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Council Proceedings

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(official.) Coulcil Chamber, Ann Arbor, April 5th 1892. Regular meeting. President Cooley being absent the council was callcd to order by City Clcrk lliller. Koll called. A quorum present. Absent, Tres. Cooley- 1. Minutes of previous meetings approved. On motion of Aid. Renberg, Aid. "Wincs was elected president pro. tem. RKPORT8 OF STANDING COMMITTEES. FINANCE. To the Common Council: Your committee on Finance respectfully report that they have had the following bilis vinder consideration and would recommend their allowance at sums stated. CONTINGENT FUND. W. J. Miller, salary ga 66 B. B. Norris, " - 28 Schuh&Muehlig.suppliee... 8 75 Kiohuiond & BaekusL'o., supplies 15 16 SidW. Millani, printing 1 " C. G. Taylor, blue print di-awings Csewer) s m Estáte oí Rice A. Beal.prlutingr pamphe8 8 50 The Stenosrapïiiclnstitiite. ........... Henry Wilmot, posting election nilis.4 vu Telephone & Telegraph Construction Company - ■' ■'[', W.J. Miller, telegraphing i Ann Árbor T.-H. Electric Co , offleo 2 00 Ann Arborï.-H. Electric Co., two are . lig-hts - 3 CO Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co., street li.rl.ts f'" '" Seorge Wahr, supplies -.Sí 59 Aun ArborArgus, pnnting --- 10' 4 , Total -TÍ959 20 ; STREET FUND. Nelson Sutherland, salary, 60 i Schubt Muehlifí, hardware 6 54 Willla Clark, labor - JO 85 MiohaelHeary, " 19 0" ('liarles Radke. labor --- j 88 Geo. Schlimmer, - - ij Ancirew Zeigler " i Pal rick McCabe, " 160 JohnMcHugh, " --- } 00 Claney&Cp. " ; ' Engene Williams" J William Nimz, " ■ Richard Sepple " - - ; ") JohnKerns " - ' ' Michael Williams, labor 13 Id Charles Hintz " ? 75 Henry Waldron, " - J, 50 Jacob Bessinger, " - 50 UeadyMaroh, " 1 James Burehflekl " - 7o E. Saddler " - ' MiehaelKenny " I2 3 Michael Kusterer " - f Louis Khodc, hrick and cement 18 do Nelson Sutherland, horse and cart 0 50 Total - í 287 62 FIRE DEPAÜTMENT FÜND. Fred Sipley, salary 00 00 O. A. Edwards, salary.--...- 50 00 Louis Hoelzle, salary--.- uu Henry McLaren, salary - 4o 00 Charles Carroll, salary - 40 00 Max Wittlinger, salary 4ü OW Alexander D. Imus, salary --- 40 00 Hobert Ross, salary - 40 00 Herman Kirn, salary 8 OU Louis Weinmann, salary uu JohnKenny , salary 8 00 Sam McLaren, salary 8 00 Morgan Williams, salary - 8 00 Mrs. B. Rearn, wasning .- 4 00 Eberbach & Son, Chemical supplies - 10 0 Mrs. Backhaus, making sheets, 1 00 David Maloy, supplies f 05 Heinzmann & Laubengayer, bran 1 iO Bach, Able&Co sheeting 7 )0 A. P. Ferguson repairs 1 00 Schuh & Muehlig, supplies H Total 8 05 PÓLICE ÏTIND. James K. Murray, salary 65 00 David Collins, salary o0 00 Noble C. Tice, salary 0 00 Louis Kohde. coal 25 James D. Smally, burying dog 50 Total 168 75 POOB FOND. Fred Sipley, salary 10 30 Rinsey cS; Seabolt, grocerieB 7 ( M. P. Vogel, meat , . 1 w Charles Vogel, meat 1 00 E, E, Calkins, medicine 8 80 Ed. Dufly, groceries --- 'i 00 John Goetz & Son, groceries 4 04 W. F, Lodholz, groceries - 11 0 K.P. Mason - T5 William H . Melntyre, groceries 0 19 O'Hara & Boyle " - '■] 00 Mrs.O'Neal, provisions - o 00 Caspar Rinsey, groceries 7 49 J. Kapp, sawing wood o 2o Total e" 48 RECAPITULATION. Contingent Fund t H59 20 Street Fund - 22' W Fire Fund 428 Oo Pólice Fund 18 76 Poor Fund " 48 Total. - - 1.851 ÓÖ Respectfully submitteü. E. G. Mann, Louis P. Hall, William Herz, Finance Com. Aid. Taylor moved that the report be accepted and adopted and warrants ( ordered drawn for the same. "WTiich. anotion prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aids. Manu, Wines, Herz, , mendinger, Martin, Fillmore, O'Hearn, ; Ferguson, Taylor, Behberg, Hall, Kitson- .12. Nays- None. i SUPPLEMENT AR Y REPORT. CONTINGENT FÜND. John R. Miner, reg. and election 1(? SS E. G.Mann, " " 1 00 D.C. Fall, eleotion BW Jas. H. Bach, clerk of eleetion 5 00 Eugene Mutschell, clerk of election.. 5 00 Martin Clark, gate keeper 3 00 Thomas Taylor, gate keeper 3 00 Euene Oesterlin. reg. and eleetiou... 10 00 Win. Herz, reg. and election lo 00 Christian Martin, reg. and eleetion 10 00 A. C, Sehumacber, clerk of election.. 5 i0 Geo. H. Schwab, clerk of election 5 00 Fred Ciaekle, gate keeper 'i 00 Fred Huhn, gate keeper 'i 00 James Kearns, reg. and election 10 00 Geo. Allmendinger, reg. and election 10 OU A. H. Fillmore, reg. and election 10 00 William Neithammer, clerk of election 5 00 John Peck, clerk of eleetion 5 00 Ed. Come, gate keeper... 2 00 Frank Campion, gate keeper 3 00 John Jiautugardner, reg. and election lu 00 C. Frank O'Hearn, reg. and election.. 10 CO A. P. Ferguson, reg, and eiection 10 00 Frank Vanderwalker, clerk of election 5 00 Thomas U. Kearney, elerk of election 5 00 John S. Carroll, gate keeper 2 M) JohnSedina, gate keeper Z ; 00 Thomas Speechley, reg. and election.10 00 W. L. Taylor, reg. anü eleetion lu 00 Ernest Rehberg, reg. and election - 10 00 Norman Gates, clerk of election 5 00 Thomas Godkins, cierK 01 eiection - o uu Charles Burnham, gato keeper -- 2 0) Isaac Greenman, gate keeper 2 00 John Bennett, rog. and election 10 00 Louis P. Hall, reg. and election 10 00 Arthur J. Kitson, reg, and election - 10 00 C, Smith, clerk of election. 5 00 M.J.Caranaugh, clerk of election - 5 00 A. F. Martin, gate keeper 3 00 Wm. Hatto, gate keeper --- 2 00 Mrs. Augusta Otto, room for election10 00 Win. Herz, room lor registration 5 00 E Wagner, room lor election 10 00 C. H. Manly, room for reg. and election V, 00 Nicholas Glaser, 14 dinners 7 00 Cook House, 14 dinners 7 00 Wllliam Frank, 7 dinners 8 BU H.G. Prettyman 3 50 Total 8 320 00 Kespectfully Submitted, Eugene G. Mann, WlLLIAM HEKZ, Louis P. Hall, Finance Committee. Aid O'Hearn moved that the Bupplementary report be accepted and adopted and varrants drawn for the same. Aid. Mnnn moved tn amend said motion by maklng tin; order of Aid. Martin Five dollars. AVhich niin'iKlment was lost by a yea and nay votte as lollowa: -Aids. Manu, Wlnes, Martin, Renberg, Kiteon-5. Xtivs- Aids. llcrz, Allmeadinger ,Fillmore, O'Heara, Pergustm, Taylor, HaU The original motion now being put, prcvaücil by a yea and nay vote ,'is follows: Yias- Aids. Muim. Winee, Allincndtnger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, RehTierg, Hall, Kitson- 10. Naye-Aldö. Herz and Martin- 2. REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTJSE8. To the Common Council. Your committee appointed March 14th, last nuil Charged with the duty of obtaioing and reportlng the terms (ind conditions upon which the city could ol)i:in the riht of way, for the Btraighi sning and wldenlng Sumniit Btreet, west of Main Street, reB-pec-ttully report in your committee's xiew, it Avould be advisable to make 1 street at the point in question a 61-foot street, 33 leet on the north Bi-de of the center line and 28 ïeet on theeouth sMe, tüe centr line to be the i mmiiourd in the resolution orfliering the piropoeed jmproyement. Your cammittee has obtained, out cost to the city, a deed from DanIe] Hlscock, conveying a strip of land 33 ii et in -vidth, north from the propoeed center line, that such (leed has béeiB delivered to the city and accompanies this ieport. Your committee lurther report that Mr. Rush McGuIre ha.s executed and is mow ready to dcliver to the city, a deed coarveying a strip of land 28 dei in width, .south of sueh center Itoe, on payment of the suin oï one Hmaidred and twenty-five dollars. Mr. BlcGuiro iiko agrees, in this conneciiii i. to diseontinue, without cost, his Buil against the city now pending ín the circuit court; that none of the otiher land ownere weet from Mr. licGuire will be oncroached upon if the Street is önly 61 feet in width; we aleo lind that a 61-foot street, ■wlll córrespond in width, with Summii street. e:tst of Main street as now fenced. Your committee wonld thereiore íommcnd a dispositkm Of tilia matter va íollows: lst. That Mr. Hiscock's deed be aeeepted wltB thanks. 2d. That Mr. McGuire's offer ,be aleo aeeepted, and the sum of ono hun(TiTi and twenty-five dollars be app-ropriated from tlic Btreet fund and ipaid to Mr: UcGuire's attorney, 3. C. Knowlton, on the delivery of a deed conveying tlie lands for a street, as before Btated, and on condition that euch suit be discontinued without cost. All of which is respectfully submited and yonr committee beg to be dlsehar.ued from further consideration of the subject. CHPISTIAX MARTIN, GEO. D. A17LMEXDIXGER, ARTHUR J. KITSON, E. B. XORRIS, City Att'y, Committee. Aid. Hall moved that the report be aeeepted and adopted and the comtaittee discharged. Which motion prevailed by a ya and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Alds. Mann, AVine.. Ilerz, AUmendinger, Martin. Fillmore, O'Hearn, Fergneon, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson- 12. Nays- None. CITY TBEASUKEK'S KEPOKT FOR THE MONTH ENDING 3IAKCH 31, 1892. lo the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor : Balance ou hand as per last report - - " 18,302.00 MONEY RECEIVEI). Pólice Fu nd- Offlcers rees S 2.90 StPfet Fund- üuiherland's services at Umversity ..uu 3ontingent Fund- i Plusofroll 100.54 Total 128-94 $18,460.94 i MONEY DISBVJRSED. Contingent Fund $1,308.78 StreetFund 203.16 Firemen's Fund 558.38 PolieeFund 196.55 Poor Fund 136.43 Briclire Funrt - 1,40100 Soldiers' Relief Fund 46.76 : Delinquent Tax Fund - 722,81 Total 4,573.87 13,8870" BALANCE ON HAND, Contingent Fund overdrawn 1,205.71 Street Fund 404.27 Firemen's Fund 4.117.15 PolieeFund 1.503.83 PoorFund 1,663.16 Water Fund 3.789.71 Cemetery Fund 131.93 Soldiere'" Relief 1,018.64 University Hospital Aid Bond Fund 840.00 Tax Fund 100.00 Delinquent Tax Fund 1,074.91 Bridge, Culvert and CrosswalkFund,.... 2,599.00 Total $16,167.69 $2280.62 Total Balance on hand $13,887.07 Itespectfully submitted, 8. W. JJeakes, City Treasurer. Ann Arbor City, April 2, 1892. ASN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK, Ann Arbok, Mich ., April 5, 1892. S T the Cmnnion Councü of the Uity of Ann Arbor: This will certify that S. W. Beakes, lias on deposit to his credit as City Treasurer, the sum of thirteen thousand eight hundred ten and sixty onehundredths dollars ($13,810.60). Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier. Eeceived and placed ou. file. ïhe reporta of the city clerk, inaiv gliall and poor superintendent ;wère read and ordored filed. MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIOXS. Aid. Kitson moved that when we adjourn, rwe adjourn to meet Thuraday pvenins April 7, at 8 o'clock. Wliich motion prevailed. By Aid. Martin: ResolTed, That the euni of one hundi-ed and twenty-fivc dollars be appropriated from the street fund, and an order drawn therefrom in favor of T. C. Knowlton, Eeq., attorney for Hugh McGuire; that such order be lolivored, on the delivery to the mayor íor the city, of a sutisfactory deed ol lunds, necessary to straightcn and wielen Sumniit street, west of Main street. Which j-esolution prcvailed by a yea vnd nay Yote as IoIIowb: ïeai - Aids. Manu, Wines, Herz, Allmendins'i'r, Martin. Fillmore, O'Hearn, KrrïiisuM, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitwm- 12. Naya - None. Aid. Martin moved that the deed 01 i)an"l Hiscock be accepted and the city clerk be directed to have it properly reoorded. Whfch motion prevailed. On anotion the council adjourned.


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