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Keep Out Of Debt

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Beware of debt ! Ann Arbor has made her enveiablc reputation by keeping out of debt and end Ikeeping down her taxes. Is lt not too lae now to start out om a, new tact ? The business men of our city endorse Prof. Grecne's plan, on which the citizenw "vill vote next lionday. Many of the heaviest taxpayers of the city have signed a resolution éndorelng the plan, and favoring a "yes" vote next Mond'ay. To vote f or sewers on this p lan will be to Tote for them on a wise plan that will entail no hea' burden upon the taxpayers for years and Jears to come. Only the property benefited will be tissessed ior improvement. Miss Alice Beckwith wh was liome fi-om her school duli s at Albion, over Sunday and Monday', i-eturned yesterday. J. L. Babcock eutertained, at his home on X. División Kt., on the night of the 22d, two or three .gentlemen ■oí the road. They came uninvited, througu the basement and up the Ktaii-s. to 'the pantry, helping thi'mfeelves to eatables and departed by the Ann Street ent ra nee, with due politenes, le&vtng the big house in peaceful repose. Amos Spokes, father of ex-Alderinan Spokes, oï the ;id ward, Who died on the littli inst., vr&e buried Monday p. m., f rom his rcsidence on Elizabeth ét. He -was (7 ycai-s of age, a native of England, coming to this country in 1849. He leaves a wlfe and four children. He wae a member of Presbyterlan ehureh, and Rev. J. il. Ge&ton conduL-led the funeral tsT-rvices. Last Sabbath those who attended the Methodist chiureh in this city, 'Iwul the 'pleasiwe of liwtening to a fine "dfecoiirse in he morning, from Rev. J. P. 1). John, president of De Pauw University. In the evening he delivi'i-ed au able and interesting lecture 'lefore the Wesieyan Guild. Subject, "The Ovorla-p of Science and Religión." He vas greeted by a vast and attentive audience. Oii next Sunday evening Rev. Dr. Cobarn WlU begin delivering a iseries of lectores ín the II. E. church, upon "The Egyptian Monuments and the 'Bible." Thie conree is given in ilace of the one on "The Assyrian Monunients and the Bible," wbleh Prof. D. C. Lyon, of Harvard, was announced to deliver, but was unable to. The topic for next Sunday evening will be: "The Riddle of the Sphinx and How it was Read." There will be a public meeting, held nt the court house, on Friday evening, commencing at 7 1-2 o'clock, unkier tne amspices of the Ann Arbor Busdnees Mcn's Association, to cxplain the plan for sewerage which is to be voted Tipon aX the election next Monflay. Several citiizens will speak who are interostcd in this vital question, ïhmI taxpayers who do not fully understond the (juestion should make it a potot to be present. The Big Rapids Herald, in its excellent and elabórate write-up of Ann Arbor, had this pleasing paragraph: "The speeches and papers were interepersed by songs by the Univertiity Glee Club, which were again and Bigain encored, while the famous "Chequamegons," an orchestra without a superior in tlie state, furnished the instrumental lnusic. Each and nll of the pertdeipants came in for applaiise and "class yells" that threaten'ed to radse the roof of the largest public hall in Michigan. It was a great Tiiiirht. as the Ann Arbor Press Club Beid lt would be."


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