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Council Chambeb, I Ann akbor, May löth, 1892. J Regular meeting. Called to order by President Cooley. Boll called. A quorum present. Absent- Aid. Prettyman.- 1. Minutes of April 27th and May 2nd approved. TETITIONS AND COSÖIUNICATIONS. To the Common Council: We, the Board of Public Works, respectfully submit the following bids for the construction of culverts on Hill and Fifth streets, and with the following recommendations. The bids were found as follows: HILL STKEET CULVERT. W. G. McLay $ 439 50 Christian Koch 505 00 G. Sehneider 335 00 PaulTeesmer 448 60 Pike, Gage & Clancy 390 75 FIFTH STKEET CDLVKRT. Pike, Gage & Clancy 546 05 PaulTeesmer 335 00 G. Sehneider 525 00 Chrietian Koch 695 00 W. G. McLay 315 00 The respective bids for the construction of Hill and Fif th street cul verts are hereby transniitted to the Common Council with recommendation that the bid of W. G. McLay, at the sum of $315.00, for building "Fifth street culvert be accepted, and the bid of Gottlob Schneider, at the sum of $335.00, lor building Hill street culvert be accepted. Following are the bids received for stone culvert on Felch street, and which were found in excess of the appropriation made by your honorable body: Charles Tessmer, $540.00; and Clancy & Co., $570.00. We turther recommend that Geo. F. Key be appointed City Engineer at a salary oL $60.00 per month, that he will devote all of his time to duties of such office froru May lsttoOctober lst,next, doing all necessary work and making grade plats of the city, af ter which time he will do and perform all necessary and needful current work for the city. Mr. Key will be here about three years and thinks in that time he will be able to make a complete grade plat of the city. By order of the Board of Public Works. W. J. Miller, Clerk. Received and filed. A communication from W. G. McLay asking to withdraw his bid for the construction of Fifth street culvert. Keceived and flled. A petition signed by Noah W. Cheever and nine other residents and property holders of the city of Ann Arbor, asking that a cross-walk be ordered constructed on the east side of the Court House Square. Ileferred to Sidewalk Committee. A petition signed by Ilobert Shannoü and 13 other residente and propL'i-ty holders on Suinmit Street, of the City of Ann Arbor, askiag that a sidewalk be ordered built on the north side ofW. Summit street, f rom Main to Spring streets. Referred to Sidewalk Committee. A petition signed by John Krauss and 17 other residents and property holders of the Second ward asking for a grade on Madison street f rom Fourth to Seventh streets. Also to grade saic street to the grade when so established Referred to Street Committee. A petition signed by Adolph B. Covert and 13 other residents and property holders of the Second ward, asking for grades on W. Washington and Vine streets, west of Seventh street, also to grade the said streets to the grade when established. Keferred to Street Committee. A petition signed by Norman Gates ind thirty other residents and property holders of the Fifth ward of the City of Aun Albor, askihg for the laying out of a street or alley three rods in width along the nortlieast line of the property . ulligan from Broadway to Mili eik. Referred to Street Committee. A communication trom the School Board, asking for the re-appointment of Thaddeus Thompson on the pólice forcé of this city in order that he may ae employed as truant otllcer at the expense of the School Board. Keferred to Pólice Committe. To the Common Council: Gentlemen: I wish at the outset to excuse myself for not making a report at your meeting the secoud of May, for the reason that, I had been informed thatit was not customary for the city physician to make a report to your body: I am pleased, however, that your most honorable body has seen fit to ask for such, and, in obedience to yourrequest I herewith submit to you the report oí my work as city physiciau for the year ending May 2d, 1S92, which is as follows: Ordinary visits at the homes of the sici5 _ 138 visits Three cases of labor with a total of - 15 " One reduction of fractured thigh with dresBings and " Four cases of Diptheria with total 40 " Total number of visits 195 Prescription6 fllled at homes of the sick - 175 11 " office 67 Total numberof prescriptions 24L By the above you will see that I have made one huudred and ninety-five visits to the sick and have put up f rom my own medicines two hundred and íorty-two prescriptions, Gentlemen, I am your obedient servant, E. A. Clark. Received and filed. Ann ARBOR, April 30, 1892. To Eli W. Moore, Pres. of Board of Health: In accordance with