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Schairer & Millen

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f #J #%? a Els (Az Sr Eeonomieal Buyers: i Our Offenngs mr the Next Two Weeks are j $ Simply immense! An absolute revefation to the public of f K what can be done in the way of selling reliable f DRY GOO33S $ I j LOW PRICES ! E L cL at 25c EveningShades and Black Surah Silks. II $ cf tuü - ' ■ H& j One lot China Silks, black and eolors, at 5oc iljf e ; 2ö-inch $1 double-warp Black Surah and Pongee Silks at ;ó 'é Í ! i[ -'2-inch $1 Black Faille Silks, Gros Graiu and Peau De Soie, for 75e ? X [A AU Ur $l35 24-lnch Black Faille Silks, Satin Rhadame, Alma" A % O c$ Royal, elegant Gros U rains-iie best $l.S5 silks in the city, all go M 9 at $1 i L J , Printed China Silks, black and colored grounds, fancy colored flgM % J ?' ures' beautiful summer silks for-waists and dresses, worth 5 ? $ $1, a Mg pinchase, all to go at 63c ) è %è 26 pieces Black Silk Grenadines, fancy stripes, figures and satin b % ) brocades, worth $1.25, all to go at 9;c V 5 'i ï AT 39C 5 P'eces satin-stripe Black Wool Press Goods. ' f é S 500 yards new Gimp Dress Trimmings, worth 25c, all togo at- 10c J % 'f? SPECIAL-600 pounds " White Star " Carpet 1 1 % Ij Warp at lócapound- the 22c quality. NI -r ê v Notiee This 5e List-All Big Bargains: j% 6 'pH PER YARD fb'll )t O y 50 pieces Lightaad Dark Prints 5c v 5 1 bale 8c Linen Crash 5c J a j J 50 pieces new Dress Ginghiims _ Sc I? g P ij pieces new Striped ílaunels "-c nK, jp ! 20 pieces White Check Muslin ü_ "c f I & t t4 10 pieces fanc; rtain Serim -)e ftl $ i 60 pieees 10c i ;o at _ _ -)(. "'' f il 1 case soft-finishéd Hleached cotton 5c u f j i Pretty Seaside Flannels, worth 10c, for - c P JK cl AND THIS- 1 case Dress Prints 3ic B 1 case pretty Challies _ 3i2;c X C 10 pieces Bed Ticking at- c j I jf S ' UO mounted Holland Curtain Shades, each 25c S i Í! 1 lot Ladies' faney stripe Wash Skirts, each 25c 91 Jcl 50 dozen Ladies' fast black Cotton Hose, per pair 5c ) % 2 I; Don't miss this-Three bales Argyle Sheeting-a good 4I 3 K Cotton at 8c ; our priee until sold, ö%c a yard. gjtt í f - IN 0UR - á 9 i f i Muslin Underwear Department j J i 1 lot Ladies' Fruit of the Loom Drawers at i fa Í d mÊmmJ 25c a Pair. v D y Y I lot Xight Robes at 'j f (WWÏÏn 47e Each. f N J lot Fine Wbite Skirts. trimmed with 5 Í fcKslíSlIÍSsSgE; ïorchon Lace and Embroidory, ) ?5e Eaeh_ I % b . O 1 V SI Leaders of Low Prices. f


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