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"hill Bent For Election," Is The Way

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the New York Worbd eigmncanuy puts ii. The il', of 1. state convent ion al Grand Rapids last week, broke up in n mangel wurtael or BOmething of tlie kart. The meeting of the republican club ai Detroit, on the 22d inst.. u. grand send off tor the party in this coming eampatgn. Wm. G. Thompson did not attend tlie Cleveland hand-shake in Detroit, silthough he was not out or town. Wm. ;. t-till tling-.s to HUI. (en. Palmer, of Illinois, keeps a keen on both Grover anti David. He will endeavor to palm 'er himselï off on the democratie convention undoubtedly. Hon. John T. ïticli is gettdng bootned by many of the stat papera tor governor, and Mayor l'ingree, of Detroit, is mentioned. There is plenty of good tinilK'r, gentlemen. Auditor (eneral Stoaie essays to pose before the public as i financier, and mnkes various fligllty BUggeetionfi as lbo the ertate edueatiooal trust (unds. Efe better confine himself to clerical dut les. The emperor of IH-rmany appeare lo have hifi hands full just now in tak'ing oaiv ol the poor people who are ing tor bread. He will do wel] to -turn attention to charity insU'ad dl' ivni'. ("liili will not particípate in .;.. g-rand "Woiid's Pair at Chicago next e i.s rather chilly toward tlie 'windy city, BO mi wpeak. li s'ae can fiord to take tnat stand, the fair cao, certainly. Tlie political tag-ends and bob-tails ■vlio held a eonvention ;it 8t. Louis last. weck. Hay the .nntion is going to the doge. The desire s tather to the :;!n, probably. But they are hul running tJiings yet. i i CSty, 111., a lot of indignant citizene gathered in a squad tramps, improvised a whlpping j)ost. bared their backs, and gave each onv ol them a whipping. a :,- clèared out. There mey not be any files on Ad■ian, but she lias a $3,500 Finn. A ady by -Jiiit name eecured a judgEor that amount against that ily last weck. Lei pay he ÍOT tumbln.:' tato ii guttcr last summer and inuring hereeli. Hill's írlemde on the national demk ratio committee outgeneraled the Chicago local committee, and. eecur■d a niajoi'ity of ,the 15,000 seats oa' the niext democratie Jiational convention for thémeelves. Tammany's [gera wiil be provlded Jor. The demócrata in the national House ceej) adding to theia already unvvieldy majority by seatimg every demojpat who appliea ior the seat of a ■publican member. Alright. Fire ihead. "Tlu1 people are not dead, mt bteepiag," t inig-lit bc wel! to fenember. The income of the Dnlted States Bippears to bs constantly increasing lotwithstaoiding the democratie howlrs wbo were to Jiave the country ;o to the dogs .as soon as the JIcKiney liill went dnto effect, and the 'tariff for revenue only" was taken off 'of Bugar. Talmage's Tabernacle in Brooklyn ia beiu sold at public auction to batisfy a mechande's lien. This is not ojie of Talmage's stale jokes. If he tan crack old eheetnuts for $300 a ïight, as hc did in Ann Arbor this winter, he ought to be able to reejtre the tabernacle. Among Ihc otter notables at Ann Arbor on the 22d to visit ir. Cleve.■uhI. was Hou. Frank Hurd, of Toledo. He went home trom here and amnouncee authoritatively that "Mr. Cleveland is a candidate for presiteftt." Blees your feoul, Frank, did myone ever doubt ït for a moment ? Tlie free coinage men in tlie house tinder tho head bl Bland, are not so Iland as they inight be. Tliey propoee to fight it out and pass a freo f.oinage meaeuire cost what it may. That's iright. Fiat money and fan-, clful financiers Bhould make the mosiJ f thelr opportunities now, for tliejj ïire not likely to occur again. Tlie Detroit Journal lias been viH ■lias.'d by Ex-Senator T. W. J'ahiB nul Wm. Ijvijipcstone, Jr., and it ■ iiiniiimci'il that nu eifoü't or cniiciB will be spared to Jaata it the mcl complete aftei'noon liewspaper !n thfl west. Mr. Ivivinggtone, %vho assumeB the active management of The Jonrl hal, i a representetive republicail whoee experience 5n newspaper worl.1 ind management covers quite a periodl of ye,-irs. In reliition to HilI's snap convention at Albany on the 22d, the N. Y. Staats Zeitung edited by Oswald Ottendorer, iiy,s: "It is very unfortunate, very. I lea the res uit will be to thirow ;vv York out of the Üemoöratic column in November. That ill certainly bè the if Mr. Hill is no'mlnated by virtue of th( act.ics he has used. I noticed three ■speeches that were dc-livered at points far apart. Jlr. Hill at Albany extolled expediency and the desirability of wimalng 1y hook and crook. Geo. William Curtis in Brooklyn and Grover Cleveland at Ann Arbor emphasized tlie necessity lor the moral principies n a basis in politics. For my (vu part I n.m old logy enough to pin my ïaith to moráis rather than expediency. Tlie upshot of the difficulty may be to send Uie nomlnation eastward. i Keepe up au appearance - The Bcare fcrow. The course of üie democratie house ipreeentatlves at Washington is .uly Ugtlese, bat cowardly in the extrejne. _ Ex-Senator Blair, oï New Hampshire, does r.oi conetder liis candidacy for "the presidency a lotee. In which re;.,. di.n rs f rom the majorlty. The cüiiinira oí HilJsdale, üraiich and Eaton eacto voted local option on Monday last. There was only u liglrt vote polled in eaeli instance. Why eouldn't HUI and Cleveland be imtuced to go down to iew Oleara -and fight it out ala Eyan and Need haan ? Tlac door money wonld be a great indueoment. It iias been glven out by the Holmanites that "jio public building bill will ixims iintil atter eleetlpn," and then only those districts that return ïree traders need apply. No great vaiue is placed ui)on anything in iiiis worM uniese it is gained by eifort. Put the ballot in the hands o only who eau read ie, a,ul the vesnlt could not help but be beneficial. After mak ing Uiree speeches reierring to silver, Mr. David Bemnett Hill's opinioji oï ïree Bdiver is Ktill as lucid as mud. This is, indeed, the consunimauon oí högh art in "practical poli■ but the plain people fail to iee öl it. The imporcers who sought to lm:ak Öown tiie McKtnley act, have come u grief. The tíupreme court oí the United States has decided the act confctitutional and valid, and that the melliod ; Speaker 'lieed in ounting a. quorum when a quorum was present was right and just. Hurrah for lïeed : Hurrah ior McKinley ! lliu-ra'i ior the Supreme court! The W. t'. T. iü. have had ow on lor eome months, which reneon's court. He voh! them this: "i male liquor dealere' association eoukl ïioD inuk'i' similar circumstances have acted lesa íaiirly or charit&ble fcoward ono of ■fchek" iiumlKT." '!'!i' Sr. Louis convoution should have laken cognizance oí Jiwfcioe Stevenson's words. The U. S. Supretne court bas decided the case brought by the English and Canadian govermnents in regard to the Beal filsheries in Bering sea, ín ïavor oi U. 8. The gronnd taken in the decisión is that the U. 8. Supreme court has a right to issue a writ oï IM-oliilHtion againet the Alaska eourt; and that it aleo has jurlsdiction over the Alaskan waters in which the Cahadian sealeirs üiave been stealing seals. In ïact It is a United Stiltes decisión. Governor Boies is being talked of more and more as a possible tlemosratic nomiJiee ior president. He lias one great element ol Btrength that appeals to men of his political iaith everywhere in liis connection iwith the liquor interest. A man known Chiefly as a pronihient leader of thF aniijirohiWtion jnovement is buk of a good deal of adjniration and eymjiatiiy frojn demócrata tar and near. - Cleveland Leader. This, from the pen of Bro. Thompson, of the Dexter News, is not bad by any means, on the contrary it ís Aery good: ''Bad roads lead to profanity; they make men swear. Bad roade lead to intemperance; men think it neoeseary to iortify the inner man with a íew di-inks to enable them to fetand the long journey tiirough the mud. Bad roads lead to cruelty; 'even the kindest heairted driver often lias to Btimulatc a willing team with the lash. Bad roads Jead to poverty; the weai' and itear o-n wagons, liarness and animáis lenocks o;f a lange pe,r cent. of iprofit. " Ypsilanti Sentinel: "Grover Cleveland stands ior defeat, after liaving 1ecn placed by the democracy in the lïighest iseat of power, and liaving Jour years in which to convince the party and the people ol liis ability. David B. Hi-11 stands for repeated years of successful administration and electiou afiainst the combined attacks of republicans, inugwumps and the ftnti-Hill demoorat faction, the reöemptSon of New York, and the first fcii.ío News. Oareful Bcrutiny of Mr. Cleveland's Speech at Ann Arbor leads the scrutilúzor to at least one conclusión. There i-; míe bramen í philosophy which Mr. Clevelamd is incompetent to treat. It is peyoholOgy. Mr. Cleveland (lisapproves pure intellect. Sentiment lio Eupproves. But sentiment, whon glared at in -the white light of this poweri'ul tnlnd, is nee.n to rest on a support of Lck%8. ïhis Is confusins. .Mr. Clevelanft mdght ■wleely abandon psychology and Rivc to Jnotaphysics the Iwnefit of lus incomparable Milwaukee iSentine.l.


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Ann Arbor Courier