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Like sonie reformer, who with mien austere, Keglected di-ess and loucl insistent tones, Jlore rasping than the wrongs which she bemoiins, Walks through the land and wearies all Who ! hear, "NVhile yot we knoiv the nood of suoh reform ; So comes imlovi-ly March, with wind aud storm. 'T J break the spell of winter, and set free The prisoned brooks and crocus beds oppres:scd, Severa of face, gaunt-arnied, and wildly dressod. She is not fair nor beautlral to see. lint mcrrv April aad sweet smiling May Come not lili Maich liiis first prepared the -Ella Wheeler Wilcox. 4 Hei-inran Schmid lias Roñe to Detroit to accept a position in J. Iv. Hdson's. Mrs. Sophia B. Bliss has reeeived a widow's pension through W, K. Child's agency. Frank Camp, formerly a driver of tiie American Express cart in this city, ie feuffering irom an attack of paralyis. There is an excellent report of the Saturday's Boad meeting of the Horticultural Society, on the Sü page of this paper. Read it. This is review week in the public schools. Which iiieans hard work for teachers and also for the pupils who slo not Tise a pony. 1. H. Oememt, of this city, has refeeived an appointment as a member tof the World's Fair committee on musical instrument. There 'will be a teacher's council, of the 'M. E. church society at the home tof lire. Douglass, corner of Washington and División sts., on Thursday -rening. Miss 3Jary Ann Carey died in Green Oak, Tjivingston county, Mich., aged ?7 years. She milde her home here lor years with Samuel Sutherland, on Ann st. Ella Walker, w-He of W. J. Bush, tf Geddes avenue, dded last Friday, öged 19 years. Funeral services were iield Sunday p. m., at 2 o'clock, from the residence. Mr. ïveech has a R-reat cali for lor the mineral water at his well. It is carried away in considerable quantltfëe by pHple desiring to test Sts medicinal proporties. i Several Ann Arbor people, interested in Sunday school work, have been Sittending a Bpecial meeting of Sunday school workers at the Central M. E. church, Detroit, this week. Arrangements for the coming state 'encampment of the O. A. R. are proKressing excellently well under ithe care Of Welch Pot. There is a great Heal of Avork to be accomplished but it will be done, and well done. During the last of next month the young people of the Bethlehem KvanBelical church will hold a concert, tlie proceeds to be dovoted to the ew clmrch lmilding {und. Mr. E. X. Bilbie will asist, in the programme, with his violin. On TVednesday evening at the M. E. chapel on the north slde, Mr. Cntler will lead the meeting, on Thursday 'evening TMr. Bowen wil! have charge; Eind on Friday evening Dr. Cobern Will be present. The meetings are 'being well attended, and are doing much good. The eighth annual fair, at Plymouth, Mdch., -will be held September 27, 28, 29 and 30. E. J. Stilson an expert carpet fitter léitely -vith J. Ij. Hudson, is now in the carpet department of lïack & S'chmid. The youiig people of the Presbyter!a.n church will give a reception to (the SC C. A. and all young people who may wish to attend, at McMillan hall next Saturday vening. Ann Arbor could make a Btone crushcr pay ín a very tíhort time. One trip on any Btrcet in the city i'or the ipast few days would convince the ïaost skeptical of that f act. Twenty-one new rnembers were added to the Presbyterian church last Sunday, èiirht by letter and thirteen hy profession of faith, of wliom five received the rites of baptism. Last week was not very prolifie of n marriage licenses, and it is asserted ■ that County Clerk Brown tes advertising a quarter off on all , licenses issued during leap year. g Sixty years of age ie the limit íor a ' juror dn case ihe objects to sitting, but i there is iiothing in the law to prevent i a jnan acting as juror if older, and : his age does mot disqualify his acts. i Tlie county fair authorities ouglit : to offer u premuim for a seetion of ' tilie best constructed gravel road in the county, of course excluding private Corporation roads. Why not? There was nat a very general attendance at the