usage, I herewith present the annual report of the Health Dfficer to this Board. I respectfully report that the city is almost tree trom contagious diseases. ïhere are but two cases of diphtheria now in the city, which indicates that the disease is nearly if not wholly under control. The death rate from diphtheria is less that the usual average per cent of other cities of the same size. Prompt reports from physiciaDS generally, prompt and efficiënt service of the pólice forcé in placarding infected premises and efficiënt supervisión in fumigating. has done ínuch to check the spreading of the disease, and much credit is due those officials for their efficiency. There have been but few cases of scarlet fever, with slight morsality. There has not been any prevaience of epidemics of other diseases. The numberof complaints of nuisances to the Health Officer was enormous ind nearly all of said nuisances have been abated or corrected. The health of the city depends much on keeping the surface oí the city clean. I would respectfully urge your Board to bear in mind the fact that this cannot be accomplished without sufficient funds to warrant more frequent inspections of ;he various localities, that are more prone to become nuisances, particular[y in the summer season. To abate many of the nuisances complained of it is necessary to adopt measures to secure a system of sewers. The whole number of deaths in the city during the past year was 163. Old age and la grippe caused increase of death rate. Respectfully, John Kapp, Health Officer. Received and flled. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEJSS. STREET. To the Comnwn Countil: Your committee on street, to whom was referred the petition of J. T. Jacobs and others, praying among other thinks for the laying out of a street, through Tappau Park connecting south Thayer street with a street of the same name, laid down on the plat of Hamilton's addition to the city, respectfully report that the subject matter of such petition has been f ully considered, and your committee would recommend that such petition be denied, that the opening and construction of the street purposed would be a great in jury to Tappan Park addition and wholly without a substantial benefit to any one. Your committee would recommend that the plat of Tappan Park be duly approved by this Council and that all of the streets and other public grounds indicated therein be accepted by the city and that no street other than such as are indicated on said plat be ordered laid ouc or established, within the boundary of such plat. Your committee further report that Mr. White, the proprietor of said Tappan Park addition appeared before your committee by Mr. White, nis sou. who at the suggestion of your comraittee readily and willingly agreed for and on behalf of bis ftither, to deed and convey to the city without cost, lands for streets as follows: First. A street 4 rods in width parallel with Street street from Paekard street. to the south line of his, Mr White's. land. Second. A street, 4 rods in widtb extending Oaklaad avenüeas laid down on Tappan Park ril&t to White street oi Porest avenue: alSO Third. A street extending Wood street to the south line of Ilill addi tion to the city. The deeds for all of which accompany this report. That Mr. John R. Miner has deli vered to the city a conveyance of lant to extend such street running soutl from Packurd street to the Ilarailtoi addition. Your committee would therefore re commend that such deeds be accepted and that streets be laid out and estab lished on the lands thus conveyed. All of which is respectfully submit ted and your committee beg to be dis charged from the further consideration of the subject. Dated May 16th, 1892. Christian Martin, A. P. Ferguson, L. D. Wines, W alter L. Taylor, W. G. Snow, Street Committee. Aid. Wines moved that the report be accepted andadopted.and theClerkbe lereby ordered to have said deeds recorded. Which motion prevalled as follows: Yeas-Ald. Wines, Shairer, Martin, Herz, Fillinore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Kehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Pres. Cooley.- 12. Nays- None. SIDEWALK. l'n the Common Council: Your Committee on Sidewalks to whom was rei erred the several petitions for sidewalks now on file, respectfully report that they have had the subject matter of said petitions under consideration, with au additional report of sidewalks to be built, f rom our Street Commissioner, and find that the gradina and construction of the following sidewalks are all necessary public improvements, and would respectfully recommend that the following sidewalks be ordered graded and ,constructed, viz. : Following stone sidewalks. On State street, along the west side, south of Washington street, in front of the property of M. E. church. On Main street, along the east side, in front of the property of George Apfel. On Huron street, along the south side, in front of the property of William Wagner and Wm. McCreery. On State street, along the west side, in front of the property of John H. Nickels. On North University avenue, along the north side, from State street to East University avenue. On Washtenaw avenue, along the northeasterly side, from East University avenue to Mr. Austin Scott's place. On Main street, along the west side, from Ann to Catherine streets. On Main street, along the east side, in front of the property of John M. Wagnei . On Huron street, along the south side, from Main to Ashley streets. On Main street, along the west side, in front of the Gruner, Treadwell & (Jheever property. On Detroit street, along the east side, in front of the property of Mrs. Nebel. Following plank sidewalks: On William street, along the south side, in front of the property of Mrs. Mary Dowdigan. On Thompson street, along the east side, in front of the property of Mrs. A. Gwinner and Jos. Williams. On E. Liberty street, along the north side, in front of the property of Miss Martha M. Smith. On Packard and Fourth avenue, along the east and south sides, in front of the property of J. Wahl. On W. Ann street, along the north side, in front of the property of Mrs. Ellen Hoban. On W. Huron street, aloug the north side, in front of the property of Mr. James, occupied by W. S. Southard. On Huron street, along the south side, in front of the property of Mrs. Susan A. Granger. On Packard street, along the north side, in front of the property of George Iialler, John M.Rheinhardt, Dr. James Wood, Mrs. Fred Sorg and Robert Campbell. On Ashley street, along the east side, in front of the property of Mrs. Susan A. Granger. On Seventh street, along the west side, from Madison to Liberty streets. On Broadway street, along the west side, in front of the property of Isaac Dunn (corner of Jones street). On W. Huron street, along the south side, in front of the property of Dr. W. J. Herdman. On Third street, along the east side, from Liberty street to Huron street. On Chapin street, along the west side, from Huron street to Miller avenue. On Hill street, along the north and south sides, from Washtenaw avenue to Packard street. On Hill street, along the south side, from Fourth avenue to Packard street. On Fuller street, along the south side, in front of the property of Harvey Cornwell. On Ashley street, along the east side, from Oatharine street to Felch street. On North street, along the north side, from Main street to Ashley street. Respectfully submitted, Arthttr J. Kitson. D. F. Schairer. William Herz. John O'Mara. Er'nest Rkhberg. A. 11. FlLLMORE. Side walk Committee. Aid. O'Mara moved that the report be accepted and adopted and filed. Which motion prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson and Pres. Cooley- 12. Nays - None. WATEB COMMITTEE. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Water, to whom was referred the petition of C. C. Clark and Others praying for a tire hydrant on Observatory street and the extensión of the water mainsthereto, respectfully report that we have had the matter under consideration and would recommend that the prayer of said petition be granted, and that the Ann Arbor Water company be ordered to extend its six inch water mains six hundred (600) feet easterly on Ann street, and one hundred (100) feet southeriy on Observatory street and place a íire hydrant thereat. Your Committee beg leave further to report that during the month of June, 1891, the Ann Arbor Water company werd ordered by this Council to extend its six inch water mains from Hill street to and connect with its mains on Washtenaw avenue, that the company disregarded the order of this Council in the premises and madesueh extensión and connection with two inch pipe, which in the opinión of your Committee was practically worthless in case of needed protection from fire, and that such small pipe interferes with the flow of water, to the in jury of the same for domestic purposes. Your Committee would therefore recommend that the Ann Arbor Water company be ordered forthwith to take up such small pipe, and to comply with such original order, and that until such order is complied with no allowance be made for rental of the fire hydrants on Hill street. Dated May 13, 1892. Respectfully submitted, A. 1'. Fkrguson. EKNESÏ REHBERG. A. II. FILLMORE. Water Committee. Aid. O'Mara moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Which rnotion prevailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin. Hërz, Fillmore, Snow. Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson and Pres. Cooley- 12. Nays - None. LIGHTING COMMITTEE. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Lighting to wliom was rèierred the petition of John S. Carroll and others praying among other things for the establishmentof an are electrict light, on Ann street near Observatory street, respectfully report that they have had the subject matter of said petition under consideration and would reeommend that such petition be denied, for the reason that such light will interfere with the successful prosecution of the scientiftc work at the Observatory. Your Committee at flrst thought that this objection ought not to prevail, but after a carefulconsideration of the subject and from the uniform statement of all the gentlemen in charge of the work at the Observatory, your Committee can but find as a matter of f act that such light placed near to the Observatory would greatly interfere with the scientiflc work thereat, for which reason your Committee have concluded that such petition ought not to be granted; that if a light is a necessity at the point in question, then some other method must be found to provide the same for such locality. All of which is respectfully submitted. William Herz, D. F. Schairer, Arthtjr J. Kitson, Lighting Committee. Dated May 10. 1892. Aid. Martin moved that the report be accepted and adopted, which motion prevailed. By Aid. Taylor: Resolved, That the bond of the City Treasurer be fixed at the sum of Eighty Thousand ($80,000,) Dollars. Which resolution prevailed. BOND COMMITTEE. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Bonds wonld . spectfully report that they have examined the following bonds, and would recommend their acceptance with the sureties named: Principal. Suretieg. Christian F. Kapp Adolph Lentz and John Geo. Seyfried. Louis Betz John Walz and Charles Grossman. Eugene Gibney Jeremiah Walsh and Thomas Taylor. Henry Frank Jereraiah Sullivan and Weeley Hicks. CITY OFFICIAL BONDS. James K. Murray James R Murray and E. P. Mason. Samuel W. Beakes Edward DuLty. Ambrose Kearney, Moees Seabolt, Jeremiah D. Ryan, John R. Miner. All of which is respectfully submitted, A. II. Fillmore, John O'Mara, Bond Committee. Aid. Martin moved that the report of the Bond Committee be accepted and adopted and the bonds approved, which motion prevailed. Aid. Prettyman at this point arrived and took his seatwith the Council. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Aid. Taylor moved that the appointment of Dr. John Kapp as Health Officer be conflrmed. Yeas- Aid. Wines. Schairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O:Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, President Cooley.- 14. Nays- None. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That Dr. E. Clark be appointed City Fhysician for the ensuing year at a salary of $100. Which resolution prevailed as follows : Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, President Cooley.- 14. Nays- None. Aid. Wines moved that the motion offered by himself at the last meeting relative to a culvert at the Catherine street court be reconsidered. Which motion prevailed. Aid. Ferguson moved that the motion be laid upon the table. Which motion prevailed. By Alderman Wines: Resolved, That the culvert which Mr. Maynard wishes to construct at the intersection of Catherine street court and División street, be referred to the Street Committee and Board of Public Works with power to act. Which resolution prevailed. By Alderman Taylor: Resolved, That the salaries of the following officers be üxed at the following prices for the coming year: Health Oliicer, $150.00; Inspector for said Board, $100.00, and the remaining mernber of the said Board, $50.00. Which resolution prevailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer. Martin, Hei, Fiilmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Cooley- 14. Nays - None. By Alderman Ferguson: Resolved, That the sum of one hundred and flfteen (115.00) dollars is hereby appropriated from the Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund for the construction of a stone crosswalk along Detroit street crossing División street. Aid. Martin moved that the resolution be referred to the Sidewalk Committee to report at the next meeting. Which motion prevailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Herz, Snow, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Cooley.- 9. Nays - Aid. Fillmore, Ferguson. O'Mara and Rehberg.- 4. Concluded onZrdpage


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