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The Ypsilanti Sentinel "impertinent"

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unan has had the extreme simplicity to persistently place the name of the "editor of this paper among the list i gubernatorial candidates. This act mi hls part has alwayg been something oí a mystery; luit at last the trae 'animus of It begins to dawn upon ■as. He wiU please excuse the dullbeis of our comprehension. The CouWw shoiild liave "tumbled" before, and Veturned the campliment. But it is iprobably better late than nevor, feo horu goes: "For governor, on the Ueimpcratic ticket, that grand pulVerijer of principies, and atomizer af public opinión, Marcue Tullus Woodruff, of Ypsilanti. The classical aptpellation given litm in hls early years mny touiul a little ruff, attached as ■J-t is lo Wuoilruff, but the Groek cogDOjnenof the city from which he hails Hends li jnaki' a harmonious blendIns of "tlie -vhole, so that the populace may Khout it in concert: "What's the anatter Avith Tully ?" "He's our Marcus." - - I The reéult ot the election in Rhode Island is "a conditlon, not a theory." Oloepoctiully roíerred to Grover. Hadn't tlic Adrián Prese bettor kcep ite noee out of the ineloc, if the Ann Arbor papers' eyee are gctting so baüly bunged up Senator Shewnan .evidently made a m intake in bringing p a portion of his brother, Gen. Sherman'8 carcer, thatehould liare beea allo wed to slumber quietly. The best of men make ïnistakes, it seems. It has been a long time' Btnce the repuWtoaaBB have held such excellent county conventions os they have tlns fcpring. It reminds one of the old Ome Ule and fire wHen they carried everytiiiag iK-iore them. It looks very inuc'h as lf history would repeat itself. judgimp by tttoe ringing resolutions of most of the county and district republican conventions, the great theft eet of the H(iiiabuck leglslature is still fresh in the memory of the peoVlc and il WÜl be a brand that WÍU kindlc the whoie Btsute into a fíame iiext November. A atopatch in Mooday's paper tells the story of tiov. Flower's compalgn. Be ]iaid a:i assessment of 5,000 liimaad l,is sist er-in-la w, Mrs. Schley, ed a check for $240,000, and conAlei-ed it oheap at that, as tilie is worth 87,000,000. The "bhoys" ought to run Plower for president. It would be such fine Schleying-, you know. Dr. l'arklmrst may have taken a (inestimable inethod- ïor a clergyman - to obtaim vvidence againet the saloons aad dives oí New York, bnt he took a practical jaethod and did wha1 the pólice would not do, obtained the widence. The jury in the case suted ought lo have been sent to pitean lor the outrageous verdict BgajüiBt ouinmou deceacy, which they rondered. ! „ Senator McMUlan deeerves the „ ïhanks oí G. A. R. boys .of the j tion for securing au appropriation of k $100,000 to pay for their ui durlmg the next G. A. E. rampmriit at WasMngotn, D. C. As usual, the propoeition met wlth t posltdon fi-uin the democratie party, , umi tlicy attempted to defeat it, but , on a final passage, most of them -, ( Luded it good policy to vote for it. ] Thé Adrián Prese has a cartoon ' ■wliieli portrays Free Tra de and jii'oiity as twins, so near alike that ' lio ono can teil the difference. Like (the ' generaü run of democratie argumentsC?) ' that ie lalee. There Ls a great difice between the two. "With free irado foreign nalions make the bargaing in trade with uis as they please. With reciprocity this country makes the ibargalne herself. Big otlds, you - bee. ' The republicana of Case county took ( ctiwi alt their eonvention last weèkj that may makc a cliíiVrt'iice in theout'look in thie'republican senatorial field. Thej agked that Han. J. C. Burrows, oí Kalamazoo, be elected the next U. S. sonator from Michigan. As he hails from the same place that Senator SStoíkbridge does, tbere will probttbly be no clashing if intei-ests, for these men knoiv too well the valué of unity. In 1S91 the deposita in the savings banks of New Hampshire were $69,834,914'. As the population of that Bbate aniounts to only 376,530, the lier capita eavings are $185. ïhat L85 for cvi'ry man, woman and child in thf iMitii-e state ! It is not nwssary to add that the oíd granito state is safely republican. Her peoili' liilirve in protection to American iinliKlvii's. an honest and sound curVcnr.v. and tlu' republican doctrine of tectprocity. t " Favors past do gorge Ourrtogs; leave service drou sv- dull the scent, i speed ; favors to come, my Joseph, , Produce a lnsty, hungry irratitude, A ravenous zeal, that of the eommouest our Wonld -inike a Cerebus." , These worde, ascribed to Richelicu by Bdw&rd Bulwer Lytton, are ( ■wortiiy of remembrtuoce. , Peoplc are quite apt to forget past fa vors and are lookhug forward to , vors tliat art: to comie. But people wlio have been wrongetl, wlio have been Injured in their property righte ör ■otherwise, never forget and iseldom fever forgive. There are those wlio cata ponder the ïibove quotation to tlieir own ad■vantagc if they only will. The contest ín Rhode Island last AVednesday was one on strict party lines, and the question of free ,wool or the present taviff was the principal one dividtng the parties. The large woolen industries íavored free wool, fout the laboring men and the farmers ibeJieved in the McKinley tariff. The ote polled was 10,000 larger than ever before cast in the tate, and the Tepublican party came out victorioue, Olecting jiearly all the Btate tick■ a ■ A a i i fh si " p.t by a majonty of about 200 over Bil other candidatos and a plurality Of ipwards of 2,000 over the demod-ate. The republicana also secured a good working majority in the legislature, thus securing the return of Senator Aldrich to the U. S. senate. It was a great victory for the t-epublican policy of "America for 'Amcricans." Little Rhody is the first gan for 1892, and an indication of how the people of the east foei on politioal questione. Berbeupe this item, taken from (the 8do correspondence of the Dextor NewB, may give to thise inititated in fpolitical lore, a gentle hint: "All ficio is rejoicing over the election of her favorite Bon, Andrew T. Hughes, to his eighth term as upervisor. He has mado a g-rand record and it wiU !ñot be loní? ere the popular verdict of the peoile wijl show their appTeciation of his ability and faithfuhicss to their interests by giving lüm a well 'car ned promotion."


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