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Republican State Convention

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A state convention of the república us of Michigan will be held at the Detroit Ednk, Detroit, ou Thursday, April 1-ith, 1892, at 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose of aominatlng elcetors of president and vice-president of the Ubite States, and electing four dele-a.t large, and ïour altérnate delegatee at large vo the república liational convention, to be held at Mtnaeapolis, Tuesday, June 7, 1S92; silso íor the purpose of eelecting a chalrman of the state central committoe and two meinbers thereof ironi each congressioual district, and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before St. i The culi for the national convention eontains this language: "The ougressional district delegates shall be ehosen at conventions called by the congressional conimittee of each district in the same manner as the norni(nations for a representativo in eougTeee are made in said district; provided, that in any congressional districts where there ís no republican congreeelonal couimittee, owing to redistrictiug the state under the next congressional appointment the republican state committee shall appoint from the residents of such district a commjttee for -che purpose of calling u district convention to elect district delegatee." ünder this clause of the cali for the national convention the state central toinmittee appoint the follöwing perBOii as the momber of the congressional committee for that part of Wayne touaty embraced in the íáecond District, viz: Second District, Henry L. Stoeflet, of Flat Bock. i The mew congressional committee, except as above noted for the new seeond, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth districts shall be composed of those persons whowere members of u congressional committee upon Nov. 1. 184)0, of the districts, as then coniiuated, reprosentimg in said new committee the counties in the new district in -which tliey reside: Provided, however, that each county eliall liave ' equal representatlon upon said comjndttee. And the as herein cons'.ituted are authorized to cali district eonventions ïor xheir respective tricts to choose delegates to the , publican national convention, to natc candidatos Lor congress, aud to i perform all The duties incumbent ? on and usuaïly pertórmed by ly elected cooreelonal comniittees. The state central committee hereby authorizes the iollowing person to cali jneetimgs of these congressional coinmittees tor the purposes above speciïied, and to appoint membera of the new congressional committee irom ajiy county where a vacancy may exist Tjy reason of resLgnation, removal, or non-ri'prosentation upon the cong-ressionul oonímittee of 1890: TI. X,. títofelet, oí Flat Koek, for the Becoiid t'onigressional District. Tlie district conventions will each elocttwo delegates and two alternates to the vepublican national convention, and must be held with not tests than tweaty days public uotice, und iiot less tlian thirty days before the meeting of the national convention. In accordauce witn the resolution -adopU'd at (irand Kapids May 10, 187G, every county will be entitled to one delégate from cah 500 of the total vote cast for governor at the last fttate eleetion (November, 1890), and anc additional delégate íor .every fraction amounting to 300, but each organized county will be entitled to at least one dek'gate. Under the reeolution of 1858 no delégate will be entitled to a Beat in the convention vho does not reside in the county lie proposas to represent. The delega tes from each congressionü.1 district are requested to meet in jaueus at 11 o'clock a. m., on xue , lay of the convention and select lates as folio ws, to be presentad to b ;he state convention ïov coniinnation: t rwo niembers oí the state central í ïommittee, one vice-president, one assistant seeretary, one member each A the cQiumittee on ■'credentials," j 'permanent organization and order business" and "resolutdons," and ior sucli other business as they may see rit, This committee requests that the varloue covmtiee select ilie chairttuin and uifinlxTB of their couuty committee ior The k'usuing twü years at the county conveution, wJiich elects delegatee to this convention, in order that early and Bysteanatie worS may be begun and carried on through the comine campaign, and that a list of the names and postoffice addresses of persons Bo elected be at once forwarded to the secretary of the state centtal committee. Detroit. Mich. In compliancè with the resolutions adopted in Detroit, June 23, 1880, aeeretary of each couuty eonvention will ïorward to the tsecretary of the Ktatc central committee. Detroit, Mteh., Tjy the earliest anaii after the klelegatéa to the state convention are Choísen, a certified list of such 'delegates as are entltled to Beats in the Btate eonvention from thtir respective oountlee. JAS. McMILLAN, Char'n. WILLIAM B. BATEJS, Sec'y. Washtenaw county -vvill be entitled to 18 delegates. ■ i . Laat Wedneeday night tlte Coldwater National bank waü brpken into, the vault door opened, tho time-lock eafe and tlie burglar prooi money chest inside of the safe, werd all blown to pieces, $60,000 in monejr and railroad securities extracted, and no one knew anythtng about the tiïfair unlil 8 o'clock the next mornlng. What ■a, feleepy lot the Coldwattr people ïuust be.


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