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A Sad Case

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The Detroit Tribune, of last Friday, co-ntains the followimg account of the terrible mtefortune whicli has belalten Mr. Haraese, the student whn went cast witli the U. of M. base ball club amcl beeame insane at Philadelphia: ■■It is the saddest oase ol' insanity I ever heard oï and lias aCtudlly brokèn me all up," solennily remarked Dr. H. R. Gaylord, of the St. Josepli's Hospital oi Vhiladelphia, at the Waru Hotel yesterday. The doctor, wlio Is au otó l'.ay city lxi.v, had just returned ironi (jalve.-ton, Iml., whvro he had taken W. .1. liarnos, iíh' unforluiKUe Michigan riiivt-rsHy student, who went jnsane ;u 'inL-idflliliia last I-'riday. Harivas on;; oï the piteher.-i oi the [ nivi-rsity il ii i e Tvhieh s;artrd on its n trip one weck ;i?o o-day. ' "The youoig' man showcd OÍiMi ev:uiroaehing troi :.■ way va.-:.'' said tfee doctor, "bnt it did not develope intö lïisaiity until .Saturday afterno'on, when l.e was taken to St. .losepb's Hospital. Sumday niglit he beeame dcjicrate and ran away from the hospital, jumping out of ttoe window, and was not fouind untii Monday morning. I started west wit li Mm Tuesday aiternoon, reaehing (ialveston on the afternoou of the following day. He beeame violent in the depot at Columbus, where we had to ehange cars early Wedneeday moruing, and I had to eall for assistancc irum ttoe bystanders in order to get Mm back into the car. He seemed to be fearing gome iinaginary mob on the train, which he persisted in eaying was after him. He objeeted to everythiimg and was very violent The niglit before he made a desperate attempt to conimit suicide. He wení to tlie closet and a he passed the waetotand he euddeniy caught up a glass tumbler. Sinashing this on the door knob, he tried to cut nis throat with! the jagged edges of a large piece of thte glass auiid was only pre-ented by haa-d work. I had to si up and watdh htn all durhig the night "The troubfc iis due to overwork, intensiLfied by the excitement of the rüp ol tiue ball club. ïhe boys said hat he Avorked ahead on his studies md went without sleep for several ïiglits, in order to be free to go easfi the club. This, coupled witli tjie eífects oí being hit on the head by a base ball a few days before the start, brought on a sad case of melanclroliii whieh has been progressive ant devetoped into Snsanity. He will hu taken to a-n aeylum, where with proper care, tJiere is every reason t]o hope Chat he willl peoover. But naw he isi physically and mentally very badly ofï. StHl it is a better sign where thiey break down in body and mind at tlue 'saaue time, for it furnishes an oppiortunüty bo ImKd up tlie body anc thtu help a-estore the niiirnd. 'He was tte prize boy of hls towai, very popular ainid of excellent family A large erowd rnet Qiiim at the depot, and ruaaiy wept as lie alighted. He was ratíomal then, knew everylxkTy arad greeted all pleasantly. "He was a sophoimore iiu tlie liiterary department at Ana Arbor and a iitne-looking, quiet, una-ssuming iellow. The boys, who wei-e all brokea up over the inteíortune to thelr íellow, say that lie was a better pitcher tliiaui Codd even. In the recent gaines againet the D. A. C. he is sai] to iiia-ve pitched like a fiend, and I cunnot but believe t'liat he was crazy tlien. He was weak physkally, and hls powerful pttching must have been due to au abnormal condition. He goes oif the haawMe the moment base ball its memtkmed tw him, however, and denles tinat he is the fellow who lias beein pitclüng. He says the boys changed luian. He remembers everjtLtog up to tle tinne of the ball trip, but it is a blank siince then. One tlidmg that has undoubtedly contri. buted t-o his sad toediition is his stant broodiing over the iact that his fatlier, mother aawl nine brothers and sisters, wittlïim three years have died of consimiptLon, and yet tliere appeaiu fco be siothiioig to indícate that consuniption has been heredatary in his family. This, and hits over-study, brooight om the meiancholia, witb wliiieh lie has probably been afflicted to a greatter or less extent for som time. He is iai uo sense dangerou to others, however, the nature of hi disease beiuig, rather, suicidal." La test taiorniatKMi ïrum Mr. Hai liess is ia-vwrabte, and it is though wifthout tlie toast doubt, that lie wil. entia-ely recover. Bro. Bloseer, oi' the Manchester Enterprise, while ion the city recently toök a genoral view oí the ciity, ant gives his opinión in the last issue o Inte paper as followe: -'The growtl and imiproveuient of Aun Arbor i womderfuV Waúle there last Satui day our frind 'öios. J. Keefh, one o the ïrwmlx'i-.s of the board of publi works, epit a portion of the foreïoon in tieattaig us to a ride abou the city and over the beautilul am roma-ntic dïüve om the north side o. the city, from whicli the city, wit itB weal'th of public buildings and pr vate residentes, beautifully shade streets and well kept lawns, are see upon the opposite slope, while i the ralley below flows the histori Huron. Tlie view fromi near the foun tain is one of the prettiest we knoA of and the citizens of the universit city ought to appreciate it. Xe builöiings are being erected in ever; portiom of the city and although ther ie no boom, yet we believe that ther are more buildings going up ther thaai there is at Jacksom or Lansing. Scliuh & Muehlig are doitag th plumbing and steam heatitag for th Emglmeer!tag and Law Department D. of M. J. P. Sdhfuh has sold 300 gewin machtoes ïn the last 12 months.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier