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Favor Sewers

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At a meeting oí the business men of Ann Arbor last Friday evening, held in the council chamber, resolutions were adopted pledging the business men oí Ann Arbor to use all their efforts towards carrying out a plan of constructing sewers which will be easily undti'stood and which is fair to aJl pa-ties concerned. The resolutione are as follows: lirsolved, Th ut the Business Men's Association favors Prof. Greene's plan of sewers as already presented to the people, and Resolved, That we, the members of the Business Men's Association and -baxpayara of the city of An,n rbor Iiereby pledge ourselves to use all our ïiTluenee witli the city council to enact nd carry out proper ordinances providing ft the construction of lateral sewea-s to the city of Ann Arbor, and that we stüJ favor bucIi ordinances U wlH cause the latei-al sewers to ïe built npon any stireet upon the petition of a majorlty of the diente of the said streets. "Resolved, That we favor and will ten-d all our infhiencc to a plan by Which the property adjoinlng and contiguoue to eaid lateral sewers shall be as.sessed by a special tax at the rate ol 33 1-3 ets. per foot of all such property Ironting on streets where Such laterale shall be laid, said assess■ment belng at the rate of $22 for a R6 ïoot lot and $15 on a 45 foot lot, and Resolved, Th at al] property contiguous to and benefitted by the main Beww shall be assessed in the same toaimer and at the name rate, and tliat the amount unjn-ovided for by feuch (special tax shall be paid out of the generas sewer fuiwl. The cost to the taxpayers for the building of tlie main win be $4.16 per $1,000 on assessed valuation. liras to a man a house nnd lot assessed at $2,000, the cost O'l a sewer will be: For general ísewer fund, $8.32: building lateral, 66 Lt., $22.00, total $30.32. Thus ior $30.32 lie receives aperttianent impi-ovement to his property ivorth ananj' times said cost. "BesolTOd, Tinat we heai-tily condem any plan of bonding our city for $200,000 or $300,000, as the interest on these óonds wouid so materially inöreaee our taxation irom year to year ns to thie Kood financial standin :x o! our city, jeopiardise our yra-ity anti uocrease the value 0i' our ppoperfcy." In the opinión oí thie assoclation it is" better to expend money ior sewers to pay interest on bonds, and for tbat reasoa favor ï-aislng the entire oost of the in one year's tax. "Resolved, That we fecommend that the main be built under the suix-rvision oí the board of public works M'iving the work to our own citi' aenij, whil imder a contract, foreig-n labor -wou ld be importe into the city to (lo the wcürk, thus injuring our offii laboring mem." The ïallcnving well known citizens iind tnxpnycrs have siig-ned the petition and will use all their efforts to sec the above plan carriod out: r ' Í' 1tï?man' ■'■ Walker, 9 n ? er' W. H. Esbaugh, wOvi{,-.-riner' Bennett, . F. Russell, W W Tutrlp Alex. W. Hamllton, F.A. Vooïhiég, W. G. Bnrphfleld, Adam D. SevleV, M-S-nteTens A. E.Toole, N.H. Drake, w G Snow G.F . Allmeudfnger. .1.1) Williams. H.?!S„, fea' Vogel' M.M.StIff?fdl , J ,!tlgIass' Charles Dietas, ?--S"ÍSL' Gepiw Jacobui. W ín . A . Wh-edon, , lvi Wilsey, Sónr cñntyre C. J. Shetterly, HenryS. Dean. L M stovonc Jacob Villana FredBrovn, Goodspeed & Sous, W. wShams, HenryFranf; PhSto Bch. H. M. Ta her, j. y ehuh I ?; IOOre' ' Maston. j!-. uortie, tK,mu i Br gffiïsssisr IS iü S:ivSS;„ JSSM f:S?f MIS- L UK:


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