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Tömmie Oomgdon, one of the Chelee school pnpils, died on the 24tli uit. of diphtheria. The Presbyteriams at Ypsilanti netted $150 by thelr -'eradle songs" entertainment, recently. The alumni of the Saline High School wül hold a banquet this year at commemcememt time. Mrs. Mareta Suminer Millls died at her heme in Saline, May 24th, aged 75 years. he had li-ed there since 1834, A class of 25 people were confirm-. td at the Episcopal church, Ypgilait ti, on Priday evening of last week, by Bi&hop Davies. The followimg fanners near Nortb Lake are indulgimg in the conveniences ol new windm,ill6: G. C. Reed, K. S, Whalian, 0. P. Noah. Fred Beleer, cashier of the F. & M. Bank, Ann Arbor, ie fco build a cottage at Cavajiaugh Lake thie tseason. SÏ. J. Noyes avííU also build ome. A "Harrisou Olub" ha been forniecl at Chelsea eoonposed of boys and girls alike. Guy Liginthall is president and Florence E. Oole secretary. Two girls were 6een walking the Btreets Tuesday evening in male atLiire. Jake 1 dead now, girle, and you are safe without the paiits.- Yj fciüainti' Commercial. The Michigan Keeley Instituto -vili opee in its mvn building, late residence of Mrs. Swkft on South Hurou Ktreet, June 1, with J. W. Van Cleve in charge as nianuger.- Ypsilantian. The dam of S. M. Bixby's mül at Saline, haring been taken out the secomd tinne by high water this spring, the neighbórs made a bee and rebuilt iit for hiui, recent ly. Mrs. Sarah Taylor Reed, died at lier home near Clielsea, May 24, aged 84 years and 0 inonths. She carne tu Michigan in 1848, settling on the iarm whiere she died. A. M. Clark, oí Ann Arbor, lias just rcceh'ed the patent of another windmüll attaclimeivt. Miiton, as well cm Mb brother Frank, lis quite enthugiiaetic over the wind power subject.- Saline Obtserver. Will GrKfin, the proprietor of the IJiindee fruit farm, Kays he has ü,OO(J plante of ciirra.nts and jfooselterries iu bearinK and tstiiuatos that his theii iirst yea.r they wuj produce from crne to three quarte to the buli.- Uundee Iteporter. After .trylmg four tknes unsúccessfully to di a ivell, and after four well drrvers luad also Riven up the job as n. K., a drive well has at last been put dowin on the McCabe farm nortl of Dover, arnd a good s-upply of watei found. Water blessiiur. Speakimg of a niucii uecded dkcl im that sectiom, the Wáyne ftevle-n Kays tle petitiom "should be presente! to the proper authoriities as soou e poseible, so that the ditcli can be cu through and the land relieved of th surplus water before tlie weather set iia." Too late. The weather has al ready set i:i. After tlie nioraing services at th M. E. church last Su-nday, the pasto ammounced that $160 would pay oí all the debts tlie society owed, Ia cludimg the electric lights in bot chiurch aaid parsonage. In about te minutes the amount was pledged, th timall sum left, beiing asslgnedto th onenibers of the church and congrega tiooi who were absent that morning - Chelsea Standard. Ho-n-ell is to h&ve a $25,000 condemeea mülk laetory, taviiis raised a $5,000 bonus tlierefor. It will be built by Alger, Smttè & Co. 'Ypsiïanti ha taken Xorthvüle's Ja cure away from hki, but she ean'i take aoiy of Xorthvillo's jags. W'hy ? Because Xorthville hasn't any. Mrs. Eliza Marsh, Cross st., celebrated hor 91 birthday yesterday, I ia reraarkably vigorous and ac: tve roe one of her years.- Ypsilantian. Hore ftxë at work about TpsÜaintï a'gahi. Jaanes 8cotney, oí Supiérior, and .Tulin M.Pou.sal, of, lrve oa;li liad animal stolt'n. Supervisor Burtleffe pvklently re: to' take rvnybody' dusv innn th way ho let his hor.-e -n Miniday ni..H wHen Toni rarrell attèmpted ti pass liim. We muit eautinn tlif !_-entlei:ie:i ai fast driving in tho village. Nothttg al)i.c a thrèë ininv.te gaït wi'.l B Entei ''i___- , It may se cm Mk-1-.-HiI.-.s yct fa t tli'at tliere aro íew peoplc at ■ ast in This Tillase wfro thinlc that h-.' Dagli-ih speakjug péoplë ought o pnt t'lieir reuts, di-ües andlollars ïto a pnvsu aud wi)Ui it imilü a neat rkk ebiurch, large enough to accomïodate a:i audience of about 500 eople.- Enioi-Tirist'. The Milan Irivin; Park Aseociaion announces iour races on Satuiay, Jume lltli. The conteste are .30 trot, purse $80; 2 mimute trot, 40; 3 years oM eligüble to a minute lase. $40; 2 yeaj-s old $40. Races aUed prompt ly at 3 o'clock p. m. Ent ranee fee 5 per cent, oí the purse. Emtries close June lst. For full parIcuiars apply to Dr. D. P. McLachlan, York. At the animal meeting last evening a eneouraging report %vas giveu of the doimgs of tue Methodist gabbath school for the past year. Ft iianoially they have prosjicred as the report shows collections to the amoumt of $293.95 and $97.40 raised by the 5 cent entertainments. The school propose im the year to come, to purchase new singftig books for use ito the meetings oí the school, Epworth League, amd Thursday eveniing prayer meetiaigs and to add about 250 worth of books to their library. - Ypsilamtian. It seems that the colored people ol Ypsilanti are very mucb incensed over the death of Jacob Griffim, and have held an indignation meeting. Ia a report of this meeting the Ypsilantian says: "Mr. Davie, however, tells ns that the imtemperate counsels wepe not approved by the majority, and tfaat they only desire a legal ki-estigattan, to ascertain if Griffin was ustiiiably treated. That, he Baya, was the actiom oï the meeting, taking meaeures to employ counsel to test the matter. If they need sucli au investógation, they certainly ought to have i't; tut it will be unt'ortunat-e itf it sliall prove that the best class of colored people in the ciity are eo nsensible to the enorcnity of his crimes as to enlist to behalf of such an unspeakable beast as Griífiin has proved to have been, or so incajpable of appreciating the force of evidence as to question hte guilt."


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier