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Harry Brearley, oí Detroit, was in the yesterday. Mre. S. W. CSLarkson leffc for Bay fit. Louis, Miss., laat Friday. Julius V. Seyler ivas up from Detroit rm-r Sumla.v. visitinff his párente. Rev. A. S. Carmen is still quite ill. He avu-s unable to fill his pulpit Sunday. Henry Merritliew has returned to Reed Caty, after a visit to his parents hej-e. Mr. and Mre. E. I!. Hall have Rone to Bay 8t. Louis, Mins., for a short tstay. i Lee Ka pp gave a spread to a mimber öi his stiwlent iriends Saturday evening. Wm. ft!. Osband, oi Ypsilanti, was a pleasant caller at tule Courier sanetum Saturday. Chas. H. Hutchineon, of Battle Creek, has been vieiting relatives in the city öuring the ■week. Mrs. Dauiel Strickler, o-f Elizabetli 6t., hae g'one to .Toront-o, Ont., to vislt her daughter. Hon. Wm. C. Stevens iwent to Duluth. Wis., last Friday, ,to attend to his investmenta there. Allie Hoaj?, of Detroit, has been visiting his mother Mrs. G. M. Henion, d!urincr the wopk. Senator John Holbrook, of Shiawasfeee was im the city the last oí the "week, visiting oíd íriejids. Wm. J. ISpeaicer, of Salem, 111., ia Visiting his mother Mrs. Sarah A. Spencer, ol Observatory Bt. Mr. and Mre. George E. Bliss, of Jackson, were gueets over Sunday of Mr. amd Mrs. W. W. Bliss. Marcus A Markham and wife, oí Detroit, have been vteitlng Mrs. M'8 pirents here during the week. Rev. J. M. Geíston entertained Dr. Sheldon Jacksoe, of Washington, D. C. during liis stay in the city. f. H. Koyer, who Jias been siting liis mother, Mrs. E. Jftoyer, left yeeterday for liie home ,in Arkansas. Mr. and Mrs. Hemry Matthews entertained Mrs. Curtís and daughter Grace, of Lansing, during the week. Miss Otara Phelps, of Dexter, has 1een the guest of Mies Nellie Iveyer, 'of N. Main st., during the past weei;. Rev. R. A. HoUand occupied the the pulpit oí St. Paul's church, Tlint, last SuiKlay in exchange with Rev. Ilr. Macdutff. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Potter, and 'daua'Mor. oi New York, have been gnostH of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Moran, dn ring the week. H. Woodward, of this city, has taken tho state apenoy of the Empire Har vestir, and will have Ann Arbor for headquarters. Mre. J. T. Eaman. afte-r a visit of seiTeral days with her )arente, Mr. and Mrs. .T. ,T. Bobison, has returned home to Detroit. Kev. Fr. "Kelley went to Jackscm yesterday to attend a dinner given to one of liis friende who is nbout to flepart for Europe. Mrs. Hawley has returned to Denvt, Colo.. and Mrs. Abbot t-o Chio;isfi, aíter a 'STsit to their párente, M.r. and Mrs. C. Marie. E. D. Gules stoppwl over Monday fevening, on hls way home to Detroit, drom a Vtedt in Oiieaso, to see hts sister, Miss LO D. Giles. Mrs. Wirn. Porter lxas returned to Ilt. Bleasant after a stay of some time with her mother, Mrs. Stephen Eowen. of the north ,i'l(. Miss '."iei'ce, who has leen wpending 1!ic winter with her aimt, Mrs. Johnson, ön Paekard st., returns to her home in New York, ithis week. Mrs. E. A. Keith, of Big Rapids, visited the faniily of Postmaster Beal. and other relatives In the city ing the -wwk, leaving ior Dpxtor FriOay evening. A rcumber of tlie friemls of Ex-Ald. Gil. Snow, di-oppod in at his home l;i.-i ThiirBday ereuing to remind liim that he liad added anotlior year to thoee tlijit havo paseed in hifi llfe. Jas. Ij. Gilbert was ia the city Satnrday. His first appoarance for two ínonths. The typhoid 'ever brought Mm down irom 190 to about 125 ïbs.. whlch was quite a come down, as vou may imagine. i Noble R. 'Waterman, of Salt Lake City, UtaJi, accompanied by his brother Ta., have been im the city during Mie past week. They aré real estáte dealers now in the Mormon capital, bind Sire p.roisperlng. Noble looks as natural as life, and as yowng as when i lie was editinpc the Courier fifteen yeare ago. The democratie state convention hae been called to meet at Muskegon, May 4th, Tho place ó? book keeper in the Far.mer'n & .Mechanic's iBank, raeated by Chas. 'Gnmci-. iias iK-en fitië'd by Uobert Phillipö, oí Gnylotd, At the ünity Öhib .next Monday é l èK ng Dr. James Martin will p;ive a Mf ler on "Travel in Burope," and Mr. Fr'derick Janette will rend a story. The National Journalist, of Chicago, has this pleasifljg of one of onr Ann Arbor bdíít-ors jn eonnection ■wlth the late meetinpr of the M. P. A.: "The Ann Arbor Press CUib ever will be held In grateful remêmbrance in oonnectíO'íí Wíth the p-ress-associaUon meetinpr. It nnmbers among ite filemlrs soine öf the tirihtest men tind women in tlie profeasion, preeminontly Miss Efflma Bower. who owns, odits, and pefSDHaÜy superinefidis the. Ann Arbor De:rnoerat. Miss Tower is a woman of rare executive nbil.ity. She is of a newspaper famly, beina; a. s-ister of I?. Frank Bower, ■he well-known journalist, late of Deroit, now business manager of the Cleveland World, and conducts her laper as a business enterprise purey npon business prineiples. Miss BowSr i.s a. brilliant woman, and an emulative example of well-directed eniergies."


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Ann Arbor Courier