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Fargtfs Shoes wam foHhe Family Y5k f "Box Tip" School Shoes ISv for Boys and Girls, m l?%o. Heeled or Wed8e HeelÈ &et8kï Slzes-8tol0tf 1.88 Vfpf)-'-T1P-'A Ito3 1.75 WSÜ 3to 5', 2.0 }M $2.50 Calf Shoe crHGavv for Gentlemen, fewAlao ■ Dneqtialed by any ahoe Z+ P"CÏÏÏK .A11 America afc the same ElfgMUCfJgtfF'price. IiiC'oiiícresB.Iíut■Ef ïlaö ton and Lace. Men's au# Boy ' a Bizes. rpn FARCO'S 11 ($2.50 LAD1ES' BOOT f EL& . V Dongola or Goat, Button, È "OVÍB Opera, or Comraon Ssnsei'tmi CftHèoX Tackless and Flexible. {OUrJïgj Warrantcd the most DUS NAME IS ON THE BOTTON OF EVERY SHOE, tiskour dea,erfor Fereo's Sh jes. If Le does nel toap them eend to us and wa will íumish you a pair ol teceipt or pri,o. Bend postal tot descriptivo list. C. H. FARGO & CO., Chicago, HL DOTY & FEIWER, AGENTS, - ANN ARBOR. pá s Water Back ' A very important invention which will be hailed with delight by every body using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of ex perience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. ít overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sedimente which accumulate in water backs, often making thern useless and in great rnany instances beconing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced ta dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Masón & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HTJTZEL & CO., Plumbers and Sieamfitttrs. ANN ABBOE. - - MICH ygtoo3s:a Cotton !Roo ■ wPl COMPOUND ï SpComDosed oí Cotton Koot, Tansy and L y yJ Pennyroyaï - a recent ciiscovery by au „iold pbysician. Ja (uecestiUi) ut cd monthly- Safe, Effeotual. Price $1, by mail, eealed. Ladies, ask your drusist for Cook1 Cotton Root Compound and take no substituto, or inolose 2 stamps for sealed partieulars. Addres8 POND I-ILY COMFASï, No. 3 Fkher Blook, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit. Micb, EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PLLS. T A TYTTT'C! TRY dr. le DüC'S "PEJ-JXUIlÍJ RIODICAL" PILLS froitt Paris. France. Egïablished in Europe 1839, Jau:idain 17(. Kor Suppressions, Irregularitn . amí Moiithly Derangements. A reliable monthly medicine. Tliey always relieve. Any druggiyt, $2l Americati Pili Co., Proprietors, Spencer, Iowa. Robert Sephensoa fe Co., wnolesale agents, and all other druggists in Ann Arbor. These. bilis aro warranted to bring ou the " change. CET THE BEST FIRE IHSURAHCE $29,000,000. Seourity held for.the protection of, the policy holders. Christian MackRepresenta the followingnist-class companies, of which one, the Etna, has alone paid $05,000, 000 fire losses iu sixty-flve years : jEtna, of Hartford $9,192,Mi Franklin of Phlladelphia 3418,713 Germania,N.Y 2,700,728 Germán, American, N. Y 4,065,968 London Assurance, London 1,416,788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608 N. Y. Underwriters, N.Y 2,596.676 National, Hartford 1,774.500 Phcenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid, Policies issned at the lowest rates of premium. ll'Jltf ÜC Missetl hïs Oi:ortuaity! JOXT MlM ■ T.urs, Keatler. Tue rnajority m'xlect their onportnnities, nuil trom ihut canso live in poverty and dio ui obscurity! Harrowiug dospair is the lul of many, as tlier look back on lost, forever lost, opportimuy. ÏAt'ein iu.s IiiKÏ Reach out. Be np and doiiig. Improveyoiir opportunicy, nntiBecnrepiosperity, pronimeuce.peace. ItwassaÜ oy a philosopber, tlmt "the (Joddeasof Fortuno offers golden opportimity to oiich person fttsomo period of Hfo; muiace the chaoce, and sliepours ont her riches; failtodo so and she departs, never to retnrn.1' How shall yoa God tbe golden cpportiiuityf Investígate every chance that appears worthy. and of fair promise; tliat is what all successmlrnendo. Here Bnn opportuiiity, sucli ns snot o f ten within tho ach ol hiborïng: people. Iiupi nved, it will gy, at least, a grand stuit In life. The GOLDKN opportuníty for immy is hero. Mouey to be made rapidly und bonorably byanyindostriíuis person of either sex. Al'la;es. Yon can do tbe workand live at home, u-herever yoa we. Even boeiotiers are easily arning fnm JS to SlOper day. Yoa :an do as weli if yoa will work, not too hurd, but indaiiriïnBly; and you ca inorease y oor in come üs yon go on. Yoa can give spare time only, ornll yonr timeto the work. Easy to learo. Capital not reqit lied. We stare von. All is commratively new and reully wonderful. Ve instruct and show yuu hoff, free, Kftilure nnknown ainong onr workerg. No room to explain here. Write and loarn all firec y retara mail. Unwise to delay. Ad.lres at once II, iluIUf A Co., Jiux bso, Poi tlund, Mln.


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