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ANN ARBOf? FHUI7 FARM Peáis and Grapes a Specialty AU kinds of Fruit, Ornamental Trees and Flowers, ïrom Ellwanger and Barry. Order early by mail. Syrups, Medicinal Unies, Kaspberry Syrup, Bo delion and other Domestie Grape Wlnes, prupared especially f or Invalide. Pure Flymouth itockEggs. EMIL BAÜR, West Hu ron St., Ann Arbor. fk _ _ MADE BY THE are "Treated with Carbonate of Soda, Magnesia. Potash or Bicarbonate of Soda." To partially supply the loss of natural flavor and color cauaed by this treatment, fragrant gums and dyes are used. Dr. Sidney Ringer, Professor of Medicine at Umversity College. London, and Physician to the College Hospital, perhaps the greatest English authonty on the action of drugs, States in his "Handbookof Therapeutics " that " thesustained administratipn of alkahes and thejr carbonates rendersthe Dloocl it is said, poorer in solids and in red corpuscles. and impairs the nutntion of the body." Of ammonia carbonate of ammonia, and spirits of ammonia, he says: lhese .preparations have many properties. in commpn with the alkaline, potash, and soda Fofp' ,lh?y.Pssssastrong alkaline reaction, are freely soluble in water, have a high diöusion-power and dissolve the animal textures. . . . If adminístered too lon they excite catarrh of üie stomach For more than 100 Years the house of Walter Baker & Co '. have made their Cocoa ; ' '■ rationsABSOL UTELY BURE, using NO Patent Procesa, Alfcalies or Dyes. W. BAKER & GO., Dorehestsr, Mass. ofsHfferers, dit and rouiiy, pialp and female have gratefully eadoraed the ui-racmous virtnS of TMs Pliarmacentical Paradox of the Age A yitalizing stiniuïant without al cohol. A nerve sedativo without narcotica. A blood purifier without poisons. A liver cleanser. A purely vegetable tissue-maker, promoting digestión, nutrition, sscretioiï, eL cretion and respiration. A life-givins tome, pura and simple, without the. disastrou3 reactiona of the deadlv compounds of rum and alcohol us uauy sena a3 bitters. Was never ksown befare 5n the World. WAS A MIRACLE, A TRIUKrH oí tKe CHEMICAt ABT. The orily chttcgs mailo In the formula durinir Etronger, mors laxativa anl better. I „ „„ Vo moroagreeabletotbo taste anrt beti.r L„ 1h '," asctcateivpmen nn.l chitoren, but comprisin the saine tonto proporties, ia noW inade an" ]h% TKÜLY & ONLTTEMPEEENCE BITTERS KNOWIf of any kind, whoae action ia at ouce uo safe, so oertain and comprehenslve as the ' CALIFORNIA VINEGAE BITTEHS, or any ■ compotiTvl -n-hich from its varied actiori. uon the vital functions is equal to the actl0Oï CURE cr SO MASY DISEASE3. Their nam ia leKion-Iïheniatism. Neuralela Catarrl,, JannrUce, Kidney Disease. Scrofula luf Diseaseuand Boils. Oonsumption, Piles and all dia orders ansing from indigestión, impuro lood nervous prontration, and dilapidated constitutfon from any canse Rive way to it like mist befors tha suu, while its singular power over THE EEADLY MICHOBE AND OMJÍIPEESEXTB AC'i JjRl A orfglna,trnd?endPeeiI?tr"feÍDa11 dSea8eS f EEST YEEMIFUGE KNOWN. No family can afford to do without a boltleof OLD AND NEW STÏXE VINEGAE BITTEBS! mniï6i ho8e'Ja! eITee by inouaand of tetiüttonials. Send for beautiful book. Addreai B. H. JHcDONALD DRUG co'


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Ann Arbor Courier