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Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshiug to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the system effectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the storaach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FI6 SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL, LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK, N.Y, i IT WILL drive the humor from , 5 your system, and make your skin ' m clean and smooth. Those Pimples and , Á Blotches which mar your beauty are 1 caused by INIPURE BLOOD. 4 They can be removed in a short ( 1 time, if you are wise and use the , ■J great bloodpurifier, Sulphur Bitters, TRY A BOTTLË TO-DAY. j ■ ■Whysuffer-withBoils? Whyrave m with that terrible Headache ? Why i J lay and toss on that bed of pain 4 with RHEUN1ATISM? Use Sul 2 phur Bitters. They will cure you ' 2 -vrhere all others fail. The dose is I J small - only a teaspoonful. TRY IT i 2 andyouwillbesatisfied. Theyoung, i T tlieaged and tottering are soon made , 4 veil by its use. Eemember what A you read here, it may save your life, ! 3ithasSAVED HUNDREDS. L If you are suffering from Kidney ■ 3 Disease, and wish. to live to oíd age, . 2 use Sulphur Bitters. They never fail "j to cure. Get it of your Druggist. Idon-twait. cet it at once. t 9 Sulphur Bitters will cure Liver jr ft Complaint. Don't be discouraged; E IT WILL CURE YOU. Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass., for best medical work publisbed k ■ ■ B OU " AXAKESIS " sri vos instant nKlreiieï and is an iulaüible II ■ tt_ k Curefor Tiles. PriceSl. Uy W U Drugjiistsorin:iil. Samples Bfree. AddrfSS"AXAKESIS,' B B BH H Veox 2il6, Kew York City. MAKING A BEÁUTIFUL HOME IS not a questíon ƒ mono.y. Taste, experionce and kin have much to'dowitlx it. If you intend to build, !t will be a mistaïe not to send for our books of Sensible Low-cost Housks, now arrangod in three volumes. In them you'Wül nnrt pergpective ylews, floor plans descriptions, and estimates of costa for lus tasteful, nexo design for houses. They also give our Drices for complete working Plans. Details, and Spccïfications, which enable you to build without delays, mista-kes or quarrels with your builder, and whïch tny onecan tmlerstanrt. Good builders reccomend these plans. Testimoniáis from all parts of the country. Vol. IjcontainsSöcopyrlghted designs of huuses costing between 1900 and tLBOO. Yol. Il contains 35 copyrighted designa, SISUÜ to3000. Vol. III contains 35 copyrighted designs, $3uOU to SDOOO. Frice, by mail, $1.00 eaci, or $3. OU for the set. "Wealsopublish "COLONIAL HOUSES." a volume eiiowlng Perspectivea and Floor Plans of houses arranged in the inimitable style of the Colonial Architecture, and havtng all modern arrangements for comfon. Pricc$.0ü PICTURKSQUE HOUSES FOR FOREST AND SHORE:- This shows Perspectíves and Floor Plans of new designs for Summer Cottages, which are romantic, convenient, andcheap. PriceSl. OU by mail. Address NATIONAL ARGHITEGTS'UNIOK, 120 ÏT. Seventh Phlladelphis, St.. Pa. SAW MILLS, EMGINES, Improved Tariable Friclion Feed. Send for catalogue and special Drices. A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Torn, P Honest Work ! K?fi men and women W-c fvrnish the capital! Ii you mean business, drop us a card and get aome facts that will open your eyesl A legitimate line of goods, and honest men wanted to introduce them in town and country. Den't Wait.' Address at once, P O Box 649, Cincinnati. O. BEAL & POND, INSURANCE AGENTS Courier Office, 41 and 43 North Main St, (Successors to C. H. Millen.) The oldest agency in the city. Established overaquarter of a century ago. Representing the following first-class companies, with over $60,000,000 Capital and Assets. Home Ins. Co., of New York. Continental Ins. Co., of New York. Niágara Ins. Co., of New York. Gibard Ins. Co., of Philadelphia. Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford. Commercial Union, of London Liverpool, London and Globe. Rates Low as the Lowest, Losses Liberally Adjusted and promptly Paid. BEáL & POND.


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