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ON tho S4th a bilí was passed in the senat appropriating S60.000 for a public building at Owosso, Mich. A Joint resolution was reported directing the president to proclaim a general holiday commemorating the 400th anniversary of the dlscovery of America on October 12, 1892, and another proposing a constltutional amendment providing for the election of United States senators by popular vote In the house a bilí was introduced to admit free of duty glass Windows Imponed for the uae of churehes. The ■enate amendments to the rlver and harbor blll were non-concurred in. I the senate billa were reported on the 2Sth sppropriating 1100,000 and 115,000 respectlvely for public buildings t Muscatlne, Ia., and Muncie, Ind. The bill to provide for the punishment of violatlons of the treatj rif hts of aliens was discussed ... In the house the sundry civil bill was taken up, the flrst item belag the government exhibí at the world'B fair, and provisos were adopted that in ne even shall the exhibí ts made by the jovernment be open to the public on Sunday, and that no intoxicatlng llquors shall be aold on the grounds of the ezposltlon. An amendment was adopted reduclng the alary of the director general to 18,000, and that of the secretary to W.OOO. In the sena te on the 26th a blll was introduced by Senator Peffer to increase the ourrency, to reduce the rates of interest and to establish a bureau of loans. Senator Stewart's free coinage btll was discussed .... In the house a bill was introduced to amend the act to protect trade and commerce against unlawful restraints and monopolies. The sundry civil appropriation bill waa further considered. IN the senate on the 27th a bill was p&ssed to reclassify and prescribe the salaries of railway postal clerks, the rates ranging from $800 for flrst class to $1,800 for seventh class. Adjourned to the 31st In the house a bill fixing the ra te of postage of semi-weekly and tri-weekly publications malled at certain free-delivery offices was favorably reported. The sundry civil appropriation bill was passed and the post office appropriation bill was discussed. The bill elimlnating from the pension rolls the namcs of persons not residents of the United States was reported adversely. DOMESTIC. Accordixg to a conservativa estímate the damage done inMadison, St. Charles and Clair counties, 111., by the great floods will foot up $1,000,000. The seventy-eighth annual session of the American Baptist union cominenced in Philadelphia. Ex-President James K. Polk's will was declared nuil and void by Chancellor Allen at Nashville, Tenn., and the estáte of L300,000 was given to the heirs at law. The Brotherhood of Locornotive Engineers in session at Atlanta, Ga., reelected P. M. Arthur grand chief engineer. A Mormon colony has been granted a tract of 100,000 acres in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico. At Omaha the Methodist general conference decided that the Epworth league was the only society of young people to be recognized by the church. Policeman James A. Moxahan, of New York, has inherited property in Ireland valued at 82,000,000. He has been on the force for nine years; The National Association of Millers in session in Chicago elected William Saunderson, of Milwaukee, as president. Aktiiur Bisot, who escaped from the Indiana state prison twelve years ago under peculiar circumstances, surrendered himself. Gov. Brown, of Kentucky, has signed the bill providing that every passenger railway train shall be provided with a separate coach for negroes. Patrick Fitzpatrick was hanged at Pittsburgh, Pa!, for the mnrderof Samuel Early, a steel roller, September 2, 1891. Mrs. Emzabeth Rttssell, on trial at Eau Claire, Wis., for poisoning Bertha Erickson, was found guilty of murder in the first degree. Gov. Fifer has issued an appeal to the state of Illinois asking for food and clothing for the sufferers from the flood. He says thousands of men, women and children have been driven from their homes and rendered destitute. All of the tanneries in the United States will close June 1 for a period of sixty days. Nearjly 70,000 cbildren marehed in the sixty -third annual parade of the Brooklyn (N. Y.) Sunday-school union. A waterspout burst over Kinsman, O., drowning six persons and destroying buildings, stock and crops. Nick Eay shot his brother-in-law, Iveely Hensly, near Asheville, N. C. Just bef ore Heusly died he fatally woundcd Ray with a knife. GiLBERf Rosewell, of Charle4jon Mich., a farmer G5 years of age, killed his wjfe because she would not live with him and then shot hïmself. ÜEspiiy; the fiqods Kansas expects to raise 50,000,000 bushels of wheat and in the central and western sections the rain has proved a benefit rather than a detriment. At Wichita Falls, Tex., an incendlary fire in the hardware store of J C. Siegler caiised a loss of 8100,000. As the result of a collision in midlake on Lake Michigan bet ween the passenger steamers Pilgrim and Kalamazoothe latter went to the bottom and the former was badly datriaged. No lives were lost. The People's bank of Sea Isle City, N. J., has closed its doors. Darfi.ixger's glass works at White Mills, Pa., vrere burned, the loss being 8100,000. ' Two childrex were burned to death at Abner Gray's home in Lauderdale, Tenn. Two of the men who killed Express Messenger Saunders near Palatka, Fla. , were shot dead by a sheriff's posse at Buffalo luff , Fia. "-aMMimBa A National convention of those who favor a free bimetallic coinage of süyer com'ménced in Washington. Between Cairo and Memphis tre were 700,000 acres of land under water, and the erops that were coveed were estimatea afe fol'lows: Wheat, 125,000 acres, $3,000,000; corn, 100,000 acres, $1,500,000; cotton, 100,000 aerea, fo.pOO,000; land wa.shed away, 1,800 acres, 18,000; homes destroyed, L75,000; cattle drowned, S75.000. Total, 86,668,000. " Tuf. Xational Editorial association in annual session at ban Francisco eleeted B. P. Brice, of Hudson, Wis., as president. The Methodist conference at Omaha adjourned after voting to allöw conferences to decide to admit wpmen as delégales. At the annual meeting in Boston of the United States Brewers' association EUis Wahiwright, of St. Louis, was elected president. State Treasureb Wilson estimates that there are from 12.000 to 15,000 persons in Illinois who have suffered from floods and need help. The fruit crops in the south of England have been greatly damaged, if not destroyed, by a terrific storm that passed over that section. P. A. Bee, aged 76, for many years Chinese vice consul at San Francisco, dropped dead on the street. Nebraskans celebrated at Lincoln the twenty-fifth anniversary of the admission of the state into the union. C. E. Mostgomkby, president of the Germán national bank and a wealthy citizen of Lincoln, Neb., was shot and instantly killed by W. H. Irvine, a former partner, who claime.d that Montfomery had destroyed his home. At the clearing houses in the United States the exchanges durinfj the week ended on th 27th aggregnteA 81,146.805,698, affainst 51,231,899,737 the previous week. The increase as compared with the correspondinj week of 1891 was 12.1. Ainslee, Cochraïï fe Co., proprietors of the Louisville (Ky. ) foundry and machine works, failed for 8126,000; assets, 6240,000. In the United States the business failures during the seven days ended on the 27th numbered 198, against 192 the preceding week and '247 for the correspondiDg week last year. James McFarland, of Girard, O., was killed and Louis Jones, of the same place, fatally injured in a railway collision near Niles, O. An incendiary fire destroyed the courthouse and jail at Henderson, Ky. The flood caused by the White and Arkansas rivers in Arkansas entirely swept away the towns of Hollendel, Chicot City, Red Fork and Pendleton. All the big plantations for 40 miles in the Arkansas valley were utterly ruined and many persons were drowned. A cyclone passed over Wellington, Kan., killing fifty or more persons and in j uring scores of others. The storm passed directly through the center of the town, wrecking everything in its path. Hundreds of dwellings were either toially destroyed or more or less damaged. The devastation in the country was f rightf ui. J. J. Fay, a retired Michigan lumberman, says within ten years the pineries in that state will have been exhausted if the present rate of cutting in the forest continúes. The Empire Order of Mutual Aid, a