove the cores „ .-w lna.nv ■npples a,s needed far company Put them in a dish with a little lemon peel and a syrup pourcd over thein oí silgar ana water. Cover with a batlng sheet or pinto and cook .siowi.v so as no: to break them Place on a dish tUUng the center oí eaoh ■wlth bolled rice and place a candled eherry or preserved one on the top. Put bo 1 rice a-boul them and o-ror all the syrup n which tii" appios cooked. APPLE T.ATTER.-Pnt In a bowl one-half pound of flour, add ono-half aaltspoon of sait, stdrrlng in very fcradually two gilla of ncw milk. Beat uutll quite smooth and add three pggs. Pour about half the mixture into a 1uttered pie dish and Bet in the oven to get firm. Thcn nearly fill the dis witli apptes pared, cored, slieed and BMghtly stewed v.-itli a little sus;ar aad Icinou ciiiil. iour over butter and lak fiteadlly one hour and a halí. APPI.E PORCUPINE.-This is a convcnicnt dessert dLsli as it may all be prepareil boiiic time beforehand cxeopt the toorinsue. Take cisht apples, one cnp oï granulated susar, juice anc Tind of a half lemon, one pint of water, one-half cup of powdered sugar, wnites ot four eggs, one cup of blnnch"(1 almonds. Core the apples before taring so ns to keep whole. Gut two of them in quarters and slico lenfftliwise. Set the snsar and water ou to boü, and -when it does, put into the syrup the six whole apples and cook g-ently lintil tender, then remove farcfully with a skimmer to a dish. Do not etir the synip whlle cookins fear it will rramilnti The siiwri ipplos Txin.2; stewed and mashed may mv bE added to the syrup with the emoD juice wnrt i-ind and boiled to a inootli mass. Eub smooth with a potato mashw and set aside to eool a Httlo. Then fill the space in and ai-ound the pil of wholo apples with this arpplo inar.alade. For the meringuo, 1eat. the whltes of eggs light nnd dry as for sponde cake, cuttdng in the sugar very lightly. Spread. over ene apples and stick in the almoncta wliicli Vor 'thle should be blanched by Boaktng In hot water till the skins slip off easüy when. they uhould be left in cold water until iised. When stuck in irregularly all over, the dainty dih loóles indwd like a "fretful porenpine." In making the sauce, one cup of BBgar, one-hulf cud of wntw tho ïuice and &rated rind of half a le'mon shouW be made into eynip first, Th en teat the yolis of eggs smooth, idding a little of the synip to thiñ t bèfope fitlrriiig nll into the syrup and bcating together a momont over hot -w.ter, to cook the egg -without curdlMfe. AVlien removed to the table lt is well to stir gently then and and beat a little with the eggbeater. .Serve hot or cold.


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Ann Arbor Courier