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At Minneapolis

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■ The sttuatio-n at the Minneapolis convent Jon Ivas become an exetting ene and no person can teil the probable resnlt It is evident that Blaine"s resig-r.ation was to defeat Harrisón, and it bad been skilfully Iwought about by the ant i-H arriso n men worteling the secretary of state up to a feelimg of iradignation against the president. As to whether he had reasou for it mo one knows, nor do the peöple beliieve he had. It looks like a lnue blunder which wïll bring discredit to the great mame and fa me of Blaiine. It is quite possible that Tilaiaie will be satisfipx! wjth defeatiny: tbe president's renominatron, and wiü the-n allow liis orees to turn to a new candidato. In that event Alger's chances willl be better than were Hayee' of GarfüekTs before they were jioiminated. Alger would be a vot winner and would be sure of electiou next f all. "How is it ooniimg out at Minneapolis ?" ie the questtem fired at everybody just now. Tlhiere are as many different opmions as thiere are preferences. The majority express the opinión that President Harrisón will be rennomimated. JIr. Blaine has his admirers, however, and so has Gen. A'lger. Secretary Rusk, of "Wisconsim, also hias an occasional advocate. Th d'emoerats profesa to be perfectly indifferent, and in a nonchalant manoer assert that "it makes no diiïferenct" who you nomínate, we will defeat him in November." But un.derneath their slee%'es you can no'tice a nervous twitchCaig all the time, that indicates a high ïever of excitement. One republican expressed hianself in this sensible 1'as.hion this a. m.: "I am anxiotis to see President Harrisón renominated, for I believe him to be the sfrangest candidate, but whoever the TCdom oí that convention select will receive my vote. I am a republican because I belteve in the principies of thiat party, cad it really makes little difference to me who thi standard bearer ie." Tuat's the kind of a republican to win victories. It is a goo-d tliing to beoome famous, especially in au athletlc way. Since the Courier office forcé has orgainized a Champion base ball nine. ■w hiten has shot into popularity and fame like a meteor, and remains steadfastly in the athletic sky like a fixel plainet, the challenges of those ha ving base ball eonceit have been pouriing in like an array of Colorado beetles after the first potato sprout th&t shows itseli above ground in the'spring. The last challenge comes from ttoe employés of the post office, Wtoo liave within them a íeelinR that they can "do up" our champione. They publish a challenge In the Daily Times of Monday. The challenge is accepted with a celeriity and unanimousness like unto tiiat displayed by Pres. Harrison in acceptlng Blaine's resigmatlon. Of course we feel sorry for tlue P. 0. employés. The contest, lnowever, 'm not one of the Courici' miine's seektag It luas been forced upon tbem, and they wiill not hold thlemseVvea responsible for tlie consequeaices. One cannot but admire the cool way into which the P. 0. iorce rushes into sure disaster and defeat, but it is tlue "impulsiveness of youth' whiioh aften 1-eadte into danger wliere restraiming influences are necessary. We are ready for battle, name the place and the hour and we will be thlere witli th-e umpire. One of our peacli growers thinks the long drenching rahis we have been having will be injurióme to the erop.


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