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Not Deserving Of Pensions

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On March 26th, when pension tegislation was before the house, Mr. Bailey, of Texas, who has been maligiiantlv opposiiiK all pension bilis, aróse and fraatoly dellvered himaell of the sound democratie doctrine vhicli domínate not only hiinself but the entire organized ignorance of the country. The Congressional Record says: Mr. Bailey- Mr. Bpeatoer, I cannot Bgree with the gentleman f rom Missouri (Mr. Wilson) that the country oves anything to any Citizen lor haring done Iiis duty. Mr. WUeon, of Missouri- Very veil; I wtU leave that to the gentleman aiid tlie country. Mr. Bailey- I understand it is cvery maai'e duty to perform military service -w-hem his country demands or requices it. I urn not, however, so niuch protcsting against this particular bilí. I am, indeed, as a matter of principie opposed to all pensions, ( except in case of indigence and disabllity, and then only whea buch dlsa tiility was Incxtrred in the service of the government or is traceable to it. I believe every man onght to work tor Iiks living, and it' he can not work, iiis relatires, ratlier that th" tax(payers, ought to support hun. Certniuly I would oppose this or any Other bill where the person whom it was propaeed to pension has near Vcl.itives -vvho are able to maintain him. Accordinig to one opinión this is a matter oí justice to a veteran of the war. Acoording to another it fe a matter of grace, and becauee some f us foei it to be our duty to pcisisl In&aying tbat in these c.-is.'s, the government tywes nolliing. but that what 4t does, it dors aa a matter of favor, It comes with very bad grace from the gentleman from Maine to declare hat we are propoe&ng bo auction off :he beaievolence oí our country." There it is ïor you, soldiers of .tlie S'orUi. "In these cases the governnent owes mothing, büt wh&t it does, t does as a matter of íavor." A leni'ocrat repreeentatlve stands upon the Hoor of the house of represmtatives aüd boldly tells you that the 5O--ernment "owes 'you nothing" for the loss of your limbs, for the loss of ronr health, for the loss of education Buad home lnfluences. Xo tlianks to vou boys, for the loss of your fathers. N'o tbaioka to you, ridows, for tlie loss of yonr liusbands. Xo thanks ior tin' makitenance of the unión, for the detenee trf the flag ! That is s'ood Üemocrat doctrine, and frankly spoken.


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Ann Arbor Courier