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Baking Powder A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes - 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky Bisc-jit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. i.No other baking powder does such work. ISathcP Bc Without Bread. XI BlSHO"'S llESIDEKCE, MAKQUETTE, Mich., Nov. 7, 1889. 1 The Bev. J. Ksöblal, ol above place, writea : I have Buffered a great deal, and whenever I now feel a nervous attack coming I take a dose of Pastor Koenig's Nerve Tonic and leel relieved. I think a great deal oí it and would rather be without bread than without the Tonic. WiU Do Wliat it ïrprts to o. Somekset, Ohio, Kov. 11, 1890. My ■wife was troubled -with nervousness, which bo affected her mind that. I became very much alarmed, as a mental derangement wa hereditary. After using Pastor Koenig's Nerve Tonic oiie day Bhe could sleep soiindly, her lamentíng ceased, and I can eay that har mental eondition ia very much improved. JOSEPH A. FLAUTT. ■Bf%pap- A Valnable Book on ïservous LIIL L Disensos sent free to any address, ff SC ï ff and pooi patients can alno obtain 81E.-S- ■' medicine free of charge. This remedyhas beenjprepared bythe Eeyerend Pastor KoeniK, oL Fort Wayne, Ind., since 1876. and ïsnow prepared under bis direction by the KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. SoW by Drugsrists at SI per Bottle. S for S5. tarjre Size, 1.75. G Bottles tor S9. FOR MEN 0ÑLYÍ llllJ.I-lill ' LOST or FAILING KANHOOD, Vi l ElUJfiliGeneral and NERVOUS DEBIIIT Y, NKTanTÍ I ! Weakness of Body and Mind, EffectB tübuM-, Noble "SANHOOU fullj Restored. How ín Kolarf-e and BlringlbenWKAli.lMIKÏKI.llPKUOKdANSiPABTSorilODÏ AbsolotelT nnfalllns HOJIE TKKATMKNT- Bpnent In a da-r, Hen teitirj from oü SUteB and Foreign CounlrleB. Wrlte them. Veserlpüie Boobf explanation and proof malled (sealed)fre. Aiirtn ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO.N, Y. CARTEKSl CURE Sick Hcadaehe and relieve all the troubles incident to a büioua state of the system, suoh aa Dizziness. Nausea, Drowsiness, Distresa after eating, in the SiJo, &o. Wüile thoir moat remarkable success haa boen shown iu ouring SICK HeaSache, yot Carter'a Littlo Llver Klis ara ctiually valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing tliiaannoyingcomplaint.whilo thoy also correct all disorders of tho stomacli.stimulate tho liver and regúlate the bowels. Even if they only HEAO Acbetliey -wouldlealmo3tpriceles3to thosewho EulïerLromthisdistiC6siL![,'Comxlaint;biftLortuIiatelv their goodnees does notend hcro.and thono wJjo nco try them will fi nd theac Mttlo pilla valunMe In so many ways that thoy v.-ill uot bo willing to do without thcm. Bui af ter alleici head rf% JLM 'ir Ib the bano of so many Iiva3 that hero 13 whera we make c ' r great boast. Our pilla cure it whilo ethers do ] t. Carter'8 .ittle Liver Pilis are very small and very easy j take. One or two pilla make a dosa. They areslricüy vegetalilo and do not gripe or liurge, but by tlieir gentle action pleaae all who iB9them. InTialsat25ccnt3; flvefor$l. Sola y druggista everywhtra, or sentby mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPjLLSMALL pOSEJHALL PR1_CE_ RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BSKERY, GROCERY, A N" D FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep eonstantly on hand BREAD, CRACK ERS. CAKES, "etc, ior Wholesale aud retail trade. We shall also keep asupply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! OSBORN'S GOLD DUSÏ FLOUR. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FE E D, 9tC, at Wholesale and retail. Atieneral stock of GROCEBIES ui PEOTISIONS Constantly on hand, which will be sold on a reasonable terms as at any other hovise in the citv. Cash paid for BUTTER, EGGS, and CO'UNÏRY PRODUCE generally. Goods delivered to any part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. EEAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE- State of Michigan, County oí Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Flora A. Vandawarker, minor. Notice is hereby given that in pursuaneeof au order granted to the undersigned guardián oí said minor, by the Hou. Judge oí Prohate for the County of Washtenaw, ou the 12th day of April, A. T. lX'.C. there will be sold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the east front door of the Court House, iu the city of Arm Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw, in said state, on Tuesday, tne thirty-first day of May, A. D. 1892, at ten ó'clock in the forenoou of that tlny (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the sale, all the right title and interest of said minor) the following described Real Estáte, to wit : Lots 15 and 16, block two (2) north of Huron Street range, six (6) east, according to the recorded plot of the village, now city, oí Aun Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Herman Krapf, Dated, April 12, 1892. Guardian


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Ann Arbor Courier