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The sooid wllll of tlrc sood peoplg all ...

The sooid wllll of tlrc sood peoplg all ... image
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The sooid wllll of tlrc sood peoplg all over the world is wiith Dr. Parkijiiret im New York. May his wai upon viioo and crime be successful. HUI káows a thing or two. He . knows tQiat a man tv Ivo shakes hands wlth a Uve wirt is a dead man He íealized what a lhne wire the silver bill was and dodged it. Gov. Flower lias made a statement to the effect tlnat lie is mot a candidato for ])rcsiilcnt. llow very kind of hilm. "W'lint a load would bc on ihe mcnds of some of hie frieads Irat for til ÍS. ., In the iron industries in England, the vorkme:n kniown as puddlers are pakl $2 per tan for tlieia1 labor. In the Umilted States the puddlers are 15.50 per ton for the very same work. Protectdo doee proteet the jaborer, doesn't ft ? It pays to be IKSüSSt even in politks. Hill stole tlie legislature oi Jiey Yoi-k for hia party, atotí wh;n lias i!, a.i;l'(l hiin. Hls name ha.s been liissed in every democratie conventioji held iiii. the east this year. He lias Keu kicked for his dislionesty. Are 1 1 !■ ■ Diasscs of the people of ths Vnitca Statee wfflling to exchange pku'os Avi-tli masscs oí auy other nat ion on thc tei.ce of the cartii T Tlierc vi;l ]ii' ,inly oni' an.swcr to tliis questivn: No! Tlwn are thc masí-cs di tliis niuiüry wüüiic t,, ,.x. chance the poTtey whteh has made this eotwitry -vhat iit is, the Mecca of the poor of th whole world, for anothcr polity that wffll chíuige tbils proBpcrity to advcrsiiy V Tlie nswT t-lnnilil bc the same: Xo 1 TIio ifilico vho capttn-ed the nnarohists red flaj; im a parade ut Chicago, were sued by the porties owning the rags, and the court lias decided that the polioe did rlght. There is rao reascn why the red flaig should be uniurled im this country. If the men -wlio belüeve itn its principies are not satisfied with the freodom of these Bmited 'Statee they better go back to T.he kund from wliMice they on me. This country has eawmgh to do to educat-e amd aasimffláte tBose who eome here with a deeöre to become eiitlaeme and ma.kc (his a home for themsolvos amd thcir families. Chima wffil mot the exclusión act. America te too nood ueustomer tor her tras and wares. vi. .'ii ágata., China s shrewd enougü to realiae lrat oí ai] tbe great nation- . i earth America Is fche only otae it'hiat ctoes not covet any of he'2 terrftory. WUte Bnslanö, Ruasia Fraaxeeaod e-ren Germamy stand ready to i-nul her ni piecea and appropriatfi híer creat weaith to themselves buí for Jealouey oleaíh other. tnn-Ka le 1li" unl.v c.uniry shr rail loot to for dteiíatereeted adVice, and sh knows (it. To A rica tlirn she wiiJ ctomg, well knowiii!; that n her she ll;is,;' W ad, eren though her almondi'.M'd subjecta are not wautert


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