prohibition etc, county convention held at the court house last Monday. Speeches were made by Prof. Steere, Messrs. Coarad, Crozier, ■et al. Frederick Frey, Jr., a former Ann Arbor boy, died at Grand Rapids last Friday, and his remains were brought here for interment, services being held yeeterday, from the faniily residence on S. Fourth ave. ' In the cargo of flour that sailed Irom Philadelphia to Russia recently, Michigan gave 18(i,525 lbs., being third In the list. But there are tens of thousands of poople there yet to be fed nntil another harvest can be had. AtSt. Andrew's church, at noon each Hunday during Lent, a coiifirmatiou lecture is given by the rector. This lecture is repeated on Monday evenángs at 7 1-2 o'clock, and Friday evenings at the same hour, in the chapel. On Sunday next the congregation of the M. E. church will have the pleasure of meeting their former much loved pastor, Rev. Dr. W. S. Studley, now of Evanston, 111. In the evening Dr. Studley will deliver the econd in the course of lectures before the Wesleyan Guild. The bare announcement of thi íact will iill the church. The city of Ann Arbor ought to have purchased the broken stone in the jail yard. Our streets give abundant , denc-e of the need of it now. Macadamized or broken stone streets ure plieaper i han pa vod gtfeets, and one , or the other will , to como befare long. The mud is intolerable. Aun Arbor papers are unpleasantly rcviving the fact which Michigan bas islriven thirteen years to forsgetj, e. ., that (iuiteau, the assassiji of President Grarfield, was once a student of the 'luuversity and a resident of Aun Arbor. Why drag the skeleton of this wretched crank before a Michigan public ? - Adrián l'ress. An educa liona! exehange wants,,to know whether teachers should get angry. As an abstract proposition, backed by a sweeping, scriptural injunction they should not. Judged f rom the staudpoint of anoral frallty and tlie doctrine of total depravity, they have 'a little better l-ight than almost any ■other class to get niadder than blazes. - Fowlerville Observer. At the TJnity Club next Monday evening, Prof. E. L. Walter will give a p.aper on "Victor Hugo'e novéis." Aliso "A story oï -;i Waltz," by Miss Marion Pmith and Mr. C. F. Weljer. This ís a change in the regular order of the club's progra.nnne, owiug to the fact that Prof. Kemipf, wlio was to give a vocal and instrumental concert, cannot fulfil the engagement. Some people always insist upon i)uting on their rubbers and overcoats, getting their hats in their hands when the last song is being sung at church, evidently for the purpose of anaking ö, rush for the door as soon as the beiMHliction is over. How it looks for some people to be dressing and arranging their toilets when and where other people are trying to worship.- Ex. Tlie board of mamagers of the Washteiiaw county Agricultural and Horticultural Society, have instructed President Braun to solicit advertise(mente to be inserted in the society ■premium list, of which there will be 3,000 copies gotteii out and sent all over the county. Tlie book is to te iprinted by the ifirst of June, and the cost of one-half page of ads. in 3,000 'books, $3.00, a whole page $5.00, the proceeds to pay Jor the society's printing. The premium book aill come out im a jiew dress this year, the ïack cover beiixg devoted to the fair ■patrou's greetbig. The Ünity Club had a large atendance last Monday evening, expecting to hear Dr. Martin on nis travels ín Europe, but owdng to a prossure of professional business, the Doctor could not be present. His amiable wife, however, took his place, and well entertained the audience. Inteadof taking in the whole of Europe atone lecture, she confined herself to Switzerland, describing the country, th people, and taklng her audience with lier on to the snow capped xnountains, and ovw the wonderful and eternal glacáere. A very good istory connected with our late war was 4-ead by Mr. Jannette. Miss Holmes Vendered two sveet songs with Miss 'Marión Smith as accompanist.


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Ann Arbor Courier