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Both the method and resulta when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly ou the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the system eflèctually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its eöècts, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, it9 many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who "wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO CAL. lOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK, N.Y. ! TruthsSick. 1 Forthose DEATHLY BILIOUS i t SPELLS depend on Sulphur , ters; it never fails to cure. DO YOU SUFFER with that ! ' tired and all-gone feeling? If so use , j Sulphur Bitters ; it will cure you. i I Don't be without a 1 TR Y ' j tle. You will not regret it I if, i I Thk lof a fair face is a ' Secret f"l skin. Sulphur Bitters ! ' T . ' ??"1rn makes both. If you do not wishto t____ i suffer from RHEUMATISM, use a ' 1 bottle of Sulphur Bitters; it neyer ' fails to cure. Are you CON8TIPATED? If so, ■ i Sulphur Bitters is justwhat you need Poor, weak, and weary motners 1 RAISE PUNY, PlNDLINC children. . Sulphur Bitters will make them W, strong, hearty, and healthy. i Cleanse the yitiated blood ■whoa ■ you see its impurities burstinp 5" , through the skin in 1 Dl„_. „ 1 % Kely on Sulphur PIMPLES. S" ï Bitters and health BLOTCHES E Wül f Ollow. ANDSORE8.1 J. Send 3 2K!ent stamps to A. P. Orrlway & Co., Bostoa,Mass.,íorbestme(Ucalworkpublshed Kk B B RH A MA3f AKESI8 " g-i ves instant PiS S aBrcliul and san nfallible L. Cure for Piles. PrieeSL By ■ H S DrugKistsormnil. Samples ■ free.Address"AXAKESIS," 1 BB Hl Box SOS, New York City. SV1AKINC A BEAUTIFUL HOME. 'ÍS not a cfi'estion of mim&y. Tafite, -e-xprrii i ■kill have much ro do wlty-it. ityou iaend u build; t will bc a mlstíike not to st nd for our nooks of J srBLE Low-cost Hovsks. nolv arransed In three volumes. In them you wül find perspectlve views, flour plans descriptions, nnd' estimaos of costs for 105 asteful, neic design for houses. They also give our S rices for complete Working Plans. Details, and Speeïcations, whfch enable you to build without delays, mistakes or quarrels with your buílder, and whïch any onecan understand. Good bullders rccconu:nil these plans. Ti'-srlmonialsfrom all parts of the country. Vol. I contalas XS copyííghted designs of houses oosting betwefiii iü and 18OÜ. Vol. fl contafua 85 copyrtghted deBigns, $isuj to$SOOO. vol. III contalns 35copyrightei designs. lUk) to KXXt. Prict, by mail, ■1.00 each, or 18.00 for the set. Wealsopublish "COLOXIAL HOUSES," a volume showtns Perspectives and Floor Plans of houses ar ranRed in the Inlöiliable stylc of the Colonial Architecture, and having all modern arrangementa forL -comfort. PrlcesilX) PICTUIiKSQUE HOUSES FOR FORERT AXT) 3HORF.:-Ta'l)i shows PcrBpectlves and Flour Plür.s-, jf new d(í9ln8 for SummtT Cottages, vrhieh. are , TTiantic, conven i eiit, and eheau. iHce si.Öü ïy mail.: -Address NATIONAL ARGHITEGTS' UNION, 120 N. Scventh Phlladelphla, St.. Pa. SAWMIÏXS, ENGINES, Improved Variable Friction Feeil. Send for catalopriie ahd special nriees. A. B. FARQUHAK CO.. Yofk, P JlUIltJbt W Urü. . made by earnest men and women r fiirnish tlie capital' Ií you raean business, drop us a card and get ■some facts that will open yoflr eyës ! A lejritimate line of goods, and honest men wanted to .introduce them ín town and country. Don't Wait.' Address Rt once, P O Box 649", Cincinnati, O. BEAL & POND, INSURANCE AGENTS Courier Office, 41 and 43 North Main St. , (Successors to C. H. Millen.) THe oldest agenny id the city. Eftai.iifhed overaquartcr of a century ao. llopi'(.'M.'Htiiig the föllowing flyst-class cbmpaies, ■Rith over $60,000,000 OaItal and 'Asseis. Home Ins. Có..of Xov Yoric. Continental Ins. Co., of New York. Niagaka Ins. Co., of New York. (jniAKi) Ins. Co., of Philadelphia. Oriknt Ins. Co., of Hartford. Commercial Ukion, of London Liverpool, London and Globe. Kates Low as tho Lowest, Losses LUerally Adjasted aud proinptly Taid. BEAL & FOND,


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