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MILK CRUSTON BABY Kept Spreading UntU His Face Wa a Kaw Sore. He Seratched UutU Blood Kar.. Best Physiclans Sald No Cure Whils Twthing. He Was Cured Promptly by Cutlcura. Bomrthing over two yer ago, oor boy, then leu than une year old, was troubled with aa eruption on bis head, proDounced by our beat physicions to be a cas of " milk crust or [nfantile eczema.' They also said tbat it would be impossibl to cure itnntil after be bad fioiahed teothing. Tbis malady kept spreading until his face was a raw sore, and every few days he would draw his finger nails dowo on both cheeks, remoriDg the scabs, and the blood running down on his cbin made him present a ghastly sight. We commenced using the Cdticura Rbm bdiks, and in two weeks we noticed a wonderfa) improvement, and in two montbs his face was fresh and fair, and has been perfectly well ever inc. W unheaitatiogly gire all credit to Cdticura. C. B. WILLIAMS, Fort Dodge, lowa. Scaly Humor 17 years I was afflicted for seventeen years witit a scaly and blotchy humor over m y en ti re breast. At times I would scratch till soreness compelled rae to cease. After reading your advertisementa at different times, I concluded to giye Cdticura a trial, and, to my astonishroeDt as well as satisfactioa, I was cured with one set of Cuticüra Krmbdibs, in abouttwo and a half weeks. That has been nearly two years sincs, and do symptoms of return. JACOB 8T0KCKLK, 3010 Palm Street, St. Louis, Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood and Skln Purifier, internally, and }uticura, the great Skin Cure, and Cuticura Soap, the exquisito Skin Beautifier, externally, initantly relieve and speedily cure every cuacase and íumor of the akin, ecalp, and blood, with loss of lair, from iuíancy to age, from pimples to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price, Cüticcba, 50c. ; Soap, 5c. ; Resoltsnt, $1. Prepared by the Pottib Druo and Chemical Corporation, Boston. 49-" ilow to Cure Skin Discases," 64 pages, 50 lustrations, and 100 testimoniáis, mailed free. )UPLES, blackheads, red, rough, chappcd, and lili oily akin cured by Cuticdra Soap. J HOWMYBACKACHES! Á Back Ache, Kidney Paina, and WeakpgAj neae, 8orene8B, Lamenens, Strains, and I "CS Pain relleved in one minute by the Vttt Cuticura Anti rain Piaster. JNO. BAUMGARDNER, o JOMEML o _. CEMETERY w o BUILDING g ca ,1 4 . W Also, Stone Walks. - Estimates cheerl'ully furnished. Cor, Detroit anj Catherine Sts .ANN ARBOf?, MICK, OOM]f@. Umi] Miastrels. NEW MUSIC. NBW SONGS NEW DANCES NEW JOKES. NEW SPECIALTIES. YPSILANTI OPERA HOUSE SATURDAY, MAY 14th. ANN ARBOR Opera House, FRIDAY, MAY Sfflth. Seata on sale at Dodge's Music Store, Ypsianti. Boards open at Wahr'a up-town Book Store Ann Arbor, on Monday, Hay 16th. GRAND OPERA HOUSE ■■ ONE NIGHT ONLY ! SATÜRDAY EVEN1NG, MAY 16, Comedy without a flaw ! Continuous laugtater ! Greatest Irish comedian ! Herbert Cawthorn ! And His Gomedy Cherubs, in LITTLE NUGGET! ViennaLadyQuartet. Songs, Dances, Music, Scenic and Mechanlcal Effects! Famous NUGGET QUARTET ! Priees - - 5Oe., 75c, $1. -Sale of Sea ts at P. O. News Stand.


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