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RAW US BEEF-STEftK Baby's Fearful Suffering trom Skin Dlsease Covering Entlre Body Cared by Cutloura. My baby wa taken very lek irhen he wai three month old, and íd a few daj began breaking out. We employed both of th home doctor, and thcy could do nothing for htm. Then we ent for the beit dootor in Katon Kapidi, Uich., and he doe t tored blm for two _f ' ' fc._ week, and he gol wt '"V vow 11 the time; i,.'r and then I took him to 6lMi VA-M Jackíon, to a doctor mr %Jlt whoattendepecially K VSjjl to skin diseaae, and jS i Sg tben he got worflc thau Aitl J0k ÏT ever. Thenl toldmy yl fklj hmbandwehadbetter U (Át Uj try the CüTICUEi l E RehidixS any way; aiá ffr _ d'd not aye Bny 'ca IKSmLu , ,'fiyïfa thoy would do auy SNttfairS good, butlalee thau - ■■ two month from the time we began givlng thora to him he wa entlrely well, and not a pot oq him. Hi halr began growing right otf, and we thought he would Blway be bald-headed. There wa not a pot on hi whole body, face, and head, only hi nose and eve, but what was a raw as bcef-steak. So poor tbere w not anything but bonos, and o weak he coald raise neither hand nor bead. Mbs. FRANK BARRETT, -Wlnfleld.Klch. Cuticura Resolvent The new blood and 8kln Purifler, and greatest of Humor Remedies, cleanses the blood of all impurlties and poisonous elementa, and thus remove the cause, while Cüticura, the great ekin cure, and Cuticüra Soap, an eiquiBite ekin beautifler, clear the skin and scalp, and restore the hair. Thus the CimcüRA Remedies cure every species of itchtng, burnine scaly, pimply, and blotchy skin, scalp, and blood Sisease, from pimples to scrofula, irom infancy to ge, when the best physicians fall. Sold everywhero. Prlce, Cotictjea, 50c. ; Soap, 25c: Rksolvsht, $1. Prepared by the Pottkb D'IUO AND ChIHICAL CoBPOBATIOK, Bostnn. Send for " How to Care Blood Diseasea." nl nVP Skin and Scalp purifled and beautified BAdI by Cdticüba Soap. Absolntely pure. ■ RHEUMATIC PAINS D I one minute the Catlcur Ant if l Pain Fluter relievea rhenmatic ei cS atlc, hip, kidney, chsit, and muicular ƒ APiiinnd wwtnenei. Price, 26c. PRAND OPERA HOUSE. I -wMe. A. J. Sawyek, Manager. UMYJRIL30, ENGAGEMENT OF THE NOSS JOLLITIES - AND- COMPAÏiY OF COMEDIAJÍS IS TIIÏ1B LATEST MUSICAL 8KID. "1 p MI," INTRODUCIXG New Novelties. Songs and Dances, a Quintette of Saxophones. and Musical Odd!t!es. Priees, - - 35, 50 and 75c. Secure your Seats at Post Office. GRAND OPERA HOUSE ANN ARBOR ONE NIGHT ONLY. Friday, April 29th, 1892 Marie Prescott. In a magnificent production of H. Rider Haggard's great play, CLEDPATRA Magnificent Costumes. Superb New, and Elabórate Scenery. JOHN WHITELY, Manager. PRIGES, 50c, 75c, and $1.00


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Ann Arbor Courier