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EEPOBT OP THE CONDITION OF THE iEOE3:-isrio3' v u 11 ■■ AT ANN ARBOR, MICH.. At the close of business, Dee. 2, 1891 RESOURCES. Loans and discomits $243,528 28 Stocks, bonds, mortgages, etc 90,92107 Overdrafts :i 710 70 Due from in reserve citi; 82752 30 Due fvdiii Washtenaw Coumv 40.780 71 Bills in transit ' 2023 75 Furniture and fixtures '" BÍOOO'Óo Currétit expenses and íaxespaid Tiiju 86 Interest pald S.M4 36 Cliecks nuil cash lteins ... ' 1S19 45 Nickel? nnd in'imies i"11' .'..' 6,125 a: Sílver ; ü. S. áud National Bank Notes ".. '.". '.'.' lojitsb 00 Total ?441,276 78 I.1AP.ILITIES. Capital stock pmd In $50,000 00 Surplus mud iniKHWin UaálTided piola $23 lo IncUrtdúüSeposIÜ ::;."Í80ÍMM lertifieates of Deposits 184,139 99 Savines deposita 48.8M 62 Ductobauk 1,958 53-865,017 68 Totaj 4-ui.-7(; 7b STATK OF MIcaiGAN, ) toL'MY OF WASHTKNAW 8Si mkJA-y}1-1' CWer, of the above minied Bank; do solemuly swear that the above statement la trae, te the best of mv knowledge 1111(1 . F. H. HKLSER, Cnshier daof Dce f'" ' beíre me this litb JOHN K. MIKER, ;-CTTUu,t: Aanbrn.8 L%&&. E. Greehe. Junins E. Beal.Df rectoré. pASTHMA?! ■f HÍFFWIANN-S Asthma Cure! H casos and elfeo( cures wlicro otliurs fil. H I ptal P.ekage FKEE of or hy xm. ■ ■■miiiiif iiiiiilifiMfii'i 1" m v4$p@js5gjlwfiii' ÍJ E ASANT THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MV COMPLEXION IS BETTE R 'M?ctor r?,' gently on the stomach Uver LAHE'S MEDIGÍME AH druggists sell itat 50c. and $1.00 per paokace Buyonetoday. Lane's Family Medine move fccSSS. CaCh d8V In Ordei to e hèalthOttlS Horses for Sale. Parties -wishing to buy horses will find it to their interest to cali on Wallace, Noyes & Co. Horses guaranteed or money refunded. Kitridge's barn. 11 WALLACE. NOYES & CO. Teachers' Examinations. Examinatioiis of teachers in Washtenaw county, lor the ensuing school year, wlll be held as follows: The regular examination will be held each year on the first Thursday oí March and August ut the county Beat. Applicants ior all grades can only bé examined at these dates. Special examinatitftis ivill be held at: Ypsilanti, last Friday of Mar., '92 Ann Arbor, last Friday of Aug. '92 Ypsilanti, last Friday ol Sept., '92 Ann Arbor, last Friday of Oct. '92 Ann Arbor, last Friday of Mar., '93. MARTIN J. CAVANAUGH, Gom. Bueklen's Árnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, üíeera. Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions nd positively cures Piles, or no pay reguired. It is guaranteed to give perfect eatlsfaction, or nioney refundetl. Price, 25 cents per box. Por sale by Eberbach & Son. and Geo. T. Haussler. of Manchester. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM. Pears and Grapes a Specialty All kiuds of Fruit. Ornamental Trees and Flowers, from Ellwanger and Barry. Order early by mail. Synips, Medicina) VVInes, Raspberry Syrup, Bonespt, Dandeliop and other Domestic Grape Wiues, prepared especially for Invalide. Pure Plymouth Koek Eggs. EMIL BAUR, West Kuron St., Ann Arbor. (fnlike the Dutch Process ÍNo Alkalies Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of OaWM Breakfast Gocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed ■with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTED, Sold tay Crocers overywhere, W. Baker & Co,, Dorchester, Mass. &r h -'% 4 sè This Pliannacentical Parsöox of the Age A yitaliaing stimnlant without al L.. A 5eÍTe sedativo without narcotica. A blcod purifier without poisons. A hver cleanser. A pureir vegetable tissue-maker, proiotiiií digesuon nutrition, eecretion, excretion and respiration. Alife-giving tome, pura and simple, without thl disastrous reactions of the deadlv compounda of rum and alcohol uaually sold as bitters. Was aever known before In the World andflherbSaXn1ath6 mClüSl frUltS' " WAS A MIRACtE, pnv1nghtoni0C0mbiDati0n lQt0 a Pnomenal Ilfe. A TBIusrpH of the CHEMICAr. ART. The only change marte in the formnla durinaíomítloenrar3 " to ""' ta Tie olil oriqinal remaln unchanged but beineEtrongcr, more laxative and better. A. nrwfrrm moreagreeabletotha taste and better adfpted Tto the same tonic propertiea, ia noW madu and ,I i&'j&r is chaiund iïz TKÜLY & OXLT TEMPEHENCE BITTEES KNOWU or to produce a pnrely vegetable bitters or medicin taiu and comprehensivo as the CALIFOBNIA VIN'EÜAR BITTEES, or any componnd -which from its varied aotfnn uon the vital lunctions is equal to the CURE OF SO MANY DISEASE3. Tht-ir ramo is letfon- liheumatism. NeuraWn atarrh. Jaundice. Kidney Diseaso, Scrofula Skin' Uiseases and rioils. Consnmptiou. Piles and all dis orders ariaing from ludlpestlon, impure blooil nervous prostration, and dilapidated constitntioa from any causa Riv0 way to it like mist before al eun, while lts singular power over THE DEADLY MICROBE ASD OMNIPEESENT BACTERIA SËS&SStè&P dl8easei of malarw BEST VEEMIFÜGE KNOWN. Ko family can afford to do -without a bottle of OLD AND NEW STTLE VINEGAB BITTEES ÍJ?n?ei h uS0' f? e?Pre9s!!' ty thousandg of teitt monialB. Bend for boautiful book. Addrsss - B. H. McDOlV"Ar.D DRUG CO. '


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier