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Gems In Verse

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Jf Ihüre vvere dreams to sell. Do I uot know ful! well What I would bay?- Hope's dear, delusive spell, lts happy tale to teil; Joy's fleeting sigh. I would be young again- Youth's raaddiug bliss and bane I would reeapture- Though it were keen with pain, All else seeined void and vain To that fine rapture. I wonld be free once moreSlip tbrougli an open door Into Life's glory- Keep what I spent of yore- Find what I lost before- llear the old story. As it of old befell, Breaking Death's frozen spell, Lovo should draw nigh- Do I not know too well, If there were dreams to sell, What I would buy? - Louise Chandler Moulton. It Stuck in His Crop. Ttcreis too littlo corn an too much husk an cob, An it sticks in my crop. Ar.d folks that work Uardes' git least fer their job, An it sticks in my crop. It takes a big tree to perduce a small cherry, zl it needs a large bush for a tarnal sinall berry, An a man must git wealthy afore he can merry- An it sticks in my crop. There is mighty small taters an mighty big wceds, An it sticks in my Crop. An too big perfessions an too little deeds, An it sticks in my crop. An there's too little readin in too many pages, An too little wisdom in too many sages, An the men who work bardes' tbey git the least wages- An it sticks in my crop. An the men who earn bread by the 6weat of their brow (It sticks in my crop) Git the wust kin er bread that there is, anyhow, An it sticks in my crop. But the men who dress up like a dude or a dandy, They cat nothin worser than puddin or candy, An they reach out an grab jest w'atever comes handy- An it 6ticks in my crop. An the poor man, like me, who digs in the dirt (It sticks in my erop), Neverwears a tailed coat, never wears a biled shirt, An it sticks in my erop. But them swell chaps who never do toilin nor spinnin, But divide up their time betwist sleepin and sinuin, Go aroun like men peacocks in purple an linen- An it sticks in my erop. Itstick3 in my erop, I can 't swaller itdown, It sticks in my erop. That the hard workin woman must wear a coarse gown, It sticks in my erop; While the gala who're too nice fer to let the ol cat in, An all study music an paintin an Latín, Never wear nothin poorer than sealskin an satin - An it sticks in my erop. An it sticks in my erop that me an my wife, Gosh, it sticks in my erop, Hev pressed sour juice from the wine press er life, An it sticks in my erop. Fate seems ter delight just to kick us an cufE ns, An the worl doesn't care how much either one suffers, If we jaw, it exclaims, "What ungrateful ol duffers," An it sticks in my erop. -S. W. Foss. Plant a Tree. He who plants a tree Plants a hope; Rootlets up through fibers blindly grope; Leaves unfold unto horizons free. So inan's life must climb From the elods of time Unto lieavens sublime. Canst thou prophesy, thou littlë tree, What the glory of thy boughs shall be? He who plants a tree, ] Ie plants love; Tents of coolness spreadingout above Wayf arers, he may not live to see. GiCts that grow are best; Hands that bless are biest; riant! Life does the rest. Heaven and earth help him who plants a tree. And his work its own reward shall be. - Lucy LarcoEQ. OrigiiiaHty. Once as I pondered o'er strango books, and sought Prom secrets of the past a knowiedge new, Within my mind entliraüed there sudden grew The perfect gerui of a stupendous thought! No bizarre brain as yet had ever wrought This ocld, welrd wouder inlo shape, and few Could from the stores of Fancy bring to view A wWui to equal this, to me untaught I lts radiant advent thrilled me with delight, But as I dreamed I heard a sad voice say: "I who am living in a spirit home, With the same thought that pleasures thee tonight, Charmed grim Tiberius through a festal day And made tuinultuous laugüter roar through Rome!" - F. S. Saltus. Little Thinga. I threw a pebble out into the lake; The pebble was small, The lake was wide, But the circling waves, by that pebble made, Pictured a lesson that will not fade AVhile men on this earth abide. I gave of my love to a sorrowing world; The word was feeble, The world was wido, Bnt the love wave met with the sinking bark Of one who was dying alone in the dark, And a píean rolled Ín with the tide. I reached to heaven for a sinning soul: My prayer was weak, But God was strong. And sins like scarlet were washed and white, For the soul that groveled sprang up to the light. And the weeping beeame a song. -E. H. Chase. Music's Magie. Stealing through the twilight. Comes a breath of song, Like a faint suggestion Of a perfume gone. It steals into the chambers Of my beating heart, And a thousand dreamy fancies Into being start. I hear again the voices Heard in vanished years, I see again the faces Absence but endears. What magie is in music, Turning time to flow Baekward to its fountain In the long ago? -Frederick A. Blsbee. Cunlinued Jrom Sthpagc. The monthly reports of the city clerk, marshal and poor superintendent were read and ordered filéd. The city clerk receivi'd and read the following bids: W. .1. Miller, Esq., city Clerk, Ann Arbor. Mich. Dear SÍr:- Your favor of the 12th of April is received. This bank will pay three per cent. on all balances and C&arge six per cent. on all overdrafts. Interest to be computert ou daily balances and payable January and July Hrst. Yours very truly, F. H. BEEiSEB, Cashier, Ann Arbor, Apr. 25tli, 1892. SX. J. Miller, Ciiy Clerk, Ann Arbor, Mich. Deor Sir:- In response to your circular letter of the 22d lnst., I bes to submit the following bid for city nioney: This bank will pay three and 1-10 per cent. on the averagj daily balances and will charge live per cent. on any overdrafts of the city. Interest to be paid or reeelTefl quarterly. r.v order of the board. niAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. Aid. Wines moved that the bid of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank be accepted. Which motion prervatled by a yea nd nay vote as follows: ïeas- Aids. Wines, S.ehairer, Martin, [erz, Fiümore, Snow, Fergnson, ïtehberg, Taylor, ICitson, Prettyman, and i-es. Coöley - 12. Nays - None. A wairanty deed from Hamilton, Rose & to the city of Ann rl)oi deeding to the city, what is mówn as Hamilton Park. llefcrrcd to park committee ..and city attorney. uniikishe'd businbss. Aid. Martin moved that the old mies that governéd the last year's council be adopted to goyërn this councll. AA'hicn motion prcvailed. MOTIOXS -XD HESÖLÜTIONS. Aid. AA'ines moved that this coiincfl hereby request the city pliysician to subinit nis annual report at our next meeting. Wihich motion prevailed. By Aid. AVines: Resolved, That suc-h tarts of the report of the chief oL the fire department as sëeins to cali for action, be referred to the fire department committee and the street committee. AVhich resplution prevailed. By Aid. AAlnes: Resolved, That the board oí public worts is hereby instructed to secure bids on two carloads of cross-walk lamber flnd on sueh sizes of tile as may be Ceemsd necessary. AYhieh resolution prevailed. By Aid. Kitson. Resolved, That the grarting and construction of the sidewalks hereinafter mentioned beiiiE deemed a necessary public improvement, Therefore, it is hereby ordered that a plank siciewalk be graded, tutlt and constructed on and alone the east side of Traver street In front of the propertyof J. C. Allmemlinger, Xelson Rogers, Wm. N. Cooper, John JlcNallv and the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Michigan railroad, that snch sidewalks be graded, built and constructed in the manner. within the time, and of the material preseribed by the provisión ot an ordinance "Entitled an Ordinance" relative to sidewalks, and on the grade established. WÜich resolution prevailed. Ry Aid. Kitson. Resolved, That the grading and construction of the sidewalks hèreinafter mentloned is hereby declared to be a necessary public im provement, Therefore, it is hereby ordered that plnnk sidewalks be graded, built and eonstructed, on and along the following street s, and in front of the following property in the city of Anr. Arbor, viz: On and along the west side of Observatory Street, from Volland street to Ann street On the west side of Thirteenth street, from Ann street to Fuller strePt. On the south side of Monroe street, from Thayer street to Ingülls street. On the side of Geddcs avenue, from Washtenaw avenue to Observatory street. On the west side of División street, in front of the property of the estáte of David De Forest. On the west side of Spring street, in front of the property of Jacob Ganzhorn. On the north side of Chubb Street, in front of the property of Lawrence Hughes and Adolph Beihke. On the north side of Liberty streef, in fror.t of the property of Mrs. Mary Uawkins; that all of such sldewalka 1p gradea, built and oonstrufted in the manner, within the timr, and of the material prescribed by the provis; tri rtf n n ordinance ' Rntitled an Ordinance " r 'intlTv to sidewalks, and on the grade tobe e t'iblishfíd. Wliich rosolution prevailed. By Aid. Kitson. Resolved, That the grading and construct mi of the sidewslks hereinafier mentioned be ing deemed a necessary public iraprovement, Therefore, it is liereby ordered that a plank sdewalk be graded, built and constructed on andalón" the east side of Fonrth avenue in ttiecltyof Ann Arbor, from O.Lherlne street to Beákes street; that sidewalk be graded, bnilt and construct n'. In the manner, wlthin ihe time, and of ; lie material prescribed by the provisión of an ordinance "Entitled an Ordirarce" relative to sidewalks, and on thp grade to be establislied. W!ii;li cesolutipn prevniled. By Aid. Kitson. Resolved, That tbegradlngand construction of the sidewalk s berelnafter mentioned being a necessary public iniprovernent, Therefore, it" is hereby ordered that. a 8 ton e sidewalk be graded, built and constructed on and along Itie soutb side of Washington street, fmm Ashley street. to Fifth aveiun-, and on and along the north side of Wnshinir ton street. from Main street to Fonrlh avenue, in the city of Ann Arbor ; that sucb sidewalks be graded, built and constructed In the manner, within the time, and ol the material prescribed by the provisión of an ordinance "' Entitled an Ordinance" relative to sidewalks, and on the grade to be established. Which resolution prevailed. By Aid. Kitson. Resolved, That the grading and construct ion of the sidewalk hereinafter mentioned being a necessary public improvement, Therefore. it is hereby ordered that a stone sidewalk be graded, built and constructed on and along the north side of Huron Street, in the city óf Ann Arbor. in front of the propertyof A. W. Hamilton; tbat such sidewalk be graded, built and constructed in the manner, wlthin the time. and of the material prescribed by the provisión of an ordiuance "Entitled an Ordiuance" relative to sidewalks, and ou the grade to be established. Whlch resolution prevailed. By Aid Kitson. Resolved, That the gradi ns and construction of the sidewalks hereinafter mentioned beinu a necessary public improveinent, Therefore, i t is hereby ordered that a stone sidewalk be sraded, built and constructed on and along the east side of Fourth avenue in the city of Ann Arbor, from Hurou street to Detroit street; that such sidewalk be graded, I built and constructed in the manner. within the time, and of the material prescribed by the provisión of an ordinance " Entitled an Ordinance" relative to sidewalks, and ou the grade to be established. ■VhicU resolution prevailed. By Aid. Martin: Resolved, That the plans and specifications of the new stone culverts, to be constructed on Hill st., and on Fifth st., (2d -ward), sutmiitted by the board of public worka, be, and the same are In all tliingw approved and the board is hereby directed to advertisé l'or bidS for the consiruction thereof according to the same. "tt'hich resolntion prevailPd by a yea and ii;iy vote as follows: Yens- Ald-s. Wincs. Sc-hairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Verguson, Renberg, Taylor, Kitsou, l'rettyman and Pres. Cooley- 12. Nays - None. By Alderman Know: Resolved, That the printing of the proceedings of this conueil for the coinIng year be nwarded to the Ann Arbor Argus and the Ann Arbor Courier, at the same rates as last year, naniely 20 cents per 1,000 ems, to each paper. Whicli resolution prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas--Ald-. Wiues. Schairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, Eehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman and Pres. f'ooley- 12. Xays- None. Aid. Wines moved that 75 copies be printed of the council proceedings, in pages as heretofore, and the contract be av.-arded to the Ann Arbor Courier at 30 cents per page. "Which motion prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid-. WíñeSj Shairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, Rehberg, Taylor. Kitson, Prettyman and Pres. Cooley- 12. Xays- Xone. By Al(l;-rman Ferguson: 'Resolved, That the sum of tfiree hiüidi-od dollars be. and the same is hèreby approprinted from the street funfl, 'for the grading of the point between Beakcs and Detroit streets, and for tiling Detroit st. írom División st. to Mr. "Waidlicli's property, on the east sidé'. Wuich resolutio'.i prevailed by a ví1" and nay vote aw follóos: "' Veas- Aids. "Wine.s, Schairer, Martin, Hef'z, Fillmore. ShMJ.yi "Feiuson, Bekberg, Tayíor, Kitson', Prettyman and Pres. Cooley- 12. Xays- Xone. Alderman Fergus'on: Resolved, Tliat the salaries ol the followinR offieers be fixed at the following priees for the coming year: City attorney S300, city treasurer $100. city marshal $780, patrolmen 600; the same to be payable monthly. .„ . __. ,.. "tt'hieh resolutlon prevalled ty a yea and nay vote as follows: YeasAlds. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snnw, Ferguson, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman and Pres. Cooley- 12. Xays- None. Aid. Wines moved that the Hill st. sidewalk petition be referred to sidewalk commlttee. Which motion prevailed. Aid. Wines moved that the wtrcet eommittee and board of public works are hereby empowered to have constructed a suitable culvert on División st. at the intersection of Catharine st. court. AYhich motion prevailed. On motion the counctl adjourned.


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Ann Arbor Courier