state insurance order, failed at Buffalo, N. Y., with assets 590,000 less than the liabilities. Geobge Scott, convicted of assaultin- his sister and then murdering her, was hanged at Henderson, Tex. Edivard Speers, who murdered S. C. Fluut near Camden July 1, 1801, was executed at Magnolia, Ark. The sixtieth annual meeting of the American Baptist Home Mission society began at Philadelphia. Four boys, ranging in age from 7 to 10 years, were fishing at Woodville, Pa., when the bank caved in and they were thrown into the river and drowned. Advices from regions affected more I seriously by floods point to an aggre gate loss of property in five states of 32,000,000. Illinois and Missouri suffered the most. Michigan railroads earned $8,600, 378.61 in April, against 87,230,815.89 for I the same month last year. A widow named Seott and her four daughters, Fanny, Alice, Kate and Emma, aged 16, 18, 22 and 26 respectively, were found murdered in their home j near Lone Tree, Ky. A negro, who probably committed the crime, was found in the cellar with his throat cut. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The state convention of the Wiseonsin people's party was held in Milwaukee and the following ticket nominated: For governor, C. M. Butt, Vernon; lieutenant governor, Martin Pattison, Doug-las; secretary of state, Aaron Broughton, Green; treasurer, Alfred Monheimer, Manitowoc; attorney general, M. W. Stevens, Green Lake; railroad commissioner, Charles Hatch, Calumet; insurance commissioner, Eugene Low, Milwaukee; superintendent of public instruction, Miss Agnes Worsley, Racine. Gen. H. F., 72 years oíd, a war veteran, died at his home in Monte Vista, Col. The democrats of Kentucky in convention at Louisville adopted a platform which demands a sound and stable currency composed of or reducible in gold and silver coin and declares that the delegates to the national convention go uninstructed except to use their best endeavors for the success of the demoeracy and its principies. Iowa republicans will hold their convention to nomínate a state ticket at Des Moines June 29. The New Jersey democrats in state convention at Trenton instructed their delegation to Chicago to vote for Cleveland for president. The platform condemns the policy of free coinage of silver, and asserts that the democratie party should continue its battle for tariff reform. The Washington democrats in convention at Vancouver strongly indorsed Cleveland, but refrained from instructing the delegates to Chicago. Ídaho democrats met at Pocatello and selected a delegation to the national convention instructed to labor for the nomination of men favorable to free silver. Congressional nominations were made as follows: Ohio, Eighth district, Ia M. Strong (rep.); Fourteenth, R. G. Johnston (rep.); Sixteenth, Col. Poorman (rep.). Indiana, Fourth district, Rev. A. J. Grime (pro.); Sixth, W. A. Spurgeon (pro.J; Seventh, C. E. Boston (pro.). IlT state convention at Denver the Colorado democrats elected delegates to Chicago instructed to vote for no man not favorable to free coin age. The Ohio prohibitionists in state convention at Columbus placed a ticket in nomination. George L. Case, of Cleveland, was named for secretary of state. Indiana prohibitionists in convention at Indianapolis nominated Rev. Aaron Worth, of Jay county', for governor; C. W. Culbertson, of Shelby, for ant governor, and James McCormaek, of Princeton, for secretary of state. The prohibitionists of Vermont in convention at Rutland nominated E. L. Allen, of Fair Haven, for governor. Tennessee democrats in convention at Nashville elected delegates to Chicago instructed to vote for Cleveland. Rev. H. D. Dennis, of Rockford, was nominated for congress by the Sixth Illinois district democratie convention. The people's party of Indiana in state convention at Indianapolis nominated the following ticket: Governor, Leroy Templeton; lieutenant governor, Dr. J. A. Houser; secretary of state, Jesse L. Hobson; auditor of state, Lewis Kaston; treasurer, Townsend Coke; attorney general, E. H. Vernandez; superintendent of public instruction, J. H. Allen; state statistician, C. H. Bliss; reporter of supreme court, W. H. Dewey; supreme court judges, Adam Stockman, Silas M. Sheppard and N'. J. Boart. Gen. A. D. Streight, who concocted the plan by which 108 men escaped from Libby prison during the civil war, died at his home near Indianapolis, Ind., aged 63 years. In the Twelfth Illinois district the people's party nominated William Hess for conress, and in the Second Indiana district the republicans nominated B. M. WiJloughby. Mrs. Johanna Mf.rtens died in St. Joseph hospital at Joliet, 111., aged 1X5 years. FOREIGN. Queen Victoria ce]ebrated her 73d birthday at Windsor castle. A month henee the fifty-seventh j'ear of her reign will commence. Spanish authorities are satisfied with American inspection of bacon, and will allow its import into Spain without examination in that country. Sir Alexander Campbell, lieutenant governor of the province of Ontario, died at Toronto, aged 72 years. Anarchist made a, demonstration in Paris in favor of the liberation of journalists of their persuasión now in prison. Copenhagen began the celebration of the golden wedding of the king and queen of Denmark. Tuk steamship City of New York, whieh sailed from New York May 18, 11:25 a. m., was reported at Browhead 2 p. m. May 24. The days' runs in nautical miles were as follows: 458, 467, 470, 472, 473, 475 and 81 to Queenstown; total distance, 2,896 miles; average speed for the trip, 20.06 knots per hour. Her actual time from Sandy Hook lightshipto Queenstown is six hours, twenty minutes, which would bc equal to Sve days, eighteen hours and twenty minutes over the more northerly course of 2,776 miles. Taking the distance into consideration, this is the fastest eastward passage on record. Pechkb & Co., bankers at Antwerp, failed for 51,250,000. Cholera was causing the death of 500 persons daily at Lerinagur, one of the capitals of Cashmere, in India. The prohibition against the entry cf Russian Jews into Germany has been withdrawn. A Paris stock operator named Connor shot his mistress, Blanche Laval. from jealousy, and then committed suicide. LATER. Lord Lansdowne may resigne as jbvernor general of India. Salisbury, it is reported, is to be ofEered a dukedom by the queen. Portugal's cabinet has a crisis and several of the ministers have resigned. Harvard defeated the University of Michigan ball team Friday by a score of 4 to 2. United States Minister E. Burd Grubb and family started Friday from Madrid on their return to the United States. Secretary Foster and a party of friends left Washington on Friday for a few days' fishing off Cape Charles. Heirs of G. R. Mackenzie will bestow, in accordanee with their father's wishes. 5109,000 on the Free Kirk of Scotland. At the annual meeting in Boston of the United States Brewers' association Ellis Waimvright, of St. Louis, was jlected president. A bilí extending for two years longer the act of March 'J, 1SS9, for the correction of military records was passed by the senate on Thursday. William Hicks Thörne, wholcsale Jealer in hosiery, of New York, made in assignment Thursday. Liabilities, ?50,000; assets, unknown. Earl Root, aged 24 years, living near Assumption, 111., had been suffering with a felón for several dáys and had a physieian lance it. Immediately after lie was seized with violent spasms and íied a few hours later. The directors of the Sagua Railroad ompany in Cuba have determined to uilild all their freight and passenger aars in their own shops, importing from the United States only the iron portions aecessary for their construetion. Mexico is anxlbus to secure reciprocal relations with the United States. Corn planting in Iowa and wheat jeeding in the northwest are progressng rapidly. Michigan railroads earned $8,600,378.61 in April against $7,230,815.89 Cor the same month last year. Terrific thunder and hailstorms are reported from various places in Spain ind grave fears are entertained that iisastrous floods will result. Great 3amage has been inflicted in vineyards. The university of Chicago will build 1 woman's dormitory at a cost of $75,)00, and possibly two dormitories for men, costing S100,000. Representatives of the natural gas ;ompanies of Indiana met at Muncie Friday and resolved to prevent the nroduct being piped to points outside the state if possible.


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