Real Estate Transfers
Sophia NeuhofT to E. F. Neuhuff, Ann Arbor, oqq A. F. LeBaron to Sally LeBarron, York ._ 600 E, A. Gott et al, to W. C. Stevens, Ann Arbor i J. Evarts Smith to K. A. Ferguson, Augusta 1,100 W. W. Mason to L. C. Mason, Ypsilanti- 1,000 John Baumgartner to A. C. Winslow, Ann ai uur i .T. C. Goodrich to Fred Bradbe. Ypsilanti 43 S J. C. Goodrich to E. B. Fuller, Yysilanti, 100 N Joel Ressler;to W. & H. I. Evans, Ypsilanti 4,0C0 Jas. Gauntlett, jr. by C. (J. C. to E. A. Alchm, York j John O'Hara to Edwin Kent, Ann Arbor. 480 Bernard Comiskie to Catharine Otto, Northfleld i,0qo J. & I. T. Stitson to William Lyon, Northfleld 30Q William Lyon to Alfred Stanfleld, North"1 Edwin Kent to Carolin Kalmback, Ann Arbor 300 J. L. Babcock et al, to Thomas L. Sears Lima 2i400
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Sophia Neuhoff
E. F. Neuhoff
A. F. LeBaron
Sally LeBaron
E. A. Gott
W. C. Stevens
J. Evarts Smith
R. A. Ferguson
W. W. Mason
L. C. Mason
John Baumgartner
A. C. Winslow
J. C. Goodrich
Fred Bradbe
E. B. Fuller
Joel Ressler
W. Evans
H. I. Evans
James Gauntlett Jr.
E. A. Alchin
John O'Hara
Edwin Kent
Bernard Comiskie
Catharine Otto
J. Stitson
I. T. Stitson
William Lyon
Alfred Stanfield
Caroline Kalmback
J. L. Babcock
Thomas L. Sears