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Richard Crocker

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Kichnrd Croker is known all over the country ae leader of Tammany Hall, tliat mighty and powerful orïanization in New York. whieh has the Empire Cii.v 'in its &rip. He is lecended Sroin m oíd Irlsh famüy. vhdsi' u-uu,' s founid in "Burke'a Landel Gentry;" his grandfather was Maar Hi'iirv Crober, o! Martintown, treand, and one of luis relatives was aoviTiior of Bermuda. Mr. Croker was on]y rlircc yeai'S old uiicn hn landed in New Vork witft bis parents and six birotliere and Bistere. He uttendcd tlxe public schools until hls ïfteenth yetw whén lic entered the Iraachtoe tliop of tlie Xnv York Central Rallroad, leariiiDg the trades of inachinLst and engiuear. He becami vwy active ,n j)olitic- and was elect?d a.n alderman in 1867 when onlj twenty-four years old. Ho was iii tlie Board in 1870, when Tweed lesiisLatfd all the aldermen out of uce, bec-ause he could not control tlhem. Mr. Croker was one of the youDg demócrata who were fighting; Tweed, üpoo John KeOly's reorganización oí Tammany Hall, luchara Croker became one oí his lieutenant antl on Kelly's dcath, in 1885, he bcbecame his successor in the leadership. Mr. Croker fe reepected and esteemed ly men of all pao-tiee, wliich is more than can be said of the avea'age poli'tician; he is trusted everywhere and lie has neve.r been known to state au untruth or to go back upon his word. Mr. Croker i not íorty-six years oíd. is married and has a family of six c hildren. He is of very dome.stic habite Bind is ;i model head oí a family. Tammany Hall seems to be reaching out ior supreme power in the nations r-.ouncils of the democratie party. The complete collapse of tlie republicana in the state of New York is due to the methode pursued by Tammany, nnd if Hill Bbould botóme presidential candidate of the democratie party. there can be Mttle doubt but that Tammany wffl be the leadlng factor in bis campalgn. And the inore Tammany the people Iiavc foa-ced upan tliem, the more votes the repiblioan party %yill The report seems to havo got abroad that NorthviUe could not find boardtng iliacos euffielent for the Keeley instituto" demande. This is all wrong. "Wliilo the number of patiënte is increasing fevery day, at the. same ■ time the boarding house eommittee we abte to take care oi forty to fifty (patiënte extra, all the time, npon 30 minutes nottce. This eommittee ■was appointod for tliis purpose, and that they wlll attend to it, vvith the co-operation of the citizens of our villaje, there is 110 doubt. Detroit, Adrián and other people who may fool Timid about coming for fear of 'nothins to Bat, no place to sloop, liould a trip down here once. Xorthville has ;in idea Tliat kIhP.o-uld entertain one of the National conventions. There ís also $15,000 already subsciMbed for a new liotel ml just as soon as it is needed it " le veatly for oecupancy, so say the gtockholders. Come alonj?, gent.Iemen, coin along.-j-Northvllle Record. .Must liot be confoundert with comtnon cathartic or purgative pills. Cartr's Little Pills are cntirely unliike thera in every respect. One trial will prove their superiority.


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