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Mts. W. B. Cady, of Sault Ste Mark i,s in the city. D. C, Fall mnd son Eay gpent Mon lm Detroit. Chris ï. Donnelly and James O'Kano spent 8umdáy in Mllan visiting friends. Jajaes E. JIcDouaïd, oí Aipena was in tnds city on business last week Mre. F. W. lüake tos as her guest Miss Ivottie Humpteey, oí Grand Ledge. Man. Blosser, oí the Manchestei Enterprise, was au Ann Arbor visitoi Saturday. H. J. Brown wlio lias beun quit Hl lor the ast week or ten days, is noAv convalescing. Mrs. Alired Duckett, of Washtenaw ave., Ls viBitiag relatives 'm Montreal, Can., for a jnonth. Ilev. C. A. Youus and famidy, of s. 12th st., left Mooday for a vveek's vieirt in Kansas City. Bdwarfl Welles, of Xfv York, is in the ctty, called liere by the death oí his sister, Mrs. lluut. Miss M. Louise Pond, goea to Detioii U)-dii,y to remain a eouple oï - with relatives. Prof. ï. C. Trueblood, wh'O has beeu takimg batlis in Y;isilanti, has returned home much iniproved. Mrs. Lutaer, nee Wheeler, of Medina, X. Y., 'Is visitina' her father J. M. tieeler, on W. lluron St. Mr. and Mrs. ï. P, McDonald left last week 10 visilt tlieir daughter Mrs. Dr. Pieree oí McKeesport, Pa. Christian and Louis Heinzeraann, of Iïay City, are ia Ann Arbor, called liei-e by the illness oí their father. Mrs. E. B. Gibsou, af Port Austki, is im the city visiting her parents, Mr. a in! Mrs. T. E4. MêDonald, of Forest ave. Miss Ltamie Dunlap, of Miss Cutcheon's School, Detroit, has been spendtag sonic (Jays wiith Miss Sara Whedoii. AV. 15. Stickney, Wliio has h;s headinart-ere at Báttle ('reek, spent Sunlay at home with his family cn S. 12th' st,. H. C. Clark lia.s gone up nortli to -ie iï he cam aiot put a stop to the wood iamiino liere in Ann Arbor. Sucsees ü) htei. A delightful reception ivas given 011 Friday evening last, by Mr. and Mrs. Prof. Chute, at their residence, ju S. Thayer st. Prof. F. B. SpauWing, lit. '90, prin;]ial of the Batttó ('reek scliools, has accepted the superintendency of tüc Jbldwater schools. Prof. Fred C. Clark, teacher of histoiy im the high sc:hool, has accepted a posiitilóm in Leland Stanford University of California. V.'m. Haydem, of Grand Rapkts, has jeen ta the city for a days, caled hiere by the death of his father, Wm. Ilayden, whio died Saturiïay. Mies Emïïly Alexamder, of Grosse Isle, avIio lias been visitjng Miss Lilie Condón, of S. rniversity ave., t ui-lied to her home Monday a. m. Mts. Joh:i Stanley and dauj'hter, oí Detroit, retürned lióme Sunday eveaiag, after a few day's visit -vitli her sister, Mrs. Theodore Grace, ei Willnrd st. Hom. J. T. Jacobs went to New York Momday, ïo be present at a meetimg oï thè Indian Conimissioners who will avard a niutnber of contracta at lilis time. A very pleasaait social gatliermg' was enjoyed by á oï the ladies of the M. E. cliurcïi at the home 'Of the Misges White, on W. Liberty t., last Thursday Mrs. O. B. Hall gave a pleasami eception on Saturday p. m. to Jlis Susan B. Anthony, and another Jlonlay afternoon in honor of Mrs. Eastnan, at wiiicii Miss Anthony was also preëent.


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Ann Arbor Courier