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ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM. Pears and Grapes a Specialty All kinds oí Fruit, Ornamental Trees aud Flowers, from Ellanger and Barry. Order early by mail. Syrups, Medicinal Wiucs.Rasyberr'y Syrnp, Boneset, Immluliun and other Domestic Grape, prepared especiallyfot invalide. Pure l'lyuioutli Koek Eggs. West f-iuion St., Ann Arbor. (Inlike the Dutch Process tNo Alkalies Other Chemicals are used ín the preparation of W.Bibr&CLt Breakfasf Gocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more fíian three iimes the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Silgar, and is far more economical, casting less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt digested. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. Baker & Go., Dorchester, Mass. For frwenty-five yesrn tixe esperience of millions. Of suflerers, oíd and yoin, nm!" and fñmale, tiavO gratefully endorsed the miraculuua viriueB of TMs Pharmacentical Parados of the Age A vitaüzing Btiinulant withcut al cohoL A nerve sedativo without narcotica. A blood puriüsr without poisons. A liver cleanBer. A purely vegetable tissue-maker, promoting digestión, nutrition, eecretion, excretion and respiration. A life-giving tonic, pure and simple, without tha disastrous reaetiona of the deadly compounds of rum. and alcohol uaually sold as bitters. V7as never known tefore ín the World. lts discovery amonR the medicinal fruits, rootk. and herbs of Caiiforuia WAS A MIRACLE, and their combination into a piienomenal lifegiving tonic A TRIUMPH of the CHEMICAJL ABT. The only chunge made in tbe formula duringtwinty five years bas been to present it in tw PjOmbinütions. oíd original remain unchaEged, but being etrouger, more laxative and botter. A neto fortn znore agreeable to tha taste and better adapted todelictttr ivoTin nnd. rhUdren, but comprising the name tonic propertios, is now madu and the ecinire of the world is challcnged to produce the equal of thia TIÏÜLY & OXLY TEMPERENCE BITTEES KÏÏOWH or to produce apurely vegetable bitters or medicina cf any kind, whnse action i3 at once so safe, so certaiu aud comprehensivo as tho CALITOENIA VINEGAS BITTERS, or any compound yliich from its varied actioa uion the vital iunctiona is equal to the CURE OP SO MAMY DISEASES. Thoir Tinma !s leprion- lihenmatism, ílenralgis, Catíirr1!, -laundice, Kirinny líisnase, Kcrofula, Skia Uisfiiséa and I3oÜ3. Cousumption, Piles and all disorders arising from indigestión, impure blood, Eervous prostration, and dilapidated constitutioá from any causo pivo way to it liko mist before' th eun, wlñle i ts singular power over THE DEADLY MICROBE AND OMXIPEESENT BACÍEEIA inaicates its euperiorüy in all diseases of malarial origin, and renders Jt the EEST VERMIFUGE KNOWN. No family can afford to do without a bottle of OLD AND NEW STYLE VINEGAB BITTEES in tho house, ae expressed by thousanda of teati monials. Send for beautiful book. AddreBS, " It. H. ZUcDONALD DRUG CO„ New Vorff


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Ann Arbor